ELCA Pastor Jason Chesnut is an extreme radical. His type are becoming increasingly more common in the Evangelical Lutheran Church in America. He is the co-creator of multiple vile "devotionals" (see here) and is someone Exposing the ELCA has highlighted in the past. (See here)
Below is a tweet where Rev. Chesnut blasphemes God:
Another ELCA pastor, Lura Groen, is equally as heretical. (Read more about her here). Rev. Groen tweets:
The same professors and schools that trained ELCA pastors like these two train almost all ELCA pastors.
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Kristen Kuempel is the Evangelical Lutheran Church in America (ELCA) bishop of the Northwest Intermountain Synod, formally called the Eastern Washington-Idaho Synod. Bishop Kuempel is a the type of leader that is gaining in prominence in the ELCA and is comparable to ELCA pastors Nadia Bolz-Weber and Lura Groen. (read about them here and here) She is extremely liberal, swears freely, advocates for all the ELCA favorite social causes and will spout her politics.
Just a few months ago the ELCA bishop Tweeted a picture of a vibrator to her followers: Bishop Kuempel lists her preferred pronouns on her Twitter account along with her love of hard liquor. The Evangelical Lutheran Church in America bishop's Twitter profile says "F*bombs welcome" and has a descriptive saying predominately displayed that says "Good sense of humor, dirty mind and beautiful heart. Deadly combination."
Below are some of many troubling Tweets by the ELCA bishop:
From the same mouth come blessing and cursing. My brothers, these things ought not to be so. - James 3:10
Here is new ELCA pastor, Seth Rumage:
Of course, Pastor Rumage is a Nadia Bolz-Weber super fan.
And finally, Rev. Seth Rumage Retweets a comment saying Thomas Jefferson raped a 15 year old.
See what newly elected ELCA bishop of the Metro D.C. Synod, Leila M. Ortiz, posted on her social media two months ago.
Below you will find Evangelical Lutheran Church in America pastors breaking the 3rd commandment. You will also find them using coarse / vile language.
It's not what goes into your mouth that defiles you; you are defiled by the words that come out of your mouth." - Matthew 15:11
ELCA pastors Tuhina Verma Rasche, Jason Chesnut, Lura Groen, Rich Rentner, Clint Schnekloth, Joelle Colville Hanson, Scott Alan Johnson, Kyle Symanski, Elizabeth Rawlings, and Emily Hamilton. Karla Masters says she is an ELCA Pastoral Intern.
Kevin Gannon, a professor of history at Grand View University (an ELCA college) and the director of the Center for Excellence in Teaching and Learning, is a prolific Twitter user.
A large amount of the Grand View professor's tweets seem to be pro-Democrat, pro-liberal and anti-Republican with some foul language tossed in. Among his many retweets are controversial congresswomen Ilhan Omar and Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez.
Below are some of professor Kevin Gannon's twitter escapades beginning with a rather juvenile and ugly attack on conservative commentator and filmmaker Dinesh D'Souza:
The Grand View University professor recently wrote that "the American Right Wing is gleefully and willingly complicit in an epidemic sexual crimes and child molestation." Continue reading while you ask, "Do I want him teaching my young adult children?"
We all know the ELCA seminaries are filled with liberal, Bible-rejecting seminarians waiting to become ELCA pastors. But Rev. Dan G Olson reminds us that liberal and partisan pastors have been serving the ELCA for many years. Look at what he has been posting on his Facebook page this year. See his view of people who want to defund Planned Parenthood and believe marriage is between one man and one woman. Also notice the view of those who are supporters of President Trump in the second post.
ELCA Exposed on Social Media / ELCA Wolves Blog.
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