The ELCA Vault - Room Five
The ELCA Vault is a collection of articles, blogs, and documents related to issues with the ELCA.
Pastor celebrates milestones. . .Another major change for the church came in March 2010 when Christ Lutheran voted to leave the Evangelical Lutheran Church in America and join Lutheran Congregations in Mission for Christ. The final decision, supported by 98 percent of the congregation, followed the ELCA's vote to allow homosexuals in committed relationships to serve as clergy. . .
May I on Higgins Road. . .People on every side rejoiced that justice had done when the news about Osama broke on May 1. (See the the Time slide show of national and international headlines. Lots of emotions there.) The mood at ELCA Headquarters on Higgins Road was more subdued. . .
Conditions of Occupancy(by Don Kriefall) . . .Far too many members that follow the misguided leadership of the ELCA have fallen into the evil one's trap. What kind of audacity does it take to place conditions upon the Creator of the universe? . .
God the Holy Spirit is not "She". . .the Fall 2007 Seminary Ridge Review, the journal of the Lutheran Theological Seminary at Gettysburg (LTSG) which I received just this week. The article implies that using a masculine personal pronoun for God is an error and the article refers to the Holy Spirit by the feminine personal pronoun "She. . ."
Trinity Lutheran Church organizes locally. . .He said American Lutheran Church members voted May 22 on a proposal to leave the Evangelical Lutheran Church of America (ELCA). When it failed, some members left to form their own church. . .
Breaking up is Hard to do. . .We had already recently experienced a sermon by an ELCA pastor that our congregation has been supporting as a missionary for 8 years, who actually believes that there are many ways to heaven and that all religions offer a valid path to salvation. . .
Still Some Who Stand With God and Sound Doctrine - Witness Stone BlogI wish the ELCA had a leader like Bryant Wright, the Southern Baptist Convention President. The LGBT activists are demanding an apology from the denomination. . .
Fishers Convocation Sermon - September, 2009. . .Hi, I’m Jaynan, and I’m a recovering CWA attendee. And we are all, in some sense, in a state of recovery. . .
Paved With Good Intentions(by Don Kriefall) . . .Unfortunately, bound conscience has opened a Pandora’s Box of new heretical teachings in the ELCA. . .
Racism and the Trinity. . .This continues a trend in the ELCA toward superceding liturgical holy days with expressions of social concerns. . .
The ELCA and Unity (from Grace Lutheran in Eau Claire, WI)Below, an update on Grace Lutheran Church in Eau Claire from the congregation's president.
Below is her note, and below that is her official president's report to her council and congregation. . . Lutheran Youth and QuotasIt is not coming to the ELCA Churchwide Assembly as a motion, at least I don't think it is, but it was suggested that 10% of the voting members at the next Assembly be youth. Don't get me wrong, I love the youth of our church, but don't we already have enough quotas for voting members? . .
Another Successful VoteThe following is the official statement of Shepherd of the Hills Lutheran Church of Richfield, WI. . .
NC chapter of North American Lutheran Church meeting in Hickory. . .“This is much less about homosexuality, or serving the GLBT Lutherans, than it is about ‘what is the ultimate authority in the church.’ Is it the Word of God, or isn’t it?”
“It’s really unfortunate that some in the ECLA want to cast this as a dispute strictly about homosexual clergy. But that’s the issue they (ELCA) chose to challenge God’s authority. . .” Spiritual DNA(by Don Kriefall) . . .While the leadership of the ELCA continues to dabble in science and other worldly concerns, those that search for a relationship with the Lord are left thirsting without appropriate direction from this church. . .
I Am Nothing(by Don Kriefall) . . . the leaders of the ELCA continue to celebrate the self and minimize our Lord’s role in their ministry. Why is it so difficult for the leaders of the ELCA to realize that it is Christ first?
Another ELCA Statement Pushing Bias Anti-Israel Plan
. . .Bishop Hanson went on to say "(b)uilding on the president’s statement, we also continue to support a negotiated, final status agreement which achieves a 'shared Jerusalem' serving as a capital to both Palestine and Israel. . .
Where's the Beef?(by Don Kriefall). . .Is it not the church’s role to lead the lost to Christ and to uphold proper Christian doctrine or is it more important to allow God’s children to formulate beliefs that lead them away from our Lord? The ELCA promotes that it is more important to have fellowship with each other, regardless of belief or opinion. The doctrine of bound conscience allows one to twist Scripture to justify any worldly desire that you may wish to partake. . .
Just one more, Please....(by Don Kriefall). . .their chosen sin remains sinful in the eyes of the Lord. His law remains, no matter what the leaders of a wayward denomination want their membership to believe. . .
More Ordination of Gay MinistersThe news being reported today is that the Presbyterians are joining the ranks of the Episcopalians and the ELCA in approval of openly gay ministers being ordained and leading their flocks. . .
Evolutional Theology? (click and scroll down). . .Apparently now embraced by the ELCA, the word progressive (that I stressed in caps here) sounds alarm bells for me when I consider the recent progress the ELCA made last August wherein the denomination strode boldly into scriptural apostasy. . .
Pastor of Bethel Lutheran Church (Colorado Springs, CO) responds to Bishop letter. . .It saddens me that after 500 years of Lutheran teaching, tradition and biblical understanding, the ELCA has chosen the path of separation from most of the rest of the overall Christian/Catholic Church in the world in the areas of a biblical view toward marriage and our expression as sexual beings. . .
Neither Rhyme nor Reason(by Don Kriefall) . . .As the leaders of the ELCA pilot their church into the raging sea of apostasy, so many of their membership blindly accept false doctrine. . .
Nothing Between by Pastor David Barnhart. . . When a denomination makes sin and apostasy part of its official doctrine and practice, Christians have an obligation to oppose it and, where necessary, depart from it. . .
Creation or Creator?(by Don Kriefall) . . .Not to worry, the leaders of the ELCA have approved a Good Friday substitute service that will satisfy our environmental sensibilities. . .
Reader's view: Believers must stand. . .I attended a meeting in 2008 where the Evangelical Lutheran Church in America Draft Social Statement on Human Sexuality was discussed. In that statement, the Apostle Paul was quoted 12 times, but not on what he said about sexual sin. . .
The Real Thing(By Don Kriefall). . .This is why it is so disturbing to those true to the Lord when they see a church fall away from Him, enamored with the things of this world. . .