ELCA Assembly Calls on the Denomination to Use “Gender-Inclusive and Expansive” Language for God8/15/2019 (The following article was written by Rev. Tom Brock of pastorsstudy.org. You can follow Pastor Brock on Facebook - here and Twitter - here.)
At this week's national assembly of the Evangelical Lutheran Church in America, delegates passed a statement decrying sexism and calling for "gender-inclusive and expansive" language for God. (See here) The ELCA's hymnbook years ago removed all the masculine pronouns for God in the Psalms and the hymnal contains a hymn "Mothering God, you gave me birth." It appears that the ELCA leadership wants more. One ELCA congregation called Herchurch in California worships the goddess Sophia and uses the prayer "Our Mother who is within us, we celebrate your many names". Herchurch's pastor had a retreat in which (according to its website) “Pastor Stacy... invited us to form our own images in clay of Asherah, the mother goddess of the Canaanites..." to aid them in worshipping the Divine Feminine. If you know your Old Testament, God forbade the ancient Jews from worshipping the false gods Asherah and Baal. Years ago some ELCA Lutherans in Iowa complained to the Iowa bishop about Herchurch. The Iowa bishop asked the California bishop about the situation. The Iowa bishop then wrote "“After visiting with the bishop (in California) and with another synod staff member... there is an acknowledgement that this congregation ‘pushes around the edges’ on matters that make some of us uncomfortable. Things...seen by many to be outside the bounds, but don't rise to level of anything in the disciplinary arena. Speaking explicitly about the pastor and regular worship experience there, when folks have ‘dropped in unannounced’ they have experienced preaching that is decidedly within Lutheran orthodoxy and worship that is familiar and done with integrity. It was said that this small congregation is serving the local community very well..." If anyone doubts it is time to leave the ELCA, go to the herchurch.org website and see the idolatry that the ELCA permits. There has never been any discipline of Herchurch by the ELCA bishop. If goddess worship is now within Lutheran orthodoxy and "done with integrity", something has gone very, very wrong in the ELCA. Sincerely in Christ, Pastor Tom Brock
William A Carpenter
8/16/2019 11:05:45 am
We are having churches split and divide because of nuts like these people coming up with some of the dumbest crap I have ever seen. I spent two years in Bethal Bible class to be one of ten to teach our congregation, others more qualified than I were picked to teach. I can't beleive nuts like this would do this to words in the Bible. I was upset last week church service to learn of these nuts promoting scanuary cities and against the border wall. I spent a livetime servicing office machines in many churchesin central Wisconsin. Letting these nuts have control over churches in the ELCA , will destroy religion in America. It is bad enough that socialism has taken over the Democrat party. Having nut like this destroy my church, I will give for maintenance but not a penny to the synod. I had a letter in the Berlin Journal about this, this week. It was about how I had fell in a manhole while a salesman was showing me cars, I wrote now the dumb think is I should have called that a maintenance hole.
Dan Larson
8/16/2019 06:14:25 pm
What a waste of time and energy - while thousands - perhaps millions of Lutherans are being led down a primrose path of deceit, heresy and eternal judgment.
Patricia Bratt
8/16/2019 09:20:36 pm
Well it looks like the E.L.C.A. is digging itself deeper into hell. Or maybe they are planning on becoming part of the New World Religion via the Pope.
MN Reader
8/17/2019 05:12:40 pm
Apparently the ELCA leaders did not screen the voting delegates quite enough at the August national convention as the gender-inclusive vote only passed by 97%! Must have been the same "uninformed" delegates that also voted against becoming a sanctuary church!
3/22/2021 08:30:28 am
It hurts to see what they have done to our church, but, I too will give to maintenance and not to the ELCA Synod, which has departed from the Word of God. This is not Martin Luther's Church. He would vomit to see what they have done to his movement It is disgraceful what these leaders from ELCA have done to our church in order to satisfy their sin and carnal minds, instead of the God's Word. They will have the consequences, when they meet Jesus on Judgement Day and say "But, Lord, look what I did for you," and He will answer, "I DO NOT KNOW YOU."
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Prove all things; hold fast that which is good.
1 Thessalonians 5:21 Dan Skogen
Former ELCA seminary student and former ELCA member who is fed up with the ELCA's consistent mockery of God's Word. If you have been helped and blessed by Exposing the ELCA's ministry, please help us continue to proclaim the truth of God's Word to ELCA members who need to hear it.
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