Ebenezer Lutheran Church in San Francisco, better known as "herchurch," is a goddess worshiping church that is operating in good standing and with the full knowledge of the Evangelical Lutheran Church in America (ELCA). The ELCA has placed their stamp of approval on the worship of false gods by their knowledgeable allowance of it. Here is what herchurch has been up to lately. What is better for Christmas than a prayer to the goddess Sophia, posted on their church Facebook page? - Next month herchurch will be offering an opportunity to partake in the Spring Equinox Women’s Ritual called "Animal Medicine." Herchurch describes this three-hour ritual saying, "In the silence of the quiet mind, we create the sacred fertility in which we receive the messages of Spirit. The Equinox is a time to honor and balance polarities – female/male, dark/light, body/spirit, below/above. Through the Earth and Sky Animal Medicine Spread, each participant will connect with specific aspects of animal spirit guides to interweave her own polarities and create greater balance within, and in the world as a whole." (see here or view screenshot below) Asking ELCA members to connect with "animal spirit guides" is really an invitation to connect with demonic spirits. Leviticus 19:31 says "You are to consult neither mediums nor familiar spirits. You are never to seek them—you'll just be defiled by them. I am the LORD your God." And God's Word tells us in 1 John 4:1 “Beloved, do not believe every spirit, but test the spirits to see whether they are from God, for many false prophets have gone out into the world.” What are the leaders of this church and the ELCA doing, allowing this kind of evil in the denomination? How about another prayer? This time to a creepy looking Irish goddess. Here are a couple of excerpts from the herchurch Facebook post: And Finally, herchurch has a list of books on the church website that they offer as "Recommended Reading." Here are a number of them: Rebirth of the Goddess by Carol P. Christ. Living in the Lap of the Goddess by Cynthia Eller She Who Changes, Re-Imagining the Divine in the World by Carol Christ The Alphabet Versus the Goddess by Leonard Shlain Mary Magdalene – Beyond the Myth by Esther De Boer The Creation of Feminist Consciousness by Gerde Lerna Return of the Great Goddess by Burleigh Muten The Heart of Christianity by Marcus J. Borg When God Was A Woman by Merlin Stone Saving Jesus From Those Who Are Right by Carter Heyward In Search of the Christa-Sophia by Jann Aldredge-Clanton This is crazy stuff.
Anonymous Disciple of Christ
2/16/2016 12:17:29 am
How is this an ELCA Church???
2/16/2016 04:56:35 am
Clint Schnekloth is right: The ELCA-approved Herchurch heretics do offer a "prophetic counter-point."
Rhonda W.
2/16/2016 08:59:07 am
I've never been a Lutheran. I'm a Catholic convert from a non-denominational Christian house church so i dont know the workings and leanings it'd of the ELCA. Based upon the literature you've presented I'm going to assume this "herchurch" is a neopagan group renting the ELCA facilities and they're not representative of an actual ELCA church belief system.
2/16/2016 11:07:33 am
Actually, Rhonda, Herchurch (aka Ebenezer/herchurch Lutheran) is a full-fledged member of the San Francisco Conference of ELCA Churches: http://sfconfelca.org/our-locations/
Kathy S.
2/16/2016 11:36:13 am
Rhonda -- I understand that you do not want to believe this, but herchurch is a bona fide ELCA congregation. The rationale for it is exactly what Clint Schnekloth writes....
Janis Kinens
2/18/2016 03:49:43 pm
I have never heard of her church but agree with Clint Schnekloth. Why? I remember something from the Scriptures that reads: "For whoever is not against us is for us!" Mark 9:40; Luke 9.49,50 Pretty straight forward I think. May God continue to bless her church!
Kathy S.
2/18/2016 07:16:06 pm
Janis -- The problem here is that you are being religious without being spiritual. This mindset is central to much of the confusion we see today. There is a spiritual realm -- a world of both good and evil spirits, and whether we like it or not, both the good and evil spirits have access to our souls -- and we must continually discern. -- Herchurch presents people with many "portals" to the realm of evil spirits. These activities may not seem evil -- just as the Ouija Board can seem like a harmless game for children, but it has proven evil consequences. It is very naïve to think that Herchurch is "not against" the Gospel.
Sasha Bill Kwapinski
2/18/2016 06:54:14 pm
If I want to connect with animal spirits I'll go to the animal shelter.
2/19/2016 08:43:42 pm
I left the ELCA almost ten years ago. I am now in the LCMS. I can't help but wonder why the ELCA even continues to make the pretense of being Lutheran, when they barely even acknowledge the Book of Concord. Ebenezer Lutheran is an organization that outright denies the Book of Concord, and is unfit to even be called a church. Sadly, Ebenzer Lutheran is also the best example of the direction that the ELCA heading. If the ELCA would get back to the words of the Bible, and study of the Book of Concord, it would be forced to repent of the last forty years of misguided, poor thinking, that has been at its core since the ALC-LCA merger. The ELCA is merely Lutheran in name only.
12/15/2016 05:55:02 pm
The ELCA is quite clearly no longer Christian; indeed it is quite openly anti-Christ. This is the sifting of the wheat and the tares spoken of in Matthew 13. This condition is far from surprising as it merely reflects the underlying reality which has been present in the lives of many who claim to be Christian; just try and have a serious discussion with almost any group of professing Christians about what the Bible actually says about hot moral issues such as divorce and remarriage, adultery, same sex relationships, same sex sexual activity and abortion and see how much acceptance there really is of God's Word. 2 Timothy 3 explains it well:
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1 Thessalonians 5:21 Dan Skogen
Former ELCA seminary student and former ELCA member who is fed up with the ELCA's consistent mockery of God's Word. If you have been helped and blessed by Exposing the ELCA's ministry, please help us continue to proclaim the truth of God's Word to ELCA members who need to hear it.
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