An ELCA college student sent me the following letter and gave me permission to share it with you. I praise God for this student and pray God will raise up faithful men and women to stand up with this effort to share God's truth in love.
In first Corinthians 5, Paul writes to God's people concerning sexual immorality, and chastises them for their pride and boasting over something evil. He talks about judgement - not hating or being hypocritical, but keeping those who profess Christ's name accountable to their faith and fellowship. Too often today, Christians that oppose homosexuality and same-sex marriage are too scared to stand up and be a witness for truth, and simply stand back and stay silent. But isn't it amazing how perfectly this chapter of God's Word applies to the current situation in society? I'm tired of waiting for someone to ask me my opinion before being able to voice my opposition. I don't want to be mistaken for a supporter just because I am in an environment where the majority supports this sin. So this year, when my ELCA college puts on its pride week - covering the campus in rainbow flags, putting on presentations and telling stories celebrating one's "coming out," and giving no acknowledgement to the truth of my God's true Word, I want to do more than refuse to participate. I don't want to hate, I want to make a stand. It is something I feel that God has put on my heart, and I write to ask your help in reaching out to those who share my belief in God's Word and want to make a difference to others who may be too scared to reach out and speak the truth in love. I've designed a t-shirt ( that I plan to wear during my college's "Pride Week" in early October - black for sin and opposite of all the rainbow "love is love" t-shirts the straight-gay alliance on campus will be handing out. I believe that it expresses enough of both the law and gospel to effectively communicate God's opposition and forgiveness without causing offense. I would love to get into contact with anyone else who would be interested in wearing a t-shirt with me, even if it's not the same campus or week or reason. God bless and thank you for reading!
8/24/2012 03:56:55 am
God bless you, Rebecca, for standing as part of His faithful remnant in an ELCA college whose administrators and faculty councils (as they do at other ELCA colleges) disobey the Lord of the Church, sit in judgment on His Word, and feed the lambs entrusted to them to the wolves.
Leonard Johnson
8/24/2012 04:08:14 pm
I am surprised on learning that there exists an ELCA Concordia College, as all of the Missouri Synod's ten universities/colleges are named Concordia.
Rev. Lori Hoyum
8/25/2012 08:11:03 am
Dear Rebecca,
8/28/2012 01:09:44 pm
Rebecca, your shirt does -- because the truths on it are straight from God's Word -- communicate God's opposition to sin and His forgiveness for anyone who repents.
9/3/2012 01:57:25 pm
I am a Concordia alum and am thrilled to hear that there are those brave enough to do what I was always too afraid to do. During every gay pride week I would shake my head in disgust but would keep my comments to myself because society tells us that it is the "right" thing to do. As our mission as Christians, it is our duty and obligation to GOD to help those who are misdirected. If we do not, we are sinning ourselves. I want to applaud Rebecca for her courage to stand up for what is right and for upholding her Christian obligations. If I am to respect those who are in favor of homosexuality, I must also respect those who are opposed and I respect Rebecca. Concordia must respect opinions on both sides of the spectrum including the fact that there are just as many people not wearing the "love is love" t-shirts who do not agree with gay pride week.
9/17/2012 10:26:45 am
I also am a Concordia alum, something I used to be proud of. But the Concordia I knew 25 years ago, is not the Concordia of today. As with the ELCA. I am so very proud of you Rebecca for standing up and doing this. Stay strong in your conviction as you will be "pounded" by the opposition. Take support from those who share your beliefs, even if they are strangers to you.
10/30/2012 03:30:08 pm
I am so grateful for your courage to stand for the Word! We are keeping you in our prayers!
11/20/2012 05:08:19 am
I admire your courage. I smiled when I read the words on your shirt. Few words, but to the point and wise.
11/21/2012 03:31:06 am
Here's what I see: "As a college of the Evangelical Lutheran Church in America. . .We pride ourselves on . . ." They all but left out the prevailing sentiment of the look-at-how-loving-we-are-and-how-bigoted-they-are crowd, which is: "Thank you, God, that we are not like those other 'Lutherans' over there!" For like most ELCA institutions nowadays, Concordia finds it so much easier to simply shower its blessings upon everything and put God's Grace to a Foolish Test rather than have the humility to submit itself to the tragedy of Christ's truth that sometimes, only one sinner returns home justified!
12/13/2012 12:34:01 pm
Praise God! You see the Truth! I'm very curious if you have anymore stories with your opened heart to the truth of His Word vs. the ELCA. I was raised as a ELCA church member. I would still be attending if I wouldn't have accepted Jesus Christ as my Savior. Since then, I read the Bible often. God's words amazing! Each time that I attend my home church (while seeing family), I see red flags each time. Thank you for posting this message online. I looked online for websites like this one to help me to open up with my family back at home. I desire to be His disciple with the Truth!
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Prove all things; hold fast that which is good.
1 Thessalonians 5:21 Dan Skogen
Former ELCA seminary student and former ELCA member who is fed up with the ELCA's consistent mockery of God's Word. If you have been helped and blessed by Exposing the ELCA's ministry, please help us continue to proclaim the truth of God's Word to ELCA members who need to hear it.
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