(The following article was written by Rev. Tom Brock of pastorsstudy.org. You can follow Pastor Brock on Facebook - here and Twitter - here.) A few years ago a Chicago newspaper asked Elizabeth Eaton, head bishop of the liberal Evangelical Lutheran Church in America, "Is there a Hell?" Her response: "There may be, but I think it's empty." I am not aware of one time when Bishop Eaton wrote or talked about the centrality of reaching lost souls with the saving gospel of Christ. So if everyone is saved, the ELCA must find other things to do with its time and money. For Bishop Eaton, that has included producing two gay pride videos and the recent video below about "climate justice". Go to elca.org and look through the ELCA's news releases and you will find much mention of liberal political causes. Sadly, evangelism is rarely mentioned and pro-life issues are absent. In fact, Eaton in a press release some time ago reminded people that the ELCA supports abortion rights. I hope you attend a good church that preaches what Jesus preached: There is a heaven and a hell and it is only through faith in Jesus Christ that we can be saved (John 14:6, Acts 4:12, Acts 16:31). In Christ, Pastor Tom Brock
(The following article was written by Rev. Tom Brock of pastorsstudy.org. You can follow Pastor Brock on Facebook - here and Twitter - here.)
The Evangelical Lutheran Church in America is inviting all of its pastors to a gathering in Phoenix this July. Many “caucuses” and workshops will be offered by the ELCA to its pastors, and much of it reads like a wish list of liberal theology. One workshop will be led by Jamie Bruesehoff, an LGBTQ+ advocate and pastor’s wife and the mother of a boy who identifies as a girl. Two summers ago, when the boy was 12 years old, he spoke to 31,000 ELCA teenagers at the ELCA Teen Gathering to promote transgenderism. Here is another workshop at the upcoming ELCA pastors gathering: “LGBTQIA+ Identities in Ministry Caucus ...Rostered ministers who identify as LGBTQIA+ are invited to a caucus and share a time of celebration, sharing, and solidarity. We will take time for...a ritual of celebration of queerness. This caucus is for those who identify as a gender and sexual minority and not allies”. Even the secular pro-gay group GLAAD will show up with the below workshop which seeks to teach pastors how to leverage the media in hopes of getting the “moveable middle” to become pro-gay: “Calling for Justice in our Modern Media Landscape Deacon Ross Murray, Senior Director, GLAAD Media Institute...Participants will learn how to leverage the media and articulate a message of God's justice. Equipped with research and best practices gleaned from 30 years of LGBTQ advocacy, the GLAAD Media Institute will work with participants to communicate their message with the movable middle while combating the often-polarizing narrative surrounding faith and social justice.” Mary Streufert, Director for ELCA Justice for Women, will offer a workshop on expanding God language, which usually means moving beyond God the Father language and using feminine language for God. Such are among the offerings at the upcoming ELCA pastors gathering. And such is the reason liberal, mainline denominations like the ELCA, the United Church of Christ, the Episcopal Church in America, the Disciples of Christ, and the PCUSA Presbyterians continue to shrink and shrink. In Jesus our Savior, Pastor Tom Brock (See ELCA workshops here) The Evangelical Lutheran Church in America cares about this planet, and that is admirable. But all too often this platform results in extreme measures and calling for policies based on questionable-science and conclusions. In an article from the ELCA's Living Lutheran website, Amy Reumann, Director of ELCA Advocacy, states,
"Climate change is the result of human sinfulness, as we in the U.S. consume more than our fair share of natural resources through unsustainable lifestyles and energy use while those who contribute least to greenhouse gas emissions are suffering its impacts the most.” (See here) Ruth Ivory-Moore, the ELCA Program Director for Environment and Corporate Responsibility, similarly states, “All of creation is experiencing the impact of global warming. These extreme weather patterns result in unprecedented floods, droughts and wildfires, and rising sea levels that are leading to the degradation of the earth. And the consequences are not being borne equally. The most vulnerable among us are paying a higher price; that is, they are disproportionately impacted with extraordinary losses and damages. We are truly in a dire situation, but there is hope—both spiritually and scientifically.” These are highly questionable statements. Offering dollars given to the ELCA go to pay for this kind of advocacy.
Just days ago, the Evangelical Lutheran Church in America (ELCA) displayed their support for "climate justice" by posting an article on Facebook titled "As Climate Summit begins, Churches Call for Action Now!"
The ELCA Facebook post quoted the article saying, "As people of faith, we call on the nations gathered at this summit to act ambitiously to address the impact of climate change.” ELCA Advocacy also chimed in on climate change with this post: From the Southwestern Texas Synod of the ELCA: More on climate change from ELCA Advocacy:
The ELCA also offered a webinar called "Moving Forward: A Guide to Climate Action For Your Congregation and Community." More can be found on the ELCA website on their "environment" page.
The Evangelical Lutheran Church in America produced a new video that tells people to "Talk about climate change with your families, friends, colleagues and local congregations."
And, states, "Studies have shown that congregations where pastors talk about climate change have people who are more likely to engage in taking care of creation and to advocate for climate solutions." See the video below. It is good to care about the Earth, but there is a great deal of debate about climate change and if it is caused by humans. The ELCA has decided it is. But beyond that, why isn't the ELCA encouraging people to believe in the Lord Jesus Christ for the forgiveness of their sins? You don't hear that message, and it is of utmost importance. Life on Earth is certainly important, but this is how we have true life now and eternal life in heaven. Here is an environment page on ELCA.org where the video can also be found.
The statement below is written by an ELCA pastor who posted this on an ELCA facebook page -
“After last night I am close to despair. There are so many now who will be out of the scope of concern in policy and practice. More time will be wasted trying to take new health insurance from those newly covered. Keystone will probably be approved to the detriment of the land, creatures and people from whom it will be taken. National parks and sanctuaries will be in danger. Safety nets will be cut to pay back the money poured into this election. Any new Supreme Court justices will be anti Roe v Wade and pro Citizen's United. Global climate change is now in the hands of people don't believe in science and creationism will be supported in science classrooms.... These are the platforms that our newly elected politicians won on. I am so disappointed that we are the self elevating, it's all about me, to Hell with the poor nation owned by money. Here is Iowa we now have Steve King and Joni Ernst in Washington. As John Steward said, last night money won. Ideas lost. As advocates for the least among us we will need to be vigilant and even more counter cultural. Kyrie eleison.” 60 ELCA people “liked” this post. Anybody else have problems with this ELCA pastor's lament? The Evangelical Lutheran Church in America begs for YOUR money in a new video saying, "When we launched 'Always Being Made New,' the campaign for the ELCA, we envisioned all of us, every synod, congregation and member coming together to achieve things we never thought possible." --- The ELCA's Oregon Synod promotes the People's Climate March in Portland. (read here) ---
Guess what Lutheran Denomination is NOT served by Lutherans For Life? (find out here) --- Showing their satanic inspired stupidity the World Council of Churches, of which the ELCA is a member, Demands Israel Release Terrorists. The article states “The World Council of Churches (WCC) is holding its annual 'World Week for Peace in Palestine Israel' (WWPPI) this week, calling on Israel to release jailed terrorists - despite the severity of their crimes and the abundance of terrorists immediately returning to terror.” (read here) The Lutheran, an ELCA magazine, published a story this month under their section “Deeper understandings” and the topic was “Faith and science.” In a previous Exposed blog we dealt with this article's offensive comments and non-Biblical support of evolution. (see here) The same ELCA article also had some strong words on man-made global warming and a message for people who do not believe global warming is true.
ELCA Professor Gilson A.C. Waldkoenig of Lutheran Theological Seminary at Gettysburg (Pa.) referenced new scientific evidence for global warming in the article and stated, “human beings warm the atmosphere through relentless burning of fossil fuels and consumption of earth's habitat.” Prof. Waldkoenig also commented: “Many Christians look at findings about global warming as real and present reasons to repent and change behavior, and an invitation to walk humbly in God's shadow rather than proudly in front.” Then addressing those who do not believe global warming is happening or that man is responsible for it, Professor Waldkoenig said “If you don't like some scientific finding you can re-test based upon more data, but data and scientific findings don't care if you believe them or not. . . When we waste our belief on other things besides God, it is what the Bible called idolatry, and Jesus also called foolishness. Likewise, disbelief of some things that are not God can be foolish and even idolatrous, on par with misdirected belief. For example, if 'disbelief' of global warming protects arrogance that humankind has a right to destroy anything that exists, it is a kind of idolatry standing in the way of true belief and devotion to God, as well as a foolish approach to God's creation.” (see here) Two thoughts; 1) the ELCA is using the inherent respect and trust given to religious leaders, by its members, to influence them toward the denomination's liberal positions and 2) even if you believe in man-made global warming, it is not right for a denomination to falsely call people foolish and idolaters because they don't hold to the liberal view of the denomination. The ELCA seems to love doing anything and everything that is not evangelism and sharing the good news of salvation in Christ with those who desperately need to hear. The ELCA's leaders do what they think is of utmost importance and mostly disregard what Jesus commanded them to do, “Go and make disciples of all nations, baptizing them in the name of the Father and of the Son and of the Holy Spirit, and teaching them to obey everything I have commanded you.” - Matthew 28:29-30 Here are three examples of how the ELCA is “majoring in the minors” of environmentalism and climate change:
“And know that Mother Earth, our great and good planet, will appreciate your interest. Please be there!”
_An ELCA e-Advocacy Network email was sent out recently calling on us to “Ask President Obama to Act on Climate Change.”
Here is an excerpt of this email: “What are we asking him to do?. . . - Ensure adequate assistance to poor countries that are already suffering most from the impacts of climate change. - Guarantee climate justice for all: a transparent, participatory agreement that ensures the voices and interests of all are addressed.” “Join other people of faith in asking President Obama and other leaders to commit to an agreement that will reduce our greenhouse gas emissions and protect the most vulnerable from the impacts of a changing climate that we can no longer avoid.” ----- Does the ELCA really want to encourage the sleeping with someone to whom you are not married? ELCA publication, The Lutheran, under “Staff Blogs” has a story by the Web Manager / Associate Art Director, in which she says “Last month, my fiancé James and I went on vacation in Isle Royale National Park. One night we camped at South Lake Desor… I awoke at midnight to the sound of branches breaking. I woke James and said: ‘I think there's something outside our tent.’ I often wake James when I hear noises, which usually turn out to be birds or squirrels. ‘You're imagining things again,’ he said and went back to sleep.” (see here) ----- “Yoga is a physical, mental, and spiritual discipline, originating in ancient India. The goal of yoga, or of the person practicing yoga, is the attainment of a state of perfect spiritual insight and tranquility while meditating on Supersoul. The word is associated with meditative practices in Hinduism, Jainism and Buddhism.” (see here) Seems that Yoga is popular with staff at ELCA headquarters in Chicago. “Two days a week, churchwide employees carry yoga mats for Lunchtime Yoga at the Lutheran Center.” (see here) ----- Alcohol is being sold by an ELCA church. Pastor Gretchen Mertes "works as one of the bartenders." “When you belly up to the bar. . . You wont find a Bible.” “Oh heaven’s, no!” (see here) Don’t miss out on their “wine specials.” (watch here) Luther's Table, the bar/cafe, is a mission start of the ELCA (see here) Pastor Mertes "salary is funded for the most part by grants from the ELCA and NW WA Synod." (see here) Here is a link for "A Policy Agenda for The New Administration: From Communities of Faith." (see here)
This document was put together by eleven national faith communities and institutions, including the ELCA. It can be found on the official ELCA website. (see here) The document is filled with global poverty and world conflict policy recommendations for the President of the United States. Section number 7 on Climate Change says, "It is vital that the U.S. joins the rest of the global family and take effective, cooperative, and just action on climate change, making the critical linkages with global poverty. To this end, U.S. policy must recognize our responsibility for creating a disproportionate share of greenhouse gas emissions and the fact that those who are bearing a disproportionate share of the consequences are impoverished, marginalized communities in low income nations. The gravity of climate change, the nature of its ramifications, and the scope of strategies required to effectively address it require a re-examination of all aspects of U.S. foreign policy. Climate change will not only exacerbate demands on existing programs such as emergency/disaster relief, immigration, hunger and food aid, global health, and women’s and girls’ empowerment, but also require fresh strategies to address economic development, trade, debt relief, and global security. Specifically, we urge the next Administration to:
Many people question whether climate change is happening and if so, if its caused by man. I find it premature and careless for our denominations to recommend that the citizens of the United States make "adaptation" payments to other countries for "damage" done to them because of global warming that the United States supposedly caused. The Climate Change policy recommendation is just one part of 19 pages worth of recommendations to the US President. Throughout the document, the eleven religious institutions suggest the United States fund a multitude of programs, as well as "(f)ully finance, by pressing for Congressional appropriations, the world’s existing debt cancellation mechanisms." It's easy to spend other people's money, I guess. I wonder when the ELCA and it's mainline denominational friends will write the president and lobby congress asking them to not spend money they do not have. Look over the rest of the document and see what policies you, as a member of the ELCA, are advocating for. |
Prove all things; hold fast that which is good.
1 Thessalonians 5:21 Dan Skogen
Former ELCA seminary student and former ELCA member who is fed up with the ELCA's consistent mockery of God's Word. If you have been helped and blessed by Exposing the ELCA's ministry, please help us continue to proclaim the truth of God's Word to ELCA members who need to hear it.
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January 2025
Have nothing to do with the fruitless deeds of darkness, but rather expose them. - Ephesians 5:11