ELCA Vault - Room Three
The ELCA Vault is a collection of articles, blogs, and documents related to issues with the ELCA. The purpose of the Vault is to provide this important information to you and at the same time not overload other sections of the website so as they become too convoluted.
Workers Rights - (Elca Position). . .the 1991 Churchwide Assembly of the Evangelical Lutheran Church in America:. . .
commit itself to public policy advocacy and advocacy with corporations, businesses, congregations, this church, and church-related institutions to protect the rights of workers, support the collective-bargaining process, and protect the right to strike. |
The Exclusionary Rule - by Don Kriefall
. . .As the ELCA deconstructs our faith and transforms it into their ideal religion,
we must remember why we believe. . .
Their god is in their gonads
. . . From this moment onward, it simply is not possible to pretend that the
"Evangelical" "Lutheran" "Church" in America worships the same God Paul and
Luther and their own grandparents worshipped. . .the ELCA as a church body is now in
formal heresy on the doctrine of justification. . .
If only. . . . - by Don Kriefall
. . .Our God loves us, but this does not give us license to willfully
disobey. There are consequences to our sinful behavior. We must
acknowledge our sins before our Father and ask forgiveness. If we decide
to continue in that sin regardless of what our Lord commands, then the
judgment will be upon us and we prove ourselves to serve the evil one. . .
Excising Luther from Lutheranism
. . .I had wondered why my parents no longer consider themselves part of the Lutheran
church. Now I know. Bishop Peter Rogness, the St. Paul synod leader of the
Evangelical Lutheran Church, just gave me my answer. . . Instead, social justice is the legislated allocation of resources to those who
are favored by the Democratic Party, in other words, their political allies. . .
The Formula For Failure - by Don Kriefall
. . .The ELCA has led efforts to rebuke Israel while they attempt to protect their
citizens from the terrorist attacks that target them daily. Bishop Hanson
supports an effort to place an embargo on goods made in Israel to force them to
cede land to the Palestinians. Benevolences, given in good faith, by ELCA
congregations to reach out to feed the hungry, clothe the poor, heal the sick,
and preach the Gospel to the world are being redirected to support a terrorist
organization that has a stated goal of eliminating the Jewish nation from the
face of the earth. The Holy Land was given to the Jewish nation by God Himself.
Genesis 17:8, “The whole land of
Canaan, where you are now an alien, I will give as an everlasting possession to
you and your descendants after you; and I will be their
God." Yet, the enlightened leadership of the ELCA would
serve as co-conspirators to evict Israel from the land promised them by the
Lord. . .
Lutheran leader sees Protestants aligning
. . .
the Evangelical Lutheran Church in America’s recent move to allow some
non-celibate gay clergy is affecting the church’s mission in the developing
world, where different branches of the faith have traditionally cooperated. . .
Joel Osteen tells it like it is - finally
. . .But is it true? Do the "Scriptures show that homosexuality is sinful," as Osteen
The answer has been "yes" for the last 3,500 years, but recent attempts to reinterpret Scripture have cast doubt on that claim and have been used to bolster pro-homosexual arguments inside the church. . .
The answer has been "yes" for the last 3,500 years, but recent attempts to reinterpret Scripture have cast doubt on that claim and have been used to bolster pro-homosexual arguments inside the church. . .
Ignorance is Not Bliss
. . .Ignoring important matters will, more often than not, cause us much more trouble
than just dealing with them in a timely fashion. Those that ignore the heretical
assertions of the ELCA leaders and scholars, because they think that they are
somehow insulated from the national synod, are in for a rude awakening. . .
The Folly of Voting to Overrule God
. . .shame on the ELCA majority for passing this measure that does great violence to the Word of God. There are atheists with a better understanding of Christian sexual morality than these religionists with their trendy heresies. . .
Intercommunicable Diseases: ELCA & the Questions It Raises
. . .Should anyone be scandalized or surprised by the rampant homosexualization of the mainline churches through official ordination policy changes and the implications of intercommunion. . ?
The Wages of Sin
Those that choose to accept the gospel of affirmation that the ELCA is peddling need to look to Scripture to understand just how our God will deal with those that choose to willfully disregard His law. . .
Christ's Scripture or Scripture's Christ -Is It an Either-Or?
(By Rev. Dr. George H. Muedeking)
Beginning in the 18th Century, "Higher Criticism" became the politically correct way to think and speak in the Theology departments of European universities. . .
Beginning in the 18th Century, "Higher Criticism" became the politically correct way to think and speak in the Theology departments of European universities. . .
Part Three: Ecumenical Politics
. . .It is hardly coincidental that at the same time the ELCA has been moving toward the goal of reinventing itself as an earthly “agent of social change,” that the denomination has been changing doctrinally, too. . .
Counterfeit Truth
. . .Unfortunately, this doctrine will allow those engaging in homosexual behavior to continue in their sin, with no need to repent before the Lord. . .
Temple Prostitution: A Modest Proposal
. . .Every now and then a new way of looking at things not only solves a problem but opens up unexpected opportunities for that one solution to lead to a whole host of related solutions. . .
Congregations & Controversy
. . .a church member which left the most impression with me was somebody who spoke of his being a delegate to the E.L.C.A. national conventions in recent years. He stated that our delegates often felt like conservative fish out of water in a denomination becoming increasingly liberal. . .