ELCA pastor and author Nadia Bolz-Weber is held in high esteem among the leadership of the Evangelical Lutheran Church in America. She is asked to speak at many large denominational gatherings and high-profile ELCA services indicating how she is revered in the denomination. The ELCA's Metropolitan New York Synod posted on Facebook that “Pastor Nadia is the closest thing the ELCA has to a rock star.”
Rev. Bolz-Weber was involved in Wicca before going to an ELCA seminary to become a pastor. On a Bolz-Weber book publicity tour, Nadia read to the audience from her memoir about this time of her life saying, “I had never stopped believing in God, not really. But I did have to go hang out with His aunt for awhile. She is called the goddess. My first experience with Wicca . . .” The ELCA 'rock star' goes on - “The goddess we spoke of never felt to me like a substitute for God but simply another aspect of the divine, like God's aunt or something. When I tell other Christians of my time with the goddess I think they expect me to characterize it as a period in my life when I was misguided and that now thankfully I have come back to both Jesus and my senses. But it's not like that. I can't imagine that the God of the universe is limited to our ideas of God. I can't image that God doesn't reveal Godself in countless ways outside of the simple system of Christianity. And in a way I need a god who is bigger and more nimble and more mysterious than what I could understand or contrive.” “In fact, I felt guided by god the whole time I sojourned outside of the church. The divine source of my life and my identity perhaps knew that I needed to bask in the female face of god for a good long while outside the church before I could ever return to it whole and able to see the divine feminine in my own traditional.” (see here) Wicca is a religion of witches, witchcraft and pentagrams. The Christian Bible is not God's Word, according to this idolatrous religion, and they do not worship the Triune God: Father, Son and Holy Spirit. The Wiccan deity is completely different from the God of the Bible. Yet the ELCA's “rock star” believes that the goddess worshipped by witches is just another dimension or persona of the God of the Bible. The female side of Him. Christians know Jesus as God's Son, but according to Bolz-Weber, the Wiccan goddess is his close relative. Another aspect of God. Like the fourth member of the Trinity? This is heresy. Bolz-Weber is a heretic. The Evangelical Lutheran Church in America lifts up this pastor as a leading teacher in the denomination. How could they do this? It's easy really; this is an acceptable teaching in the ELCA. The current issue of the official magazine of the ELCA, The Lutheran, states this clearly: “And sometimes we’d wonder just what God was up to in this religiously plural world. Perhaps — here’s a specifically Christian way of putting it — our learning from our neighbors of other faiths might just be giving us glimpses into dimensions of Christ’s lordship, and the saving activity of God the Trinity, that we hadn’t been expecting.” (read here) ----- Read more about the life and teachings of ELCA pastor Nadia Bolz-Weber (click here and scroll down).
12/6/2013 11:50:28 am
Bolz-Weber: "I can't image that God doesn't reveal Godself in countless ways outside of the simple system of Christianity."
12/7/2013 03:31:58 am
Nice, Didaskalos, and everything you say is true. (Personally, I just can't stand the tattoos. Such a bad influence on our kids.) But... a real prob with Nadia is that there is some truth in what she is saying.
1/25/2014 09:00:42 am
Actually LOL singing that but in reality, if they could get away with those lyrics, they would. Sad.
12/9/2013 07:01:41 am
Is this disgusting? Certainly. But is this really shocking? No. For as much as the ELCA and internet celebrate her, the reality is that she is pretty typical ELCA. She really fits right into the mould that the ELCA desires. The things that she is saying and doing fall perfectly in line with what they teach at their colleges and seminaries. I know this because I attended an ELCA college that got into a twist if you used masculine pro-nouns or believed that only those who have faith in Jesus Christ will go to heaven. I can recall a professor calling one young woman stupid in front of the entire class for saying that she believed in a literal six day creation. Bolz-Weber is a product of this environment, she is quite ordinary in the ELCA. If it looks like a duck, quacks like a duck, and walks like a duck - it's a duck. She's your typical liberal theologian who embraces Diversity, Justice, and Universalism. She rejects the authority of Scripture, which I'm sure began with influence from Higher-Criticism and its proponents, and she has just enough of a dark past to be moderately interesting as a human being. Tattoo's aren't much to be worked up over, they're pretty common, even among young clergy in the conservative Lutheran denominations. They just don't make a spectacle of themselves on account of their skin decor or use it as a marketing tool to be considered edgy or contemporary before the laity. Bolz-Weber truly is the perfect storm of ordinary ELCA. She represents the new standard for clergy in America's largest Lutheran body. It's about her, it's about worldly things, and none of it is about Christ crucified and salvation by faith alone in Him alone.
Carl W Baggett Jr
12/10/2013 03:01:33 pm
Where is Saint Nicholas when we need him?
12/13/2013 04:01:21 am
I keep holding out hope that these are the extreme fringe of the ELCA, but I keep seeing things like these statements from Pr. Bolz-Webber and stories about HerChurch in San Francisco, CA http://www.herchurch.org/. Where is the outrage? Where is the call for repentance within the ELCA? One must conclude that the denomination endorses these beliefs and actions. To paraphrase a Baptist leader said, they have lost Evangelical because they have no sin and therefore have no need for the Gospel, they've lost Lutheran because they approve all the things the Formula of Concord condemns, they've lost Church because they no longer teach the Word or administer the Sacraments rightly, which leaves them being a very American religious group. It's so sad.
Myron Hayes
12/17/2013 11:01:27 am
"Common sense, disregarding the discomfort, or even the horror, which the idea of turning all our theological language into the feminine gender arouses in most Christians, will ask 'Why not? Since God is in fact not a biological being and has no sex, what can it matter whether we say "He" or "She," "Father" or "Mother," "Son" or "Daughter?"'
Myron Hayes
12/17/2013 12:38:51 pm
"Priestesses in the Church?" is posted in its entirety at http://www.acahome.org/anglican_documents/cs_lewis_priestess.html
1/24/2014 12:06:50 pm
Beware of false speech even at church Be a individual E.L.C. A is falling into a trap Of false-hoods
3/12/2014 02:42:50 pm
I Timothy 4:1-2 "Now the Spirit expressly says that in latter times some will depart from the faith, giving heed to deceiving spirits and doctrines of demons, speaking lies in hypocrisy, having their conscience seared with a hot iron:"
The Reverend D. Mitchell Evans
9/25/2017 04:22:15 pm
Thank you. Absolutely. False teacher.
Joe B.
3/15/2014 04:22:22 am
I'm very troubled by the filters the ELCA is putting on our current pastoral search. The candidates we have interviewed all seem more concerned with promoting "new theology" than teaching the actual text of the Bible. The candidates we have been given are folks who have had crazy lives who are now on second "Carriers" as ELCA Pastors. Do you know of any pastors, who love the word of God, the teachings of Martin Luther, who even (dare I say it ) agree with Calvinist doctrines, who want to pastor a church that loves God, HIs Son and HIs Word? This Church is in a semi-rural community that is a great place to raise kids. But we are not even given the names of candidates who who have small children and 30 years of their career left. Can you help us out?
Dan Skogen
3/15/2014 05:28:43 am
The Reverend D. Mitchell Evans
9/25/2017 04:24:18 pm
The ELCA and other mainline liberal expressions are dabbling in one world religion which is not only heretical but lead to destruction.
V. Rev. David L. Rogers
2/14/2019 03:26:24 pm
I left this completely apostate so-called 'church' in 2001 and have not missed it ten minutes since.
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1 Thessalonians 5:21 Dan Skogen
Former ELCA seminary student and former ELCA member who is fed up with the ELCA's consistent mockery of God's Word. If you have been helped and blessed by Exposing the ELCA's ministry, please help us continue to proclaim the truth of God's Word to ELCA members who need to hear it.
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