The ELCA Vault - Room Six
The ELCA Vault is a collection of articles, blogs, and documents related to issues with the ELCA.
Following God, and Ted Kennedy, on Socialized Medicine. . .In early April, Religious Left groups met with Senator Kennedy’s Chief Advisor on Health reform to plot how to exploit religion for imposing socialized medicine on America. . .
The Audacity of Audacity. . .That day the Synod Council began its meeting with a devotion that reminded us over and over again that "Jesus doesn't follow the rules." Yet we debated for the better part of an hour the church's man made rule about whether we could speak to the Lutheran Church in Tanzania or not. . .
The Path of Least Repentance. . .For ELCA Lutherans repentance is optional. Apparently, the concept of sin is such a negative connotation and those that stand accused of sinning may have their feelings hurt, so doctrine is enacted by a vote of imperfect human beings that believe that they have more wisdom than our Father in heaven. Confession and absolution becomes an optional part of ELCA services and is allowed to be replaced by a “Celebration of Baptism”, because this is much more positive and loving. Those portions of Scripture that show that our God is not only a God of love, but a God that is to be feared, are eliminated from the Revised Common Lectionary, because a loving God would never punish His children. . .
Observations on the ELCA Churchwide Assembly (from LCMS representative). . .This is why we cannot call good what God has called sin. Accepting homosexual activity as good (which is the effect of the ELCA’s 2009 action) promotes a false security about behavior God has forbidden and from which He longs to redeem us. It leads to self-justification rather than that justification God has promised all who trust His forgiving mercy through the death and resurrection of His Son, Jesus Christ, our Lord. . .
Bridge or Blockade? (Need to scroll down the page linked). . .It is my opinion that those who participate in the ELCA as leaders or members contribute to its ongoing errancy, by providing tithes, trading in their publishing houses, doing quality ministries as ELCA participants, and serving in the various ELCA mission endeavors. . ."
Heaven on Earth. . .The leaders and scholars of the ELCA also promote that we must create a heaven on earth. They abandon their responsibility to bring the lost to Jesus while they engage in a headlong rush to lift up the goal of social justice over the Gospel of Jesus Christ. The false gospel of affirmation that the ELCA embraces has no need for a Savior, since eternal life with our Father is a foregone conclusion. . .
On the call process… Part 2. . .Near the end of the interview, the bishop informed me that he could never trust a pastor who was a member of Lutheran CORE. . .
Nobody's Perfect(by Don Kriefall) . . . Other “new things” that God is supposedly telling the leaders of the ELCA revolve around the mistaken assumption that since God is perfect, everything he has created is also perfect. Those created by a perfect God are assumed that any proclivity that drives their being is considered good by the Lord, because He created them that way. . .
Baked Zwingli Casserole. . .Today, the ELCA and the Reformed churches (UCC, Presby., RCA, etc.) are in Full-Communion. Do you think we know Lutheran Communion doctrine better than Luther himself? . .
Sweet Surrender
. . .The new doctrines promoted by the leaders and scholars of the ELCA surrender not to our Lord, but to the proclivities of the flesh. Bound conscience allows one to choose their own interpretation of Scripture and directs those that disagree to respect that interpretation, not to gently correct, rebuke, or encourage those that are in obvious error. . .
Lutherans to Gather in Ohio to Elect Leaders for New Church Body. . .Most NALC congregations and members left the Evangelical Lutheran Church in America because of what they see as the ELCA’s movement away from using the Bible as the norm of the church body’s faith and life. The ELCA has lost hundreds of congregations and more than 300,000 members since 2009. . .
God's Timing . . .. . .God knew just what He was doing when he led us out of our old church and through the wilderness of looking for a new church. All I had to do was trust His way was perfect, and yes, it was. . .
Even More Humorless. . .He was irrate over the "Living Lutheran" video contest which he sees as a crass and shameless moneymaker. He wonders if selling bobble-head bishops will be next. . .
Fool Me Once. . .Shame on those that continue to walk together with a synod that denies the very truths of Christianity. Shame on those that accept bound conscience in order to place their own opinion over the will of our Lord. Shame on those that continue to lead the faithful astray with false doctrine. . .Choose to walk the right path with our Lord and expose the heresies promoted by the leaders of the ELCA. . .
The Bible and the 'Gay Marriage' Question. . .Clearly Jesus regarded a male-female requirement in marriage as an "irreducible minimum" in sexual ethics, the foundation on which other sexual standards are predicated, including monogamy. . .
Lutheran split over gays and the Bible shakes up multibillion-dollar social service network One of the largest social service networks in the United States, working in areas ranging from adoption to disaster relief, faces a shakeup because of Lutheran divisions over the Bible and homosexuality. . .
Under Penalty of Law. . .So many teachers in the ELCA and others embraced by the ELCA preach that this justification is freely given without condition and with or without faith. They teach that God would never place conditions upon His children, and promote the doctrine of universalism. . .
A Small Untangling. . .The ELCA has offered people a smorgasbord of issues to pick from. It isn’t just gay sex or gay ordination, or maybe it isn’t any of that at all but something else entirely. For one member it is this, for another that, and for yet another perhaps it is the whole thing taken together that has propelled them out. All of the issues in the ELCA, though, are summarized as first, a drift from biblical principles and, second, a loss of Lutheran confessional identity. . .
Moving Forward in Military Chaplaincy without the ELCA, Beginning 2012 (pdf file from LCMS). . .In addition, the ELCA has made its direction clear by the mutual decision between the ELCA and the Episcopal Church in the USA (ECUSA) to hold joint denominational training conferences together beginning in 2012. . .
Thought for Mon. 2-18-08"A person who is nice to you, but not nice to the waitress, is not a nice person.". .