The Bible tells us to “Test all things; hold fast that which is good.” - 1 Thessalonians 5:21. In 1 John 4:1 it says, “Dear friends, do not believe every spirit, but test the spirits to see whether they are from God, because many false prophets have gone out into the world."
In the process of a church voting to stay or end their affiliation with the ELCA, the denomination requires the congregation to meet with their synod’s bishop. During a number of these meetings, over the past couple of months, I’ve received reports from various individuals, from different congregations, that an ELCA bishop has been giving congregations and their members false information about my academic standing while I was studying at an ELCA seminary. This bishop publicly announced that I “flunked out” of seminary. To be perfectly clear, this ELCA bishop is not telling the truth. I have the papers to prove it. It is an underhanded, desperate, and dishonest move by an ELCA leader. The ELCA leadership can not defend the positions, teachings and actions of their denomination, so like today's politicians, some choose to attack the messengers. This bishop doesn’t even use facts; he announces false information to congregations, in all likelihood hoping it will serve his cause to keep congregations in the ELCA, to avoid answering for the issues I’ve brought forth and to make people doubt the multitude of information on my website. This is slander. I hope you are “testing the spirits” in everything the ELCA leadership has to say. If you have heard similar “reports” from an ELCA leader which are personally damaging and cause harm to the reputation of, would you please contact me? (go here) I will have more to say about this in the future. Dan Skogen
4/2/2012 01:37:35 pm
Sounds like slander and/or libel. Both crimes with substantial civil penalties
Chuck Hyneman
4/2/2012 01:48:42 pm
Similar experience with the bishop of the Central States Synod. He lied in a document about a pastor who opposed the ELCA's 2009 Resolutions. When confronted he could not support the lie but would not retract it. ELCA bishops are mostly, of not all, weak cowards. I have been following their actions and that is my honest conclusion.
C Hyneman
4/3/2012 12:39:02 pm
I have been thinking that the term "weak cowards" is too strong. The one ELCA bishop I am familiar with personally is not an honest man. He hurts people. He is corrupt. The others, mostly in Iowa, Minn and Wisconsin who I have read about appear to be the same type of people. These people are supposed to be holy men of God. What happened? I recently read where one bishop who looked into the matter said HerChurch, Ebenezer Lutheran in San Francisco is within the "norm" of the ELCA. isn't that the problem?
4/7/2012 03:37:47 am
No problem, according to ELCA leadership. Condoms, anyone? You can get 'em in some ELCA churches. Gay-marriage advocacy, anyone? The ELCA will join your lobbying efforts. Bowdlerization of the Bible, anyone? The ELCA will show you committee reports that asserts some sins really *aren't* sins anymore. Abortion, anyone? Come work for the ELCA, in whose health care it's authorized for any reason up to 20 weeks.
4/2/2012 03:17:33 pm
"[T]he Leninist vision of politics as apocalyptic warfare...flow[s] inexorably from the radical belief in a redeemed social future. If the object of political activity is a new millenium, what means would not be justified to achieve that end? Conservatives are not believers in utopian redemption, but radicals are--which is why they are seduced into thinking the end justifies the means. (David Horowitz, INDOCTRINATION U.: THE LEFT'S WAR AGAINST ACADEMIC FREEDOM, [New York: Encounter Books, 2007], p. 30.)
Ed James
4/3/2012 01:15:09 am
While the subject is different, the duplicity of the ELCA is shown in my example. I was a member over 45 years and my wife's ancestors were charter members in the 1840's. I ushered for 40 years, served as President, Vice President, and was Treasurer for 11 years. Following the ELCA decisions a group of use attempted to practice our so called bound conscience. We respectfully submitted a resolution at the annual meeting to stay with previous policy. The Pastor's spouse (also an ELCA Pastor) advised the President to cut me off mid sentence. The Pastor then stood up and did only what could be described as "Bible Bashing". We lost by a small margin considering how the sheep followed their misguided leader. Most of us have subsequently left the congregation so she has smooth sailing. Since then she has endorsed increasingly liberal theology and politics to a increasingly declining base. We are in Wisconsin. The Pastor and Deacons were actually signing and passing around recall petitions against the Governor in the church building.
C. Jensen
4/3/2012 04:02:51 pm
Congregations considering adopting their own ministry standards should be aware that if they alter their constitution, they are automatically required to incorporate all the changes made to the Model Constitution for Congregations in 2011 that make it more difficult to leave the ELCA (see THE LUTHERAN HEDGEHOG, Fall 2009, pages 3, & 7).
4/6/2012 01:12:36 am
Martin Luther must have foreseen the ELCA's "leaders" coming. Craving the praise of the secular world, today's "shepherds" forfeit the praise of God.
4/6/2012 01:43:54 am
Interesting, isn't it, that as Dan is being calumniated by ELCA leadership for exposing ELCA apostasy and hypocrisy, that same ELCA leadership is being warmly applauded by their sin-approving brethren in the world for "broad-minded tolerance," "inclusivity," and "openness."
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Prove all things; hold fast that which is good.
1 Thessalonians 5:21 Dan Skogen
Former ELCA seminary student and former ELCA member who is fed up with the ELCA's consistent mockery of God's Word. If you have been helped and blessed by Exposing the ELCA's ministry, please help us continue to proclaim the truth of God's Word to ELCA members who need to hear it.
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Have nothing to do with the fruitless deeds of darkness, but rather expose them. - Ephesians 5:11