Below are more disturbing and racist tweets by ELCA pastor Tuhnia Verma Rasche, who the ELCA chose to speak to 31,000 youth at the 2018 ELCA Youth Gathering this summer. (Read more about her here and here)
9/12/2018 03:38:55 pm
"omfgsmdh" tells you much of what you need to know about this fraud who calls herself a pastor.
9/12/2018 11:12:32 pm
Apparently Rasche and her fringe are oblivious to the fact that the face in the upper right of her white terrorist photo line-up is none other than Dylann Roof, the ELCA's own homegrown Charleston shooter! The blind leading the blind, dear people. I'm just glad to be out of the ELCA crossfire going on 9 years now.
Stephen Hedlund
9/13/2018 04:06:09 pm
Once upon a time, when history was considered important and something that could be learned from (lest it be repeated), we knew that Lutheranism was not “the church,” but only the part of it manifest in parts of northern Europe. When many of those northern European Lutherans emigrated to America, they brought with them their various European cultures, including their religion, and set about turning America into the proverbial melting pot. The first step in learning to be an American was to learn English, and that was a priority among them. WW II did more than anything else to turn the hyphenated American into an American, and somehow there came to be a sense that schism was, if not the greatest, certainly one of the two or three greatest problems facing Christianity. The biggest divide was, of course, that between Roman Catholicism and Protestantism—however manifest.
9/15/2018 03:57:56 pm
She could go to Ethiopian Lutheran Church except the fact they have broken with the ELCA.
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