A report from the 2014 ELCA Conference of Bishops reveals that at least one ELCA bishop is using deceitful tactics to subvert churches' wishes to not have a homosexual pastor. ReconcilingWorks, a liberal Lutheran LGBT rights organization reports -
“Later that day, one bishop told me about the challenges of placing a qualified gay candidate. Instead of giving up, he's getting creative, introducing this future pastor to potential churches through supply preaching.” (read here) What happened to respecting a congregation's view of Scripture and their desire to not have a pastor who is proudly living in sin? If you are in a church that stayed in the ELCA, thinking homosexual issues wouldn't affect you, think again. The ELCA is hitting congregations over the head with this issue, and now there is evidence that at least one bishop is going to extraordinary lengths to get practicing homosexuals in your pulpit. ReconcilingWorks and other LGBT advocacy organizations were invited to speak to the gathering of ELCA bishops and ReconcilingWork's goal was to convey to the bishops “the need to support LGBT candidates and to encourage congregations to call them.” The ELCA Upstate New York Synod describes the discussion at the Conference this way - “The Placement of Gay, Lesbian, Bisexual, Transgender, and Queer candidates for ministry. Guests who are part of Proclaim and the Extraordinary Lutheran Ministries joined the bishops for conversations about how placement is going across this church and to share best practices as well as concerns.” (read here) The ELCA is showing that they do not respect a congregation's desire to adhere to God's Word on homosexuality.
3/27/2014 01:39:27 am
The 2009-vintage ELCA: “. . .this church on the basis of the bound conscience will include these different understandings and practices within its life as it seeks to live out its mission and ministry in the world.” (Human Sexuality: Gift and Trust, p. 19-20)
3/28/2014 03:44:25 am
Talk about agenda-exposing juxtapositions. The ELCA Upstate New York Synod's Spring 2014 Conference of Bishops [linked in Dan's post] listed these discussion items in consecutive order:
Kathy Suarez
3/29/2014 05:27:58 am
I am observing the situation of placing gay pastors through the experience of an ELCA church of a friend of mine. Her church is in the process of helping place an intern who is openly, "proudly" gay. To date, he has not been accepted by any church. I think there are several issues here. First, this must be terrible and humiliating for the intern. He was trained and educated by the ELCA, which led him to believe he would be welcomed with open arms by churches of the denomination. I think he was set up. Second, what hypocrisy! Openly gay pastors are fine for "thee" -- for thy church -- but not mine. Typical mindset of liberals. A gay pastor could cause their membership to drop further and they don't want to take the chance.
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Prove all things; hold fast that which is good.
1 Thessalonians 5:21 Dan Skogen
Former ELCA seminary student and former ELCA member who is fed up with the ELCA's consistent mockery of God's Word. If you have been helped and blessed by Exposing the ELCA's ministry, please help us continue to proclaim the truth of God's Word to ELCA members who need to hear it.
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