The ELCA Vault - Room One
The ELCA Vault is a collection of articles, blogs, and documents related to the ELCA. The purpose of the Vault is to provide this important information to it's readers and at the same time not overload other sections of the website so as they become too convoluted.
Give Them What They Want. . .The false gospel of affirmation. . . gives those thirsting for acceptance, whatever it is that they want. This false doctrine promotes the idea that God affirms us all because He loves us unconditionally, so that you can have whatever it is that you want. . .
The Root of All Evil. . .The leadership of the ELCA plots ways to seize the property of congregations that vote to leave. . .
God's Law IS ImportantThe adoption of the doctrine of bound conscience has caused many people to accuse the ELCA of disregarding God’s Law and replacing it with a version more acceptable to modern society. . .
Discretionary Matters?. . .A bishop in the Lutheran Church has the responsibility to teach Scripture and guard traditional and orthodox doctrine in order to ensure the preservation of the historic teachings of the Christian religion . . .
Unintended effects: —How the ELCA’S aim for unity fractured the church. . .The so-called compromise also presses individuals to decide where they stand, which congregation they want to belong to, as well as where they want their pledges to go. . .
Don't Ask, Don't Tell. . .Far too many ELCA pastors also evoke the, “Don’t ask, Don’t tell” policy. These pastors don't tell their congregants about the doctrinal shifts in the ELCA and they don’t respond when asked about it. . .
Hope and Change. . .These self proclaimed “enlightened” ELCA scholars and leaders look at Scripture and determine that, for centuries, we have either misconstrued God’s intent or that, somehow, God is now telling us something new and different. They use Scripture to bolster their secular arguments, but deliberately fail to cite verses that would discredit these new doctrinal shifts. . .
The New "Normal". . .They profess their faith in the creeds and confessions on the front page of their web-site, but then publish essays that cast doubt upon the tenets of our Christian faith, directed at those that are "new" or "returning" to church. . .
Don't Kill the MessengerWhen a church strays so far from it foundational beliefs that action is necessary, don’t place the blame on those that expose the truth. Many are angry at those that are speaking out for the Lord and informing their congregations about the doctrinal shifts of the ELCA. . .
The Disappearance of True Gospel of Christ. . .Steven Marsh, assistant to the bishop of the Southeast Michigan Synod, distorted the gospel when he defined Christ’s resurrection as an "issue of justice. . ."
How Important Can Alignment Be?. . .What we as WordAlone Ministries are experiencing is on a parallel track with the very churches we are working with. Helping churches, groups, families and individuals leave the ELCA in order to be free of the false gospel and other religion it is professing is also a sharp turn being made by more than a few. . .
2012. . .So, because certain behavior is acceptable in civil society, the leaders and scholars of the ELCA have come to the conclusion that God must be wrong to prohibit that conduct. Soon, the substance and spirit of this statement is to be taught in our ELCA schools, beginning with early childhood centers. . .
The Unredeemed Conscience is Unreliable by David R. Barnhart. . .Luther’s conscience was not bound by his own reasoning, or the norms of his culture, or by the teachings of the Roman Church. Luther’s conscience was captive to the Word of God. What you and I believe about anything has no validity if our beliefs are contradicted by the teachings of the Bible. Scripture alone must be the only basis of rightly judging all matters of faith and practice. . .
SchismThe ELCA's magazine The Lutheran formally acknowledged the formation of the North America Lutheran Church (NALC) in its most recent October issue. . .
A Response to Bishop Chilstrom's Letter to Those Leaving the ELCA. . .To all homosexuals, we say—We love you enough to tell you there is a Savior who is able to redeem, forgive and totally transform your life, if you turn to Him in faith and repentance . .
Synod Will Not Allow Neb. Church To Leave, Even After Their Successful Second Vote. . .The Nebraska Synod voted on 9/18/10 NOT to allow Bethel Lutheran Church, Holdrege, NE to leave the ELCA. . .
Who is Watching Out For Us?. . .What a sobering thought for everyone in spiritual leadership to consider, that failure on our part to alert people to their need to repent of sin will bring guilt upon us. . .
Mission Support. Who’s fooling whom?. . .Because the ELCA operates on a unified budget, it’s not possible to increase money for mission. . .
The Fear We Desperately Need. . .A reading of the Bible in which we allow it to speak in its clear sense, untouched by rope-a-dope theology will tell us that the ELCA has wandered far from God. . .
Pro-Gay Revisionist Theology: Did God Really Say...?A false doctrine concerning homosexual behavior has been launched at biblically orthodox believers. . .
Reply to Bishop Chilstrom. . .the education, worship and other materials provided by the ELCA for use in congregations are shot through with an alien agenda, most of the pastors and ministers it now trains are not competent to preach the gospel, and its home and global missions are in captivity to a false gospel. . .
The ELCA InquisitionThe leadership of the ELCA has been driven to reinvent Scripture and to reconstruct traditional Lutheran doctrine to mirror current secular ideology. . .
The Faith Once Delivered, Part II . . . I think the ELCA has lost this. . .
Blood is NOT thicker than water. . .He said with obvious sadness, that unfortunately many of his people would soon embrace the very same positions as the church body (even though they did not now). . .