Dave Brauer-Rieke, Bishop of the ELCA's Oregon Synod writes about protesting/demonstrating against ICE.
Below is the main picture at the top of the Oregon Synod's Facebook page.
Women of the Evangelical Lutheran Church in America (WELCA) posted this "Bizarro" comic. So many issues with this. 1) It puts a false deity, Buddha, on equal grounds with Christ. 2) Seems in the comic they are speaking about the Islamic rule that one is not allowed to make an image of their god Allah. Many have been killed for doing so. And here WELCA is posting a comic saying these religions should have it also. 3) And another tiring complaint aimed at white people, saying they make Jesus out to be white. Too bad WELCA and their ilk don't realize that Jews come in many different shades of brown. From very dark to very light, which people call "white." Jesus could have had any of these shades of skin color.
Rev Kevin Strickland is the Assistant to the Presiding Bishop/Executive for Worship of the Evangelical Lutheran Church in America.
Waiting to share their message with the 31,000 youth.
What about repentance?
Another ELCA church, Peace Lutheran Church in Gahanna, OH, marches in the Columbus Pride parade.
When was the last time the ELCA and Lutheran CORE, which holds to a Biblical view of marriage and sexuality, were featured in an ELCA publication?
A political post by the DE-MD Synod does not leave any room for other opinions or understanding.
According to this tweet, a candidate for bishop, at the Grand Canyon Synod assembly, gave a "shot out " (she likely meant to write "shout out") to #decolonizelutheranism, a radical ELCA group that you can read more about here.
Rev. Richard H. Graham, the bishop of the Metropolitan Washington, D.C. Synod attended the Capital (Gay) Pride Parade this summer.
This ELCA post announces the homosexual service of marriage resources that the denomination developed.
This was posted on the Metropolitan New York Synod's (MNYS) Facebook page.
Looks like the ELCA's Sierra Pacific Synod had Rozella White speak at their assembly. Here and here are some blogs I'm written that feature some disturbing things Rozella White has tweeted.
One of the most disturbing and radical Bishops, Michael Rinehart of the Texas-Louisiana Gulf Coast Synod (see what I mean here) with one of the most disturbing and radical pastors in the ELCA, Clint Schnekloth (see here), together at a rally together.
Terrible choice, but he holds most of the views of the ultra-liberal, politically and theologically, Evangelical Lutheran Church in America. See this article for some details on the issues with with Brian McLaren. The False Teachers: Brian McLaren
And this ELCA church posts this picture?
I'm not sure of the context in this but the fact that the DE-MD ELCA Synod tweets this statement rings of universalism. The quote seems to be from the ultra-controversial, Brian McLaren.
ELCA Exposed on Social Media / ELCA Wolves Blog.
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