(The following article was written by Rev. Tom Brock of pastorsstudy.org. You can follow Pastor Brock on Facebook - here and Twitter - here.)
Today is the first day of gay pride month. Last year the head Bishop of the Evangelical Lutheran Church in American made a gay pride video and wrote the below message. Notice she talks about LGBT "siblings"--presumably because saying "brothers and sisters" is too binary and excludes transgender people. Here is the quote from Bishop Elizabeth Eaton: "But this celebration (of a pro-LGBT Supreme Court decision) and this Pride Month is not just something that happens one month out of the year. We celebrate all year round for the many gifts and the ways that this church and this country have been enriched by the gifts of LGBTQIA+ people. “Our congregations are stronger. Our communities are more vibrant. There's still more work to be done and we will do it. But we know that we're moving closer to the time when these siblings cannot be made invisible by the church or by the country. They are seen and always have been seen by God. And now we can see that, in fact, all of us, all of us are created in God's image. “Peace. Be well, dear church.” So here it appears we have the head bishop of a Lutheran denomination celebrating a sexual behavior which God's Word condemns (see my article "What does the Bible teach about homosexuality?" at pastorsstudy.org). Bishop Eaton has never said a contrary word about homosexual behavior and she promotes gay pride so I can't assume otherwise. BIshop Eaton has also publicly stated that the ELCA supports abortion rights. Also, I shopped at Target today which I rarely do, it is very liberal on social causes. I snapped the below picture (see here) and complained saying "I'm a conservative, I don't appreciate Target promoting this to people who are not where they are on the political spectrum." Yes, I realize complaining to Target will not do much, but it is better than doing nothing. Hopefully it gave the employee to whom I complained something to think about. In Jesus our Savior, Pastor Tom Brock PS When LGBT pride month comes I think of the verse Philippians 3:19 "Their end is destruction, their god is their belly, and they glory in their shame, with minds set on earthly things." It is tragic when the world does this, it is super tragic when the Church (ELCA Lutherans, PCUSA Presbyterians, the United Church of Christ, the Episcopal Church in America) does this
1 Comment
6/1/2021 07:25:02 pm
Bishop Eaton: "“Our congregations are stronger. Our communities are more vibrant. There's still more work to be done and we will do it..."
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1 Thessalonians 5:21 Dan Skogen
Former ELCA seminary student and former ELCA member who is fed up with the ELCA's consistent mockery of God's Word. If you have been helped and blessed by Exposing the ELCA's ministry, please help us continue to proclaim the truth of God's Word to ELCA members who need to hear it.
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