Sarah Trone Garriott is a pastor in the Evangelical Lutheran Church in America who has garnered some attention by running for a seat in the Iowa state senate (read about that here).
Rev. Trone Garriott is the Coordinator of Interfaith Engagement for the Des Moines Area Religious Council and is very involved in the interfaith movement, as you can see below. Pastor Sarah Trone Garriott is running as a Democrat. From her social media posts you will see she believes in a woman's "right to chose." Additionally, a few years ago Rev. Trone Garriott joined (ELCA megachurch) Lutheran Church of Hope Sr. Pastor Mike Housholder in submitting a resolution to the ELCA's Southeastern Iowa Synod Assembly seeking to bring more refugees into the United States. (see here) ELCA pastor Garroitt proclaims her identifying pronouns as "She/hers." Abortion is an important topic to this ELCA pastor.
Below are four Bishops of the Evangelical Lutheran Church in America voicing their support for more refugees to be brought into the United States.
ELCA bishops from the three Texas ELCA synods released a letter urging Texas to resettle refugees in their state. (see below or here) One of the signers of that letter, Bishop Michael Rinehart, along with the CEO of Lutheran Immigration and Refugee Service (LIRS) wrote a letter that was published in the Houston Chronicle making their case: "[T]hese refugees are powerful ambassadors of our founding principles of equal opportunity, religious freedom and liberty and justice for all, and they reflect the best of Texas’ identity — generosity, hospitality, faithfulness and welcome." "[W]e’re hopeful that the law will be on our side once again as the organization we represent, Lutheran Immigration and Refugee Service, seeks a preliminary injunction against President Trump’s unconstitutional executive order." "As the world faces the worst refugee crisis in recorded history, this would have been the time for Texas to step up, as it has in the past, and say yes to refugee resettlement...No matter what happens in court or in the statehouse, we will continue to help refugees of all faiths find safety and hope in this great state and in this great nation." (See here or below) Additionally, South Dakota Synod Bishop, Constanze Hagmaier, wrote a letter of gratitude to South Dakota Governor Kristi Noem, because the governor "notified the federal government that South Dakota will continue to accept refugees who are resettled in the United States next year." (See below)
ELCA Pastor's Ugly Rants, Including Calling '#MAGA People' 'Cultists' and Accusing Them of Bigotry1/3/2020
Courtney Smith is "a graduate student at United Lutheran Seminary (formerly Lutheran Theological Seminary at Philadelphia and Gettysburg), studying for my Masters of Divinity...(and is) on the ordination track in the Evangelical Lutheran Church in America (ELCA) to become a pastor." (See here)
Here is some of what she has been saying on Twitter: Fact check: Jerusalem is the Capitol of Israel.
Future ELCA pastor Courtney Smith says "America is not first in my heart and it never will be. It is merely the country I live in."
Two tweets aimed at "straight white males."
Now for some of her politics:
"Free Palestine. From Ferguson to Palestine, occupation is a crime." You should read the whole post because not only does it proclaim a lie, saying Israel occupies "Palestine," but she makes no mention of the violence, terror tunnels, arson, knifing, rockets attacks and pedestrians being hit by cars, perpetrated by Palestinians.
The second Facebook post by ELCA Masters of Divinity student Elle Dowd equally contains falsehoods. She writes:
"...Michael Brown was sacrificed to the false god of white supremacy."
"...we sacrificed Jakelin Amei Rosmery Caal Maquin and Felipe Alonzo-Gomez to the false gods of nationalism and security." "...Christian counseling centers...torture lgbtqia+ children and call it 'reparative therapy,' leading to the death of countless children."
Kevin Gannon, a professor of history at Grand View University (an ELCA college) and the director of the Center for Excellence in Teaching and Learning, is a prolific Twitter user.
A large amount of the Grand View professor's tweets seem to be pro-Democrat, pro-liberal and anti-Republican with some foul language tossed in. Among his many retweets are controversial congresswomen Ilhan Omar and Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez.
Below are some of professor Kevin Gannon's twitter escapades beginning with a rather juvenile and ugly attack on conservative commentator and filmmaker Dinesh D'Souza:
The Grand View University professor recently wrote that "the American Right Wing is gleefully and willingly complicit in an epidemic sexual crimes and child molestation." Continue reading while you ask, "Do I want him teaching my young adult children?"
ELCA Presiding Bishop Elizabeth Eaton tweeted:
So the poor that are LEAVING Guatemala, El Salvador and Honduras seeking asylum in the United States will be hurt by President Trump's decision to cut aid to those countries?
Emmanuel Lutheran Church in Rockford, Illinois, is a congregation of the Evangelical Lutheran Church in America and is located 75 miles away from ELCA headquarters in Chicago.
If you attend Emmanuel Lutheran Church you should know that they are "embracing a broader view of Jesus’ life and teachings as a path of transformation for our own individual spiritual journeys, our ReFresh service draws upon readings from the Bible and other sacred texts, poetry, dance, and song." On Emmanuel Lutheran's website homepage they say "We are open to the uniqueness of each person's story and are about helping you discover your gifts and your calling. We seek to become compassionate servants of God, reaching out through service to heal and inspire Rockford and the world. We learn from our own Christian tradition as well as from other cultures and religions." (see here) Mixing religions is called syncretism. This goes against God's Word. (See Deuteronomy 4:2 and Revelation 22:18-19.) That is what Emmanuel Lutheran in Rockford looks to be doing. Below is how this ELCA church describes a couple of their services (or see here).
(See here)
This same ELCA church recently hosted a Sufi Meditation Gathering, (see below) which is Islamic.
Emmanuel Lutheran Church in Rockford, Illinois, describes itself on its home page as "PROGRESSIVE. INCLUSIVE. CREATIVE." (see here) Below is their LGBTQA Support information.
ELCA pastor Franek is very passionate about politics, and he loves to share his perspectives. In one of his articles he wrote, "Currently one party, as it struggles with messaging and infighting, is fighting for the soul of our democracy. The other is a dumpster fire gas lighting the nation and enabling a president who poses a clear and present danger to our national security, civil rights, and planetary health." (Read here) On Rev. Franek's Twitter account he made 143 tweets, retweets and replies in a 24-hour period. (11/1/18 2:55 p.m. to 11/2/18 2:55 p.m.) And he did not tweet that in one sitting. The tweets took place in at least 21 different time blocks throughout the 24-hour period. I'd call that obsessive. Below is some of what Rev. Franek has written or shared:
Jim Hazelwood is the bishop of the ELCA's New England Synod. He uses his Twitter account mostly to spew his politics and anger at President Trump. The following is just a small sample of his tweets over the last few months.
— Jim Hazelwood (@bikerhazelwood) December 26, 2018
The following is a response by ELCA pastor John Sipf of Peoria, Illinois, to my tweet replying to another ELCA pastor. We were discussing this blog about an ELCA pastor giving the camera the finger and his rant against America.
ELCA pastor John Sipf regularly tweets and retweets about white people, racism, politics, Donald Trump, refugees and illegal immigrants, transgenders, abortion, etc. Below are a few examples of his activity on Twitter.
— John Sipf - He/Him/His (@Pr_JT_Sipf) February 7, 2019
Kevin Beebe is an ELCA "Pastor-to-Be" studying at the ELCA's Pacific Lutheran Theological Seminary. He loves to post LGBT supportive information, Palestinian propaganda against Israel, and anti-Trump materials on social media. This is the type of pastor the ELCA has, and is producing to lead your congregation.
The ELCA seminarian supports the BDS movement, which advocates boycotts, divestment, and sanctions against Israel, as you see below. Here future pastor Beebe complains about Israel building an underground wall to prevent Palestinian terrorist tunnels used to invade and kill Israelis. That is mind-numbing stupid.
Finally, a post sharing the vile devotional made by two ELCA pastors. (language warning)
We all know the ELCA seminaries are filled with liberal, Bible-rejecting seminarians waiting to become ELCA pastors. But Rev. Dan G Olson reminds us that liberal and partisan pastors have been serving the ELCA for many years. Look at what he has been posting on his Facebook page this year. See his view of people who want to defund Planned Parenthood and believe marriage is between one man and one woman. Also notice the view of those who are supporters of President Trump in the second post.
New England Synod Bishop Jim Hazelwood at ICE protest.
ELCA pastor Elizabeth Rawlings is an ELCA campus pastor at the University of Washington. She has a lot to say about almost every topic that the liberal left cares about. It kind of scares me. We will start this off with something Rev. Rawlings shared that seems to be saying there is no eternal hell. Here are some more disturbing posts by this ELCA pastor: Be sure to catch these quotes - "If you want to take this further, as you breathe, imagine there is a light shining somewhere outside of you. Feel the light shine on your body. Feel its warmth. That light is love/God/spirit/creatrix. Breathe it in. Fill your body with the light and love of that which made you." "If your cosmology allows for it, picture yourself surrounded by Jesus, ancestors, Angels, guiding spirits, a cloud of witnesses, (whatever works for the way you walk in the world) all holding you and keeping you safe." (See here also) Reproductive health care is important Rev. Rawlings and she seems (see below) to be supportive of Planned Parenthood. Rev. Rawlings shared this Facebook post by Linda Tirado.
Bishop Jim Hazelwood should know misappropriation when he sees it, being he is in the Evangelical Lutheran Church in America, who using this technique often to do things that go against God's Word. Don't miss the vile language used by this supposed minister of Christ.
You pay the ELCA leadership's salary. It is time to stop do so for those that advocate a political position that is in opposition to yours. Here some examples by ELCA New England Synod bishop Jim Hazelwood:
I'd call the bishop's comment disrespectful to women. And what God-fearing Christian leader would use the acronym "Omg?" |
ELCA Exposed on Social Media / ELCA Wolves Blog.
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