_The ELCA leadership loves ELCA Rev. Nadia Bolz-Weber. She is the face and voice of today’s ELCA. Bolz-Weber pastors a church whose website states it is “queer inclusive,” “social justice oriented” and “irreverent.” (see here) The ELCA leadership reveres this tattoo covered pastor (see here) so much she is constantly being brought in to speak at major ELCA gatherings, such as the "Sharing the Gospel in a 2.0 World" conference at ELCA headquarters (see here), ELCA seminaries (see here and here), ELCA synod conferences (see here), seven homosexual ELCA pastors Rite of Reception service (see here) and “Extravaganza” a ELCA conference of “500-750 adults who work with youth in congregations of the Evangelical Lutheran Church in America.” (see here)
The youth of the ELCA will even get to hear Pastor Bolz-Weber because she is going to be the opening night speaker for the 2012 ELCA National Youth Gathering which will likely have 35,000 to 40,000 youth and adults attending. (see here and here) And today we learn that Rev. Bolz-Weber presided over a re-naming liturgical rite for one of her transgender church members. Here is how the rite went: “(Prayers of the People) Presider: Holy One of Blessing, in baptism you bring us to new life in Jesus Christ and you name us Beloved. We give you thanks for the renewal of that life and love in Mary Christine Callahan, who now takes on a new name. Strengthen and uphold him as he grows in power, and authority, and meaning of this name: we pray in the Name above names, Jesus, your Son, whom with you and the Holy Spirit, the Triune God, we adore. Amen (Lindsey) A reading from the letter of Paul to the Galatians. There is no longer Jew or Greek, there is no longer slave or free, there is no longer male and female; for all are one in Christ Jesus The word of the Lord Thanks be to God (Laying on of hands) Let us pray: We pray for your servant Asher, with thanks for the journey and awakening that have brought him to this moment, for his place amongst your people, and for his gifts and calling to serve you. O God, in renaming your servants Abraham, Sarah, Jacob, Peter, and Paul, you gave them new lives and new tasks, new love and new hope. We now hold before you our companion. Bless him with a new measure of grace as he takes this new name. Write him again in your heart and on your palm. And grant that we all be worthy to call ourselves Christians, for the sake of your Christ whose name is Love, and in whom, with you and the Spirit, we pray. Amen The Giving of the name Pr. Nadia: By what name shall you be known? Kate: The name shall be Asher Asher: My name is Asher The community may respond by repeating Your name shall be Asher Pr. Nadia: Bear this name in the Name of Christ. Share it in the name of Mercy. Offer it in the name of Justice. Christ is among us making peace right here right now. The peace of Christ be with you all. And also with you.” (see here) On a side note, the said transgender member had this to say, “I’m currently pursuing candidacy towards ordained ministry in the ELCA.” (see here)
2/9/2012 09:57:07 am
You have taken the word of the Lord out of context
2/9/2012 10:56:29 pm
Deb, Please explain!!!!!
Bob Kitchen
2/10/2012 01:08:44 am
The truth is quite revealing. This is the kind of indoctrination that youth from our area will pay more than $1000 to hear (with transportation costs). Is this how the ELCA spreads the gospel to, and among, our youth?
Donna Smith
2/11/2012 10:59:45 am
I am so distressed that this pastor is the "face" of the ELCA, and will be shaping impressionably youth at the Gathering this year. I think more would flee the ELCA if they knew of this!
Jared Richards
2/12/2012 12:24:05 pm
Rev. Bolz-Weber is supporting a lucrative industry that preys on (and profits from) individuals with gender confusion. It's all disguised as Christian altruism, but here's what the Bible says: "A woman shall not wear a man's apparel, nor shall a man put on a woman's garment; for whoever does such things is abhorrent to the Lord your God." (Deut. 22:5 NRSV). "He that is wounded in the stones, or hath his privy member cut off, shall not enter into the congregation of the Lord." (Deut 23:1 King James Version).
3/27/2012 01:41:44 pm
Nadia Bolz-Weber simultaneously promotes two incompatible views: 1) that homosexuality is not sinful; 2) that homosexual desire is so horrifically evil that anyone who experiences it would rather imagine himself to be a woman trapped in a man's body (or vice versa) than admit to homosexuality.
3/6/2012 12:14:53 pm
She does NOT represent the entire ELCA or this ELCA leader. While many within the ELCA polity commends this, (which is unfortunate) there are MANY who are disconnected from the National church. Beware of guilt by association, or assuming the "publicized " news from the ELCA represents everyone. NOT all MUSLIMS are terrorists, just like all ELCA members are not functionally alligned with the liberal agenda.
3/13/2012 08:12:57 am
Dissenter: If you are an "ELCA leader," why do you dissent anonymously instead of going on record?
3/14/2012 08:17:56 am
When the ELCA successfully lobbies lawmakers, that affects me and everyone else, whether I am an ELCA member or not, whether I agree or not. Merely disagreeing secretly is not enough to combat an organization like the ELCA which is (institutionally speaking) corrupt AND aggressive. And if you financially support your synod, you're supporting the national church with its liberal agenda (see THE LUTHERAN HEDGEHOG, Fall 2009, p. 5).
6/11/2012 01:43:25 am
I am totally and completely appalled. God's word is very clear on homosexuality and using His word to bless a renaming of a transgender whom God made perfect, sin made imperfect, by using examples of Abraham, Sarah, Jacob, Peter and Paul is totally taking God's word out of context. They did not change their gender. They were being changed by God not by a surgeon. And we wonder why thoughtful, truly God-seeking people are leaving the ELCA? Even more appalling are the vast numbers the ELCA leadership is taking straight to hell with them by preaching heresy.
Former AIM
10/3/2012 05:20:59 am
I was shocked when my youth attended the assembly in the 1990's and were given condoms. This woman could just as well be a priestess of the church of Satan. I would go to a Wisconsin Synod church if there was one around. I retired at 40 and abandoned my pension and benefits because I won't be a part of this. I have enough sins of my own to account for at judgement, without having the sin of being associated with a church that preaches the gospel of secular humanism!
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Prove all things; hold fast that which is good.
1 Thessalonians 5:21 Dan Skogen
Former ELCA seminary student and former ELCA member who is fed up with the ELCA's consistent mockery of God's Word. If you have been helped and blessed by Exposing the ELCA's ministry, please help us continue to proclaim the truth of God's Word to ELCA members who need to hear it.
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