Jim Hazelwood, Bishop of the New England Synod of the ELCA went to a youth camp this summer and taught the heresy of universalism to the 450 youth in attendance. The bishop held what he called, “Text and Talk with the Bish” where he invited the youth to text him any questions and then stood before them for 15 minutes and answered many of the texts he received.
Bishop Hazelwood blogged about his heretical teaching, sharing that one student texted, “Do you think god sends nonbelievers to hell?” Bishop Hazelwood gave this answer to the youth, “No, I don't think God sends nonbelievers to hell, because God is not in that business. Plus it's not about what we believe, it's about the fact that God believes in us." (read here) What kind of answer is, “God believes in us”? And it doesn't matter what we believe? Bishop, you are teaching the non-Biblical belief of universalism, the belief that all people will be saved. People of the ELCA, do you see the damage this teaching will do to the 450 youth listening and the countless number of people who hear this belief that is constantly spouted within the ELCA? Bishop Hazelwood's statement is downright false, deceiving, dangerous and against Christian teaching. God tells us in John 1:12, “Yet to all who did receive him, to those who believed in his name, he gave the right to become children of God.”
Dan C
10/8/2013 11:14:15 pm
To the Bishop: Silly or serious, as you say? Maybe you should have considered Mark 9:42 and Luke 17:1-2 before answering.
Chuck Braun
10/11/2013 03:01:57 am
It would be better if this bishop were thrown into the sea with a millstone around his neck, according to Jesus. If this is what the bishop believes, he is no Christian, and should take a position as a clergyman in the Unitarian Universalist church. But I guess a nice paycheck, a fancy robe, a mitre and a crozier are too hard to give up.
12/4/2013 07:04:55 am
TEC is the worse and I hate it because I know a good bit of Bible believing, Gospel spreading Episcopalians that are hurt by their leaders actions. I even emailed their queen bishop about her "personal salvation" heresy once. I cannot believe a Christ believing church would apologize for spreading the Gospel. May God help them. Sad, just sad. Thank God I found the LCMS.
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1 Thessalonians 5:21 Dan Skogen
Former ELCA seminary student and former ELCA member who is fed up with the ELCA's consistent mockery of God's Word. If you have been helped and blessed by Exposing the ELCA's ministry, please help us continue to proclaim the truth of God's Word to ELCA members who need to hear it.
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February 2025
Have nothing to do with the fruitless deeds of darkness, but rather expose them. - Ephesians 5:11