The ELCA's United Lutheran Seminary has their 2022 courses listed and one of them is called "Let’s Talk: Racial Reckoning in Ministry Contexts."
In the description it is described as "A course for church leaders either engaged or preparing to engage in conversations about race in America within their ministry context. How do we walk with people from white fragility to white humility? How can we help folks understand that Critical Race Theory and The 1619 Project are the truth that sets us free from fear and encourages us to see the world around us with Christocentric and inclusive focus? Colleagues will discuss readings and develop practical ways to begin this challenging journey." (See on page 9 of the course descriptions here or below)
ELCA Pastor Emily M. D. Scott shares:
"Bring yourself, brings a friend, bring your kiddos or teens for these fun and lively experiences that will open your hearts and refresh your souls." (See Here) We present this to you so you understand what is happening in individual ELCA congregations. You should go to Elk River's LGBTQ+ webpage and see all they are doing and what they promote. (see here)
This is a ELCA congregation in Minnesota. Once prominent pastor in the ELCA, Clint Schnekloth, has now declared himself to be Democratic Socialist. This comes in a time of making continual financial requests for his ELCA church and increasingly leftists, woke statements and actions.
Read more about ELCA pastor Schnekloth here. Katy Miles-Wallace is the Mission Developer of Technicolor Ministries, a supplemental accompaniment ministry to the LGBTQIA+ community in the Southwestern Texas Synod.
"a womanist worship service that uses the music and personal life of Beyoncé as a tool to foster an empowering conversation about Black women—their lives, their bodies, and their voices.
A woke ELCA article about white "privilege" has gotten some chastisement on their social media page.
An African-American man who is an ELCA Lutheran told them he is "tired of all the hand wringing the ELCA has done over not being inclusive enough, and not being demographically correct." He goes on to say "For Pete’s sake, we’re an ethnic denomination, brought here by Germans and Scandinavians…and there’s nothing wrong with that. There are lots of ethnic denominations…Greek Orthodox, Russian Orthodox, etc, who are unapologetic about the fact that they’re ethnic." Read his comments posted below and also those of a couple other who responded to the article: Tying Jesus' transfiguration to transgender issues is a ploy of the social activists standing in pulpits. Rachel Johnson is a pastor in the ELCA. She writes on her FB page that "She is passionate about justice and dedicated to following Jesus' radical example of rabble-rousing love." Here is her attempt: Below are some additional social media post by ELCA Rev. Rachel Johnson that give you a clue into the type of pastor she is.
Rev. Dowd is a campus pastor in the Evangelical Lutheran Church in America. This is what she had to say about the Bible:
"When you have a friend or loved one that you really know and trust it's okay to disagree and push back... I got to know the Bible well enough that I was able to talk back to it. And I was able to say ok, I reject this part. This is oppressive. Or time to reframe this, or time to reclaim this and totally subvert it." She received her Biblical training from an ELCA seminary.
The ELCA's Metropolitan Chicago Synod posted about the installation for Rev. Anders Nelson, and they list his pronouns as "he/they".
The state of the ELCA.
The Evangelical Lutheran Church in America made Rev. Nadia Bolz-Weber their representative, their pastor of Public Witness. The woman who made a vigina sculpture, is a universalist, wants a sexual reformation, constantly swears, is pro abortion, pro homosexuality and transgenderism, has a low view of scripture, says Wiccan goddess is a close relative to God, etc., (see here) is the ELCA's pastor of "Public Witness."
A few weeks ago she tweeted this message:
Here we have another ELCA pastor, Zach Johnson, posting on social media his support of homosexuality, something that goes against what God has said. It is not loving to encourage sin. Encouraging people to turn from sin is loving. It is what Jesus did. Shame on ELCA pastors for encouraging people to be bound by sin.
At the ELCA's Sierra Pacific Synod held their synod assembly May, 2021 and reported they had 7 voting members claiming to be non-binary in attendance.
That is what Evangelical Lutheran Church in America pastor Julie Hutson had to say:
The following are the words of Rev. Zach Johnson, a pastor in the Evangelical Lutheran Church in America:
“Firstly, to declare that Christianity is the only 'true religion' is to place God in a box. Now don’t get me wrong, as a Christian I strongly believe that Jesus Christ is my Lord and Savior and is the means that leads me to God, as well as the means that leads me to salvation. However, to say that this is the only way that God can bring people salvation or lead people to God would be very short sided on my part. God is far beyond my understanding or any human understanding. God can’t be placed in a box. We cannot put human limitations on God. This is really part of having faith. The mysteries of God are so beyond us that it leads us to continue to seek out God so that we can more fully understand this God who loves us beyond measure, and (from a Christian point of view) became human in order to reconcile humanity back to God. But to say that God can only save through Christ is to place a limitation on God. For me it’s a both/and understanding. God indeed saves through Christ, but perhaps God saves in other ways (and through other religions) too.” (See here)
Additionally, a Facebook post by ELCA pastor Zach Johnson takes offense at the Lutheran Church Missouri Synod (LCMS) resolution that affirms the Biblical account of God making all of creation in six days and at the article for not specifying in the article's title that it was a resolution by the LCMS. Pastor Johnson is correct when he says that this resolution "does not represent the beliefs or teachings of the ELCA." (see what the ELCA does believe and teach about creation here and here)
ELCA Exposed on Social Media / ELCA Wolves Blog.
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