2012 has shown us ELCA bishop after bishop after bishop put on their gay rights advocacy hat and publicly clamor for gay marriage. (see here, here, here) Yet I can’t come up with one ELCA bishop, of which there are 66 serving in this leadership role, who has publicly stood up for Biblical, one man one woman marriage. More on that later.
The latest gay rights activist bishop is the newly elected Rev. Ann M. Svennungsen of the Minneapolis Area Synod. A few days ago, she was “at the State Fair to rally against the proposed constitutional amendment banning same-sex marriage on the November ballot.” (read here) Bishop Svennungsen stood at a microphone during this big public appeal by religious leaders, lending her voice to encouraged the people of Minnesota to vote “no” on the amendment. An interesting side note about Bishop Svennungsenn is told to us by the Minneapolis’ Star Tribune which states, “After seminary, Svennungsen and her husband served as associate pastors at Zion Lutheran Church in Iowa City. There she and the senior pastor's wife, Mary Nilsen, took on the all-male language for God.” (read here) It figures, if you walk in complete contradiction to scripture in one area, you’ll likely do the same in many areas. This happens when one doesn't believe what the Bible clearly says. Back to my question, why are there NO ELCA bishops standing up and defending traditional marriage? Has the liberal ELCA leadership made it impossible for a Bible believing, conservative bishop to voice his/her opinion? Are they scared? Are there any Bible believing conservative bishops in the ELCA? No matter the answer, the results are the same. There is not one ELCA bishop who is willing to stand up for traditional Biblical truth on sexuality.
Dave from Minnesota
9/1/2012 02:38:38 pm
As a resident of St Paul, Minnesota, I can tell you that I have seen several ECLA churches around the Twin Cities flying the homosexual rainbow flag in front of their churches (odd, even you support gay rights, to fly their flag), and/or have drapped their front windows with rainbow banners.
Samuel Weintraub
5/30/2013 05:03:44 pm
Dave this is somewhat late, but if you had not made a decision yet do not consider a catholic church. If you do you have no chance at salvation. My recommendation would be to join a WELS church. It is one the most conservative church body there is.
9/2/2012 04:52:38 am
In the not-too-distant past, Jim Mauney, bishop of the Va. Synod, stood up for traditional marriage when there was a clam0r in the synod that I guess he finally had to quell. Jim will do his bend-over-backwards best to deal with every difficult situation pastorally, but in the doctrinal sense his beliefs are traditional and orthodox. A good man in any case.
9/3/2012 02:40:21 am
While ELCA bishops continue to reject one Bible doctrine after another, thank God there are still Lutheran shepherds with Biblically informed consciences and the courage to publicly defend Bible truths.
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1 Thessalonians 5:21 Dan Skogen
Former ELCA seminary student and former ELCA member who is fed up with the ELCA's consistent mockery of God's Word. If you have been helped and blessed by Exposing the ELCA's ministry, please help us continue to proclaim the truth of God's Word to ELCA members who need to hear it.
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