The ELCA Vault - Room Seven
The ELCA Vault is a collection of articles, blogs, and documents related to issues with the ELCA.
Churches consider response to concealed carryCome Tuesday, when Wisconsin's concealed-carry law takes effect, anyone entering Jackson Park Lutheran Church should leave their weapons at home. . .
New NALC Church Meets In Watertown. . .Bradosky says the group separated because the ELCA was too focused on political issues, which he says lessened the common commitment towards Christ and the Church.
"We felt that issues of mission and evangelism were neglected in terms of being replaced with another mission, which was political activism,” said Bradosky. . . Sermon prep for 4-27. . .the ELCA website said that by learning about Islam and getting to know Muslims better we witness to Christ's love. I would have been much happier if the ELCA had talked about how to actually preach the gospel to Muslims, with their conversion in mind. . .
The Voice of a Dissident (for our Canadian brothers and sisters). . .As a dissident member of the ELCIC, my message to leaders and pastors of my church is, “You have abandoned the Word of God and are on a path of destruction. Repent or you will perish. . .”
Truth, No Consequences?. . .The leaders of the ELCA have neglected their responsibility to engage in the mission to reach out to save the souls of those who do not know our Lord. . .
Evangelical Lutheran Church in America – Please drop the “Lutheran” part of your Name. . .The ELCA continues to show that promoting their political positions is a major priority. The Evangelical Lutheran Church in America just posted on their website and sent out an email asking readers to “Call Your Representative Today to Vote NO on the ‘Cut, Cap and Balance Act. . .’”
Wallis, Pastors, and Soros Funding: The Agenda to Yoke the Nation’s Pulpits
. . .Although the Circle of Protection’s leaders call themselves defenders of poverty-stricken Americans, their pledge clearly states their goal is “to form a Circle of Protection around programs that meet the essential needs of hungry and poor people at home and abroad.” (Emphasis added.) They extend their hedge of protection, not over the poor, but around government redistribution of wealth. . .
Exposing the ELCA's Fall Newsletter
Fall, 2011. Articles, links, scripture and more.
ELCA Membership From 1987 Through 2010. . .One has to look at the losses experienced by the ELCA since 1988 to understand the extent of people leaving. However the statistics printed below from the ELCA's own web site do not show the full extent of the losses they have suffered. Many congregations still count members on their rosters who left the ELCA long ago. . .
Yes, They Said It — Revealing Comments. . .Thus, Pastor Schmeling — Lutheran Pastor Schmeling — has abandoned preaching about “justification by grace through faith, not by works of the law” — the very heart of Lutheran theology. Indeed, the very heart of the Gospel itself. This pastor has exchanged the Gospel for a more “incarnational and relational” theology. . .
The Lutheran Hedgehog, Fall 2011Newsletter with some of the following articles - ELCA: Never Let a Crisis Go to Waste, - Bishops Tighten Control, - Turn Left at the ELCA.
Seabury Western Seminary to move to Lutheran centerOfficials at Seabury Western Theological Seminary announced Sept. 23 that the Episcopal Church-affiliated school will move from Evanston, Illinois into space at the Lutheran Center, headquarters of the Evangelical Lutheran Church in America (ELCA) in nearby Chicago. . .
How ELCA Biblical Scholars Think - Witness Stone BlogA video called "The 'How To' Show: How To Be a Biblical Scholar (Ep. 8 )."
Acceptance or Denial? Commentary on the 2011 ELCA Churchwide Assembly This assembly did not retreat at all from the decisions made by the 2009 assembly, not even discussing requests from three synods to do so. . .
The figures reflect decline—decline in worship attendance, decline in congregational giving to synods and churchwide, decline in baptized members, decline in pastors, and decline in number of congregations. church category.) But he also said that a greater percentage of suburban and urban congregations have left, which he finds disturbing. . . In statu confessionis. . .Given that the ELCA has broken faith with the historic teachings of the one, holy, catholic and apostolic church, as a matter of conscience I cannot support what the ELCA considers its mission and ministry. . .
“Buddha loves me, this I know”. . .It’s completely inadequate to speak, as they do, of the cross as “love showered so extravagantly” and “God gently but surely guiding….”
Conscientious Objector. . .Those who decide it is incumbent upon themseves to disregard Scripture in order to be more welcoming, tolerant and accepting, turn away from the commands of our Lord and encourage the faithful to follow errant doctrine. Those that accept this bound conscience may well be placing their very salvation at risk. . .
New Lutheran leader stands firm on gay pastors. . . Bishop John Bradosky, 59, a native of Greensburg, said while he is open to dialogue between the North American Lutheran Church and the ELCA, there is a limit to what can be agreed to.
Closing the breach between the two would "require some really major changes" on the part of the ELCA, Bradosky said. . . Never, Ever Give Up!. . .So we will fight for our Lord and pray that those close to us will listen and discover that the ELCA is, in fact, leaving our Lord behind. We will fight for our Lord no matter how difficult it is for us. We will put on the armor of our faith and proclaim the Gospel of Jesus Christ. . .
Stop Making Sense. . .I’m just a poor lay person who has not attended seminary, but as Lutherans we believe in “Sola Scriptura” or Scripture alone in all matters of faith, and when my Savior says that He is the way and the truth and the life and no one can come to the Father, except through Him, that is good enough for me. . .