A news release by the ELCA News Service details the happenings at the recent ELCA Conference of Bishops. The news service reports that -
“David Swartling, ELCA secretary, who announced that he would not seek another term as secretary at the 2013 ELCA Churchwide Assembly. In an earlier communication sent to the Conference of Bishops, (Presiding Bishop Mark) Hanson indicated his willingness to be available for another term.” We also are told that ELCA treasurer, Rev. Linda Norman, announced “Financial contributions from congregations for the work of synods and the churchwide organization in the form of Mission Support for the first seven months in 2012 was $27.3 million, a decrease of $0.4 million or 1.3 percent from the previous year.” ELCA Presiding Bishop Mark Hanson also reported to the Council of Bishops at this time. In that report Hanson said, "If we lose our deep rootedness in Scripture, in the Lutheran Confessions, in the church and in Christ, we will lose confidence in the Holy Spirit. We will lose faith." (read here) I don't disagree with Bishop Hanson's statement, but the irony in the ELCA leader’s words is the fact that the ELCA has already “los(t) our deep rootedness in Scripture” and continues to walk farther away from God’s Word. He is culpable and responsible for that happening. The ELCA is not rooted in Scripture (or “in the Lutheran Confessions, in the church and in Christ.”) Sadly, Bishop Hanson doesn’t realize it. He needs to open his eyes and see the truth of the situation the ELCA is in and that they already have lost confidence in the Holy Spirit and have lost faith. Bishop Hanson also made this statement. "We also have the opportunity and responsibility to ask, what does it mean to be deeply rooted in Christ and always being made new as we live in communities of increasing religious pluralism?" "With the recent increase in anti-Muslim incidents, the deadly shooting at the Sikh temple in Oak Creek, Wis., and demonstrations and violence in the Middle East, we all need to be asking, what is a faithful, Lutheran evangelical witness in such a context?” I find it perplexing that Bishop Hanson would highlight the incredibly rare problem of “anti-Muslim” incidents in his report. The statistics show this: In the United States, “There were 107 hate crimes recorded against Muslims in 2009, compared to 931 anti-semitic hate crimes.” (read here) “Law enforcement agencies reported 1,376 hate crimes motivated by religious bias. A breakdown of biases for these offenses showed: 70.1 percent were anti-Jewish. 9.3 percent were anti-Islamic.” 2009 statistics from the U.S. Department of Justice— Federal Bureau of Investigation (read here) Here are some statistics from New York state: “Anti-Semitic incidents, which made up 37 percent of the reported hate crimes, were up 15 percent in one year, from 219 in 2008 to 251 in 2009.” “Crimes motivated by anti-Muslim sentiment rose from eight to 11.” (read here) The ELCA has a Muslim fetish and an anti-Jewish spirit that continues to manifest itself just like it did days ago in the ELCA’s attack letter to the United States Congress against Israel. (read here)
10/22/2012 08:15:13 am
The claim that Islamophobia is increasing is promoted by the International Islamic News Agencey, the propganda organ of the Organization of Islamic Cooperation. For more about this, read the article, "U.S., E.U. Spearhead Islamic Bid to Criminalize Free Speech" by Soeren Kern. Posted at http://counterjihadreport.com/tag/resolution-1618/
10/22/2012 01:13:21 pm
Hanson told the conference, "...each one of us...whenever possible, [should] be engaged...in conversation with people of other religions....each attentively listening to the faith and witness of the other." So let's listen to what the Koran teaches: "O Believers! take not the Jews or Christians as friends." (Sura 5:56). "Infidels now are they who say,'God is the Messiah, Son of Mary;' for the Messiah said, 'O children of Israel! worship God, my Lord and your Lord.' Whoever shall join other gods with God, God shall forbid him the Garden, and his abode shall be the Fire....They surely are Infidels who say, 'God is the third of three:' for there is no God but one God....The Messiah, Son of Mary, is but an Apostle; other Apostles have flourished before him..." (Sura 5:76-77, 79) "...kill those who join other gods with God wherever ye shall find them..." (Sura 9:5; Rodwell translation & verse numbering).
10/24/2012 03:29:40 am
Speaking of the predictability of ELCA revenues continuing to head south, why hasn't the denomination yet -- 10 months into 2012 -- posted its membership figures (i.e., losses) from 2011? Did more members bail out in 2011 than the 270,349 who fled Apostasy Central in 2010? Is the ELCA's Ministry of Truth going to start dropping those embarrassing statistics down the Memory Hole?
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Prove all things; hold fast that which is good.
1 Thessalonians 5:21 Dan Skogen
Former ELCA seminary student and former ELCA member who is fed up with the ELCA's consistent mockery of God's Word. If you have been helped and blessed by Exposing the ELCA's ministry, please help us continue to proclaim the truth of God's Word to ELCA members who need to hear it.
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