The other day, on my personal facebook page I wrote a message of praise to God because a church, that is near to where I grew up, voted to leave the ELCA. A facebook “friend” who it seems is an ELCA supporter, responded to my comment saying, "Sounds like you are praising the Devil, not God.” I challenged his comment and he responded by “unfriending” me. This kind of thing is not uncommon. I regularly received comments and emails from ELCA supporters who do not like me or Exposing the ELCA. Here are a few examples that I have gotten in the last few weeks - One person responded to my blog about using Ouija boards at an ELCA college (see here) said, “Dont point to the spec in your neighbors eye when there is a log in your own.” Another person said, “If you've left the ELCA, stop worrying about them. It is not your job to judge, it is God's. Worry about your own business. As a Christian, and a graduate of Concordia College, I am embarrassed for you. And may I just add that the 'devil worshiping, doors of hell opening' haunted house at Concordia was probably a great time, I wish I could have attended.” That same person also wrote, “Are you guys serious? Do you not have anything better to do with you time other than come up with reasons why the ELCA is a sinful organization? I think you're missing the whole point of the gospel. God loves the world. Done. End of story. Get over yourselves.” It’s obvious that most of the ELCA supporters who write to me do not know Scripture. These people make God in their own image, the way they want Him to be, which means the god they say they know, follow or worship is a false god. That brings me to this next ELCA supporter: I’ve been receiving long messages from someone who is very supportive of the ELCA’s acceptance of goddess worship. (don’t believe me about the ELCA’s involvement and acceptance of goddess worship? See here) Check out a few of the things this person has sent Exposing the ELCA - “Indeed, *herchurch* represents a denomination that God the Father *does* want to see being supported! And “You chose to believe your false interpretations of words in a book, edited & canonized by corrupt men with their own political-religious agenda of *controlling* the minds & beliefs of others. You chose this rather than actually pure-heartedly *seeking* Her Holy Spirit in your lives, to teach you "all things".” And “Praise Goddess that Her Spirit is so *alive* into this time! And *thank you* Heavenly Father for deciding that this is *Her* Time to come forth into history in the *Fullness* of Her Spirit, & that so many of us are privileged to be *alive* at this time to witness the beginnings of Your Further Revelations *as* Her.” Not knowing, believing or following Scripture makes one susceptible to many things, including goddess worship.
12/10/2012 11:19:04 am
Keep doing what you're doing. Following and standing up for God's truth is the NARROW ROAD. Jesus told us we would have opposition. Stand firm.
12/10/2012 08:42:10 pm
The ELCA, loving the praise of the world rather than the praise of God, has become part of the apostate "many" whom Paul denounces in 2 Corinthians 2:17. Dan and the churches who haven't capitulated to the world are still speaking "God's message in Christ, in the sight and presence of God."
12/10/2012 12:21:10 pm
Apparently your ELCA supporters have done no Bible reading except what is printed through the lectionary. I say this because Jude (all 1 chapter) is completely devoted to false teachers and is left out of the lectionary for all three years of the cycle.
Zachary Conner
12/10/2012 03:01:32 pm
In his article, "Why God Is Not Our Mother" (CHRISTIANITY TODAY, August 16, 1993, pp. 17-23), Dale Youngs offers an explanation why feminine language for God tends to gravitate toward pantheism: "A feminine goddess has given birth to the world! But if the creation has issued forth from the body of the deity, it shares in the deity's substance; deity is in, through, and under all things, and therefore everything is divine." Youngs goes on to say: "If God is identified with his creation, we finally make ourselves gods ad goddesses--the ultimage and primeval sin (Gen.3)."
Kathy S.
12/11/2012 03:34:11 am
It is now obvious to any observer that the ELCA -- along with the Episcopal Church -- is destroying -- or has already destroyed -- itself.
12/11/2012 11:13:49 am
One of the respondents said, "I think you're missing the whole point of the Gospel. God loves the world. Done. End of story." The respondent's understanding of the Gospel is that God "loves" (i.e. "likes" or "approves of") everyone and everything. There is nothing God disapproves of; there is no such thing as sin or wrongdoing. He does not see that, if there is no such thing as wrongdoing, he has no basis to condemn Dan Skogen's actions, though he does so anyway.
Janet Muldoon
12/16/2012 07:58:56 am
Chad..... So true.... The 'Pop Culture" believe.... we are saved regardless of what we do..... wrong...... read your Bible. We are, as Christians asked to TEACH by Word and example, Biblical Truth. However, on the other hand, in the end Jesus will be the one to come to judge the living and the dead. Leave judgement to Him...
12/20/2012 04:24:14 am
You are a defender of those who do not have the gifts to stand up to evil (ELCA) . You have the gifts and the courage to use them. I thank you so much for exposing the false prophets of the ELCA. They are truly evil men and women who take joy in deceiving the flock. Don't they know what they are due? I can't believe they don't know
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Prove all things; hold fast that which is good.
1 Thessalonians 5:21 Dan Skogen
Former ELCA seminary student and former ELCA member who is fed up with the ELCA's consistent mockery of God's Word. If you have been helped and blessed by Exposing the ELCA's ministry, please help us continue to proclaim the truth of God's Word to ELCA members who need to hear it.
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February 2025
Have nothing to do with the fruitless deeds of darkness, but rather expose them. - Ephesians 5:11