The ELCA is becoming more and more vocal on their social justice pet causes:
Some of the other signers include: Abolish ICE Denver National Center for Lesbian Rights National Center for Transgender Equality National LGBTQ Task Force Southern Poverty Law Center Unitarian Universalist Church of Arlington, VA Unitarian Universalist Service Committee URGE: Unite for Reproductive & Gender Equity (See here)
ELCA seminarian Elle Dowd posted on socal media saying Evangelical Lutheran Church in America Presiding Bishop Elizabeth Eaton "called for felony lawbreaking and civil disobedience on behalf of our undocumented neighbors."
"The Holy Spirit knows what she is doing when she raises up leaders." (3:10 minute mark)
"But the Holy Spirit, well she will not be denied." (11:35 minute mark) These are statements of the ELCA's Florida-Bahamas Synod Vice President Cheryl Stuart, given at the Florida-Bahamas Synod Assembly. (See below) If you listen to the synod vice president's message you will hear it is mostly comprised of social justice rhetoric, including those favorable to transgenders, illegal immigrants and homosexuality. Vice President Stuart even called the 2009 ELCA vote "to say 'Yes' to LGBTQ clergy and partner relationships staying in the pulpit," "prophetic." This is the state of the Evangelical Lutheran Church in America. 2019 Assembly--Report from Synod VP Cheryl Stuart from Florida-Bahamas Synod.
"Free Palestine. From Ferguson to Palestine, occupation is a crime." You should read the whole post because not only does it proclaim a lie, saying Israel occupies "Palestine," but she makes no mention of the violence, terror tunnels, arson, knifing, rockets attacks and pedestrians being hit by cars, perpetrated by Palestinians.
The second Facebook post by ELCA Masters of Divinity student Elle Dowd equally contains falsehoods. She writes:
"...Michael Brown was sacrificed to the false god of white supremacy."
"...we sacrificed Jakelin Amei Rosmery Caal Maquin and Felipe Alonzo-Gomez to the false gods of nationalism and security." "...Christian counseling centers...torture lgbtqia+ children and call it 'reparative therapy,' leading to the death of countless children."
ELCA Presiding Bishop Elizabeth Eaton tweeted:
So the poor that are LEAVING Guatemala, El Salvador and Honduras seeking asylum in the United States will be hurt by President Trump's decision to cut aid to those countries?
The following is a response by ELCA pastor John Sipf of Peoria, Illinois, to my tweet replying to another ELCA pastor. We were discussing this blog about an ELCA pastor giving the camera the finger and his rant against America.
ELCA pastor John Sipf regularly tweets and retweets about white people, racism, politics, Donald Trump, refugees and illegal immigrants, transgenders, abortion, etc. Below are a few examples of his activity on Twitter.
— John Sipf - He/Him/His (@Pr_JT_Sipf) February 7, 2019
See the ELCA church's tweet below. It doesn't say what the referred to family needs sanctuary from, but you all probably have a good guess. Two ELCA church's are involved.
The tweeted link says "Miriam Vargas entered sanctuary on June 27, 2018 at First English Lutheran Church."
The fundraising event was hosted by the Columbus Sanctuary Collective. Here is what that group's Facebook page looks like. Bishop Michael Rinehart of the ELCA's Texas-Louisiana Gulf Coast Synod often spouts his political and social justice opinions online. Yesterday he wrote about the migrant caravan heading to the United States saying, "There are no terrorists in the caravan,.." Of course he has no way to know this.
The bishop continues, "...though the white nationalist anti-immigration folks want you to think so." This is the state of the Evangelical Lutheran Church in America.
Jim Hazelwood, the ELCA's New England Synod Bishop, presents a skewed view of Scripture and is manipulating it to try and fit it into the refugee situation happening in the United States.
Dave Brauer-Rieke, Bishop of the ELCA's Oregon Synod writes about protesting/demonstrating against ICE.
Below is the main picture at the top of the Oregon Synod's Facebook page. |
ELCA Exposed on Social Media / ELCA Wolves Blog.
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