The ELCA Vault - Room Two
The ELCA Vault is a collection of articles, blogs, and documents related to the issues with ELCA. The purpose of the Vault is to provide this important information to it's readers and at the same time not overload other sections of the website so as they become too convoluted.
The Evolution of Theology
. . .Our unity is in Christ, not a church that places their own selfish understanding in authority of Scripture. We must choose to expose the heresy that these enlightened leaders of the ELCA are promoting. We must choose to stand up and proclaim the Gospel of Jesus Christ until we can speak no more. . .
Just Another Former Member. . .more and more of our members just don’t understand the need of ELCA Bishops to promote Islam (our Abrahamic cousins?) in their politically correct statements about the mosque proposed to be part of a new Islamic Community Center within blocks of ground zero. More and more former members just don’t understand the public statements of our Presiding Bishop that the Bible is limited in its authority to some more complete and modern sources; especially when dealing with the ELCA position on sexuality and holding up same sex couples as no different than heterosexual couples in marriage. . .
Straight and Narrow
. . .The leaders of the ELCA are deliberately leading their membership to ruin. Emphasizing the self while minimizing our Lord in their ministry, puts their membership at risk when they accept this false doctrine. The leadership of the ELCA preaches love and unity, while they debase and chastise those that reveal the truth of their apostasy. . .
Lutheran Pastors Sue ELCA Over Annuity CutsFour retired Lutheran pastors are suing their former employer, the Evangelical Lutheran Church in America, alleging that the church guaranteed lifetime annuity payments that it later decided to "drastically reduce . . ."
United Nations Entrenched Within Most Christian Denominations. . .Few Americans have any idea of how deeply entrenched the United Nations is within many Christian denominations. Fewer Americans understand the connections between the World Council of Churches (WCC), the National Council of Churches (NCC), the United Nations, and the inner workings of their own cherished denominations. . .
Is the Hymn Fit For a King?. . .Since when is it not fashionable for Christ to be King? Is this celebration on the liturgical calendar going to one day disappear in favor of a more “acceptable” title for our Lord? Here is but one more instance where we see society’s influence encroaching upon the church, diluting our theology and doctrine until we no longer resemble the church we are called to be. . .
Liberal Lutheran Pastor Slams "Already Gone" Book and MarriageIt is so sad to see a pastor, who is responsible for leading a congregation and representing the Christian faith in his community, mock a Christian organization that stands on biblical authority and boldly proclaims the gospel. . . I wonder what would Martin Luther say to this Lutheran pastor, as Luther believed in a literal Genesis—six literal days, the institution of marriage, etc. just as we do at AiG. Martin Luther believed Genesis and that marriage was one man for one woman, just as Paul and Jesus teach so clearly (e.g., Matthew 19:4–7). No doubt Martin Luther would be horrified to know what is happening in some of the Lutheran denominations today.
Spare the Rod. . . the first foray into the diversity pool has left the ELCA in the deep end, realizing that they don’t know how to swim and are without a life preserver. What’s worse though, is that those trusting members of the ELCA that accept this false gospel are dragged under by the leadership’s plunge away from the Lord. . .
The ELCA: "Another Sodomite Sect"
. . .Something immensely important has happened; the floodgate is now in fact open. The ELCA joins a number of other mainline Protestant denominations as, as one Catholic observer put it, just another Sodomite sect. . .
Divorce Rings?. . .Bishop Margot Kaessmann of the Evangelical Lutheran Church of Hanover thinks that churches should have "religious separation ceremonies" for husbands and wives who want to get divorced. . .
Monkey See, Monkey Do. . .Because the intellectual elite of this enlightened society embrace a “new age” theology, the leadership of the ELCA stumble all over themselves to be accepted by those secular elites and attempts to “re-invent” itself by professing and teaching a new understanding of Scripture. . .
Theological Tenure?. . . We need theological schools that teach Holy Scripture and nothing but Holy Scripture. I am a stakeholder and I do not appreciate that my dollars support exploratory new age enlightened teachings. . .
Clergy involved in sham marriages
. . .But the fact remains that the ELCA is less a Christian church than a radical secular political party run for the benefit of the greedy few. The ELCA cares most about political causes. People, not so much.
ELCA House is Sadly and Irreparably Divided. . .The most damaging remark was rather loudly stated, “Then why don’t you just leave!” In that moment, with that hateful comment, my hope for ELCA died. I realized that orthodox traditionalists clinging to the Lutheran understanding and recognition of Scriptural authority had lost their case. . .
Random Thoughts on the Crisis of Authority in the ELCA - by Carl E. Braaten
. . . I never expected that Lutheran pastors living in sexual union with members of the same gender would be approved for the ordained ministry in any orthodox Lutheran church that accepts the Scriptures, Creeds, and Confessions as their symbols of authority. . .
Fight the Good Fight. . . We must continue to speak out for our Lord and by doing so, pray that more brothers and sisters in Christ listen and realize where the ELCA is taking them. . .
Let's Talk About "Blatant Sin"ELCA Bishop Chris Boerger (NW WA) stated that it “is ‘blatant sin’ for human beings to fail to protect creation” (ELCA News Release 11/23/2010). . .
Fewer Children Adopted After Equality Rules Force Agencies to Shut. . .Many Lutherans are misled about the end result of the push for equality for all things homosexual. . .
In God We Trust
. . .For years many of the more liberal ELCA seminary professors have taken it upon themselves to reinterpret God’s intent through His Holy Word, the Bible. . .
Shock and Awe
". . .Now that this church, the ELCA, is ignoring our Lord’s intent and is spreading a gospel other than the Gospel our Lord taught, we must seek out a new church, true to the Lord, in which we can “walk together” in our faith journeys. We must also be diligent in our efforts to expose the heresies being promoted by the leadership of the ELCA so that no more of God’s children will fall prey to these false teachings. . . "
The Core Issue of the ELCA Decision & St. Paul's Response
(By Shawn Smith, Director of Student Ministries Saint Paul’s Lutheran Church)
. . .Saint Paul’s stance is not some homophobic, ungraceful, legalistic rant against a sinful lifestyle; but rather it’s a holding firm to the very content of the Gospel itself. . . |