The 2022 commencement service at the ELCA's Augsburg University contained a prayer in the name of Allah. Just before that the University Pastor and Director of Campus Ministries refers to the “Holy and divine one, you are known and called by many names. . .” Jesus was not mentioned. (watch starting at the 21-minute mark)
6/3/2022 06:56:52 pm
Truly our God is patient and merciful. He is allowing these people to hang themselves with their words and actions. I pray for God to do whatever He has to do to redeem deceived hearts and minds.
The Reverend Michael Edwin Simonds
9/13/2022 12:14:58 pm
The ELCA is both Heretic and Apostate!!!!!! They are selling Everyone some Way Ticket to Hell. False teachings that there are many gods and Goddesses that I've s the Hallmark of Uni eralism. You can be Athiest, or Agnostic people, or just get Hooverd in by the ELCA teaching that the Bible is God's word is nothing but make up Fairy Tales and full of Magical Thinking, and then there is the War being waged by Women and son Men, against All Men and Boys. This war is being fought to put men in their place, Which is out of the church! The rev.Will Gafney, a female, who masquerades as a man male person, it is Willameanah. an Episcopal heretic who thought at Gettysburg Theological Lutheran Seminary. Dr. Will teaches and believes that both The Holy Spirit and Jesus are female, which is hard to swallow, because 8 days after he was born, He was given the name Yesuha, Jesus in English, a very popular and common name, not for girls, but BOYS. And He was Circumcised. so Dr. Will is talking Theological BullShit! According to a recent study by the elca, by a Luther seminary professor, the ELCA will be dead, within 7 years. I give the ELCA 4 years. The shortage of pastors is epidemic! The retirement and Death of Rica pastors is the writing on the wall of death and doom! Oh, if your parish has not changed their constitution, if you vote to close your parish, everything property and all financial assets go to the elca. Millions of dollars into the ELCA church coffers. This corruption of the church is more dangerous and deadly that it was 500 plus years ago. Martin Luther would start another Reformation!!! I was an American Lutheran Church Ordained Pastor, then an ElCA Pastor. Beware of the elca. They don't care!! But you can fight the evil ELCA. Just ask me how. Email: [email protected]
6/4/2022 03:44:02 pm
Why shouldn't a Lutheran university have Muslim chaplains who offer prayers to Allah and read from the Koran at graduation? Aren't all religions the same anyway?
Kevin Brooks
6/5/2022 01:29:12 pm
"Although the whole world has sought painstakingly to learn what God is and what he thinks and does, yet it has never succeeded in the least.... As we explained before, we could never come to recognize the Father's favor and grace were it not for the Lord Christ, who is a mirror of the Father's heart. Apart from him we see nothing but an angry and terrible Judge.... These articles of the Creed, therefore, divide and distinguish us Christians from all other people on earth. All who are outside the Christian church, whether heathen, Turks, Jews, or false Christians and hypocrites, even though they believe in and worship only the one, true God, nevertheless do not know what his attitude is toward them. They cannot be confident of his love and blessing. Therefore they remain in eternal wrath and damnation, for they do not have the Lord Christ, and, besides, they are not illuminated and blessed by the gifts of the Holy Spirit."
6/4/2022 05:44:20 pm
This at a "Lutheran" ELCA college:
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