Whether you like Donald Trump or not, the statements and planned actions of Timothy Marcus Smith, Bishop of North Carolina Synod, ELCA are disgraceful. He is rallying people and going to a planned speaking engagement to protest against Donald Trump. It will be at Lenoir-Rhyne University, an ELCA school that has invited Mr. Trump to speak.
Here is a part of what the bishop said last Friday: "My position: This candidate, in my opinion not only as a private citizen but as a bishop in this Church, is a farce, an embarrassment, and a danger to nearly everything I hold dear. That he this late in the game is still leading one of our major political parties with his rhetoric fueled by fear and anger is diametrically opposed to any reckoning of the Gospel of Jesus Christ I can imagine. Even leading 'Evangelicals' have said as much. My plan: Assuming he indeed shows up, I plan to be there, clerical collar and bishop's cross on, to protest NOT the fact that he's there but his platform that would deny refugees access, that would invoke violence at every turn, and that would stir up bigotry and hatred. I could go on, but you get the point. I would be deeply honored to be the one escorted out or even punched out as the heckler that Trump so condescendingly points out at each rally. But I won't try to drive out hate with more hate and anger. I will stand there, pray, sing, march, chant, wave signs, whatever I need to do and with whatever consequence to say, 'This is not who we are, America. This is not who we are, North Carolina. This is not who we are, Church.' And I hope the reporters and the cameras are there, and I hope they might care what I/we have to say in the name of Jesus." (see here or the screenshots below) ELCA bishop Timothy Marcus Smith has asked for others to join him and from the looks of the comments he is getting on Facebook, there will be a bunch of ELCA pastors and members doing just that. The bishop's Facebook post has garnered nearly 900 "likes." The bishop's statement is another example of the typical rhetoric of the ELCA and liberals --to brand anyone who disagrees with them on certain policies a "hater" or "racist." They have done so to Bible-believing Lutherans for at least the last 6 years. And is trying to silence someone and disrupt someone's speech really a Godly action? The ELCA is controlled by radical liberals who support their political causes while twisting Scripture to make it sound like they are on Christ's side. Name me one ELCA bishop that has gone to Washington D.C. to March for Life? Or how about an ELCA bishop protesting politicians who advocate killing of unborn children? That is a cause worth standing up for! But there are none. --- Update: Bishop Smith is now saying "After consultation with many, many people, I am for sure not going into the auditorium..." but he and those with him will be getting "as close to PE Monroe (the auditorium where Trump will speak) as the police and Secret Service will let us get." (see here)
3/14/2016 03:55:05 pm
"There are six things the Lord hates, seven that are detestable to him: haughty eyes, a lying tongue, hands that shed innocent blood, a heart that devises wicked schemes, feet that are quick to rush into evil, a false witness who pours out lies, and a man who stirs up dissension among brothers." (Proverbs 6:16-19)
3/14/2016 06:54:14 pm
"In the same way you judge others, you will be judged, and with the measure you use, it will be measured to you." (Matthew 7:2)
Sasha Kwapinski
3/15/2016 06:22:19 pm
Why not just make at official and come right out and state that anyone who supports Trump cannot be a Christian? Then people can decide if they agree with the good Bishop of NC or if he has lost all credibility? People support Trump for a multiplicity of different reasons and concerns. Condemning them across the board as non-Christian is skating on thin ice. (This coming from a non-Trump supporter).
Dennis Di Mauro
3/17/2016 03:22:23 pm
I have no problem with a bishop protesting Trump or any other candidate who appears to be opposing the gospel of Jesus Christ. We should be doing more of this, not less. We need to boldly speak out in prophetic witness in our political system. So I applaud this bishop for speaking out against a misogynistic bully (his comments against Megan Kelly are unrepeatable) who wants to ban all Muslims from the US and wants to kill the family members of terrorists like a two bit mafia thug.
3/18/2016 09:08:06 am
Since Rev. Di Mauro could not bring himself to repeat Donald Trump's exact words, I'll do it for him. Mr. Trump said, "I do not think Megyn Kelly is a quality journalist." You can read the whole story at http://www.washingtimes.com/news/2015/aug/25/trump-i-dont-think-megyn-kelly-quality-journalist/?page=all
3/17/2016 05:21:25 pm
While I am NOT a supporter of any politician at this time, I am against religious organizations getting involved in the political process and any organization should pay the price according to the law. The IRS is very explicit about what the ELCA did. They (The ELCA) and any church that had a pastor involved in this shameful demonstration needs to lose their tax exempt status according to the law. https://www.irs.gov/pub/irs-pdf/p1828.pdf Chapter 7 spells out that "they must not participate in, or intervene in, any political campaign on behalf of (or in opposition to) any candidate for public office".
3/17/2016 11:40:49 pm
I am embarrassed by the ELCA Bishop. He should not have participated in the demonstration of encouraged anyone to participate. He is very fortunate he was not reported and in the news media which would have been another embarrassment to the ELCA. I have not decided who I will vote for later in the year. God has given me wisdom to do my own research and not rely on sounds bytes from the media that distortes the truth. I don't want anyone saying if I am a Christian or not by the way I vote. We are not to judge. We are trying to build the ELCA up and this type of behavior will for sure split us even more. It reminds me of the behavior of Westboro Baptist. I am embarrassed and disappointed in the ELCA.
Nick Hobson
3/18/2016 07:46:40 am
"Jesus said, 'My kingdom is not of this world.'" (John 18:36).
Nick Hobson
3/20/2016 07:02:42 pm
"The emperor may follow the example of David in waging war to drive the Turk out of his country." (Augsburg Confession, Article 21, Section 1) http://bookofconfcord.org/augsburgconfession.php#article19
3/22/2016 05:15:42 pm
I recommend watching the video "Jihad Returns to Belgium" at www.answeringmuslims.com.
Ruth Daggett
9/28/2016 11:05:20 am
I am very disappointed when I see political signs on our pastors cars. Lutherans are taught not to judge others. Perhaps Trump is a King Solomon We are voting for our principles not a person
5/17/2017 04:41:00 pm
First thing Comrade Smith. We are not a democracy. We are a constitutional republic. Second. It's OK for your church hierarchy to play around on their wives, (Brian) with other women and men, but Trump is bad. You and the dude from Hickory was not too good either Comrade Tim. And you think Trump needs to step down.
Carmen Divers
5/4/2019 07:28:55 am
whatever happened to separation of church and state? regardless of his personal views..the bishop had no right to be there representing the church!! clearly his own personal views/agenda have exceeded the tenants of our constitution. this among many reasons is why i am glad we left elca for missouri synod!!
Jim Stevens
6/2/2020 02:03:12 pm
ELCA needs to keep their eye on Jesus and forget politics. I quit this church once because of the constant political left wing rhetoric from it's leadership. Every time I read stuff like this it reminds me why!
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1 Thessalonians 5:21 Dan Skogen
Former ELCA seminary student and former ELCA member who is fed up with the ELCA's consistent mockery of God's Word. If you have been helped and blessed by Exposing the ELCA's ministry, please help us continue to proclaim the truth of God's Word to ELCA members who need to hear it.
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