The ELCA Vault - Room 27The ELCA Vault is a collection of articles, blogs, and documents related to the ELCA. The purpose of the Vault is to provide this important information to it's readers and at the same time not overload other sections of the website so as they become too convoluted.
Closing services scheduled for merging Lutheran churches. . .And the April 30 vote finalized plans that include putting all three church buildings up for sale and having the new congregation share worship, ministry and office space with Trinity’s congregation. . .
If You Want to Destroy Your Church, Follow Liberals’ Advice. . .turns out that Millennials are not, in fact, longing for the Episcopal experience. Not many people of any age are. What Evans neglects to mention is that the American religious community has been engaging in a decades-long experiment in exactly the kind of spirituality she proposes, and the Mainline churches — those churches that combine the ancient forms of faith with progressive beliefs — are committing slow-motion suicide. . .
Truth About Israel - Witness Stone Blog. . .If you listen to the ELCA and their Middle East, terrorist sympathizing friends you would think Israel is evil and the cause of problems there. Not so. . .
No Response (As Usual)(see page 7) . . .As expected I have received no reply. And why should I expect to receive a reply? After all, I am not one of the acceptable “voices at the margins of the church”. . .
Angel Marrero: "I am an openly gay Lutheran priest". . .So it is he, direct and proud to be what he is, Father Angel David expressly expressed that he is the only priest who is married, who is Hispanic and is a homosexual within the Lutheran Church of the United States. . .
'Concerned students' want free shuttle to mosque. . .group of “Concerned Students” at Luther College has issued demands for various social justice initiatives, including a free bi-monthly shuttle to take students to mosque. . .
Silly Putty Bible. . . They didn’t care what could be proven via God’s word. It could be bypassed. The ELCA had already determined to serve the culture and was seeking ways to justify it. . .
American Jewish Committee lobbied US to cover Palestinian Authority’s unpaid bills. . .Graham took part, along with 31 other Lutheran bishops, in an April 2014 lobbying mission to Capitol Hill. According to an ELCA press release at the time, the bishops spoke to lawmakers about both the hospital funding and the church’s other views concerning Israel. The ELCA has called for ending U.S. aid to Israel unless the Israelis stop all Jewish construction in the disputed territories and portions of Jerusalem. . .
Episcopal Divinity School folds into ultraliberal ecumenical seminary. . .The seminary is deep into cultural diversity and total inclusion. "We recognize that our mission is best fulfilled when we notice and embrace diversity across all social identities (race, class, gender, sex, ability, faith/belief, sexual orientation, age and all of the dimensions of identity that live within us), and we cherish the fact that each member of our community brings a unique collection of identities and experiences that contributes to our collective dialogue," Union's developing Diversity Statement proclaims. . .
I am a woman and I voted for Trump
. . .Over the next couple of days, she overheard multiple students threaten to hurt the next conservative or Republican they saw. Vice President of St. Olaf College Republicans Kathryn Hinderaker ’19 had a similar experience. . .
Remember Thrivent? Planned Parenthood does.
. . .To remain neutral in the abortion debate is to side with the ungodly and inhumane Pro-choice agenda. You have made a choice. Period. . .
ELCA Synod Accuses South Dakota Legislators of 'Islamophobia - Witness Stone Blog
. . .post by the ELCA's South Dakota Synod stating how they "stood in solidarity today with our brothers and sisters in the Islamic community against Islamophobia perpetrated by South Dakota's legislators..."
On Ash Wednesday, glitter ashes show support for LGBTQ community
Some Chicago-area churches plan to provide ashes mixed with glitter on Ash Wednesday as a sign of support for the LGBTQ community. . .
ELCA Lutheran church to offer "glitter ashes"
. . .What won't the ELCA do next? . .
ELCA Pastor Praises Allah - Witness Stone Blog
. . .In the comment section under my post ELCA pastor Paul Christ praises the Muslim false god. . .
7 Insights about Mainline Decline from Rodney Stark
. . . In effect, the old Protestant Mainline denominations drove millions of their members into the more conservative denominations.” . .
Minnesota: Terror-linked Muslim group opens offices inside Bethany Lutheran Church
. . .That any church would welcome the notorious, terror-linked, terror-listed, FBI-banned, unindicted co-conspirator to the largest terror financing conviction in U.S. history is beyond comprehension. . .
ELCA's California Lutheran Univ. to Hold PRIDE Drag Show
ASCLUG (Associated Students California Lutheran University Government) Presents: Campus Support - PRIDE Drag Show
Today’s Progressive Christians are the Best Christians in History. Just Ask Them!
. . .To learn the real meaning of Christianity, pay special attention to scholars with advanced degrees from schools that non-Christians respect, and those with large endowments and beautiful campuses. Don’t get confused by spurious appeals to the apparent sense of Scripture, or even the words of Jesus. Remember, as a high school religion teacher once told me, “Jesus didn’t have an M.A. in Theology from Catholic University. I do.”
A Layman’s Concerns about the ELCA’s Response to President Trump’s Ban on Immigration
. . .Nevertheless, ostensibly the conclusion that restricting certain aliens from entry into the country would do nothing to enhance public safety is your personal conviction, and I would hope you would concede that it is an opinion on which reasonable minds might differ. If you do not believe that reasonable minds might differ on this issue, then neither I nor anyone else could have anything further to say to you. But, if you would concede that reasonable minds might differ as to the value of restricting immigration as means of furthering public safety, then you must conclude that you have overstepped your proper role as a cleric. . .
Historic Mt. Airy church closes after 288 years
. . .Rev. Henry Melchior Muhlenberg, referred to as “the ‘church father’ of Lutheranism in the United States” served as pastor of St Michael’s Church from 1743-1745. . .
Lutheran, Yet Ashamed of the Gospel?
Lutheran Immigration and Refugee Services (LIRS) receives substantial support from the Lutheran Church – Missouri Synod. It is a partnership that needs to be terminated. . .
Hey reporters: Is a more active Religious Left a sign of a growing Religious Left?
. . .America lacks a Protestant majority, with only 48 percent of the population claiming ties to Protestant denominations. Meanwhile, the surging tide of Americans rejecting ties to specific religious groups – the so-called "Nones" – appears to pose a new threat to the declining "seven sisters" of liberal Protestantism. . .
The Supply of and Demand for Clergy in the ELCA
. . .There is a shortage of pastors in the ELCA which began to develop in 2012, and it is quite probable the shortage will intensify. While pastors can leave the roster of the ELCA by death, resigning, and being removed, among active clergy serving congregations the most significant component of loss is the number of retirements. . .
Minnesota Lutherans at forefront of new Martin Luther revolution
. . . “In addition, the ELCA will spotlight anniversary themes such as 'eco-reformation,' and explore the implications of becoming a 'sanctuary' denomination for refugees.”. .
Liberal churches are dying. But conservative churches are thriving
. . .because of their conservative outlook, the growing church clergy members in our study took Jesus’ command to “Go make disciples” literally. Thus, they all held the conviction it’s “very important to encourage non-Christians to become Christians,” and thus likely put effort into converting non-Christians. Conversely, because of their liberal leanings, half the clergy members at the declining churches held the opposite conviction, believing it is not desirable to convert non-Christians. . .
The ELCA's CheckPoint Lie - Witness Stone Blog
We hear the ELCA rant and rave about Palestinian hardships because of Israeli checkpoints. . .
As the ELCA continues its work bringing Muslim immigrants to the U.S., see how that is working out for Sweden
ELCA Pastor Nadia Bolz-Weber will keep swearing because she is not going to pretend to be someone she is not
. . .People love to stay in their sin and not change. This is likely the case with Nadia. Or it could be that Nadia has decided this verse is one of those that can be ignored because it is not from God but just one of Paul's "snotty opinions."
No Good News Here
. . .It has been my experience considering ordination and dealing with two congregations needing pastors that has raised my concern for the decline of my denomination. And then I read the following report: The Supply and Demand for Clergy in the ELCA, and realized that the situation is truly critical. . .
Houses of Worship Poised to Serve as Trump-Era Immigrant Sanctuaries
. . . He was apprehended nine times between 1997 and 2002 trying to cross the border. He re-entered and was ordered removed by a judge in 2007. He re-entered twice in 2014 and served prison sentences for illegal re-entry, a criminal felony conviction. . .
Susan Wolfe-Devol, voice of LGBT inclusion and first female Lutheran pastor in Orange County, dies at 61
. . .“Sue was a huge, straight-out ally for the LGBT, long before it became fashionable,” Gasparotti said. “She reminded us that we were married in the eyes of God and that it mattered less what the state of California thought.”. .
The Christian Left Has Become Unhinged
. . .The Christian Left is particularly good at hiding their real agenda with pious sounding, but very misleading words and phrases. The Left does not lack for chutzpah and they are champion distorters. . .
Radical Group's Goals for the ELCA - Witness Stone Blog
#DecolonizeLutheranism is a group made up of extremely radical ELCA pastors, seminary students and leaders and has gathered a sizeable following in the Evangelical Lutheran Church of America. . .
ELCA Lutherans in the Twilight Zone (2007)
. . .The most contentious issue before the ELCA for several years now has been the issue of the ordination of practicing homosexuals. Church law is clear it's a No No. The denomination tried to head off the controversy by forming a "Committee on Human Sexuality" that result in a denominational statement in 2009. That process began in 2001! It takes eight years to read Romans chapter one? . .
Why liberal theology has led to shrinking congregations
. . .Liberal theology calls clergy and lay people to practice a metaphorical interpretation of the Bible and to temper their belief in supernatural phenomenon in order to make their religious message more palatable for modern audiences. . .
How religion impacted Nebraska’s death penalty vote
. . .Allison Johnson, a minister at The Lutheran Center at the University of Nebraska-Lincoln, echoed the anti-death penalty sentiments of the ELCA church she serves on campus. . .
Western ND bishop bucks ELCA's backing of pipeline protest
. . .Eaton, who's based in Chicago, encouraged ELCA congregations across the country to pray for the tribe "and to offer material support, and to examine the racism inherent in our system that contributes to the current crisis.""We will lend our presence when invited, our advocacy when requested, the resources of our people when asked, and our prayers, friendship and repentance at all times," . .
The ELCA's Only Position on Homosexuality - Witness Stone Blog
. . .the only position you hear from the Evangelical Lutheran Church in America and all the subsidiaries is in favor of homosexuality and gay marriage. . .
Bad doctrine damns
Local church honors Transgender Day of Remembrance
. . .A small group gathered in the sanctuary to hold a ecumenical service as part of Transgender Day of Remembrance. . .
Muslim College Chaplains Extend a Hand Across Religious Divides
. . .So when Augsburg created a position of Muslim student program associate, Ms. Hassan applied and was hired in August 2015. In the role, she addresses classes, organizes service projects, leads field trips to local mosques and started a service for Friday Prayers, known as jummah, on campus. . .
Exposing the document 'My Neighbor is A Muslim' by the ELCA's Lutheran Social Service of Minnesota
Radio program by Usama Dakdok: Sept. 26, 2016. Usama explains that this document is promoting Chrislam. This is the first in a series of radio programs exposing the LSS of MN document. (see here for a link to more of his programs on this topic)
Allegations threaten historic Eltingville church, school
. . .the bishop and synod of the Evangelical Lutheran Church in America (ELCA), the governing body of ELC, recommended the synod assume control of the church, school and finances. . .
Cottage Grove Pastor Admits to Making Child Porn Using Photos of Kids at Church
. . .He then admitted to taking innocent photos of children who attend All Saints Lutheran Church events and then editing the photos to create pornographic work. . .
The Living Lutheran. . . born of the dead The Lutheran magazine. . .
. . .Living Lutheran will never be accused of upholding any confessional doctrinal integrity (except perhaps their loyalty to diversity, feminism, and the GLBT agenda). The first issue did not disappoint me. There were articles on water renewing the earth and the church, autism friendly activity bags, a Lutheran/Methodist partnership, eco-evangelism, healthier living, etc... Peter Marty explained that the greatest achievement of Easter was not freedom from death but freedom from our fears. . .
The Rev. Nancy Nord Bence leaves the pulpit to take on gun violence
. . .While it may seem unusual to have a Lutheran minister overseeing a gun reform group, the arrangement is endorsed by the St. Paul synod of the Evangelical Lutheran Church in America, which in May approved a resolution to support gun violence prevention. . .
The Rev. Jen Rude: Trailblazing pastor called to PLU becomes first openly gay pastor at ELCA college
. . .Rude completed her master’s degree in 2005, at a time when the ELCA allowed LGBTQ pastors to be ordained, so long as they pledged celibacy — a requirement not applied to heterosexual pastors. Rude refused to comply with the discriminatory policy, which ultimately led to news headlines and the emotional ceremony in November 2007. . .
Avoiding the Faithlessness of Being a Political Church
. . .I see (the ELCA) as an unbiblical and unconfessional church body. . .
Sardis When a Church Becomes Dead
About that “clergy gap…”
. . .at least 9% of all current ELCA seminarians publicly identify as LGBTQ. . .
The future is here
. . .While the number of ELCA congregations that can afford a full-time minister has dropped steadily since 2005, there still aren’t enough pastors. In following the data, Research and Evaluation outlines myriad contributing factors in reports such as “The Supply and Demand for Clergy in the ELCA.” In short, the ELCA has fewer congregations, fewer members, fewer leaders and fewer financial resources. . .
Churchwide Assembly Calls ELCA to Further Engage on Climate Change, Justice for the Holy Land (Uses deceptive words to hide the truth of their actions)
. . .Thiemann is enthusiastic about Portico’s ability to help the church intensify its engagement efforts. . .
PLU welcomes first openly gay university pastor at a Lutheran college
. . .It’s not the first barrier Rude has broken. In 2007, she became the first openly LGBTQ pastor to be ordained after the ELCA urged bishops to stop penalizing congregations for violating an outdated celibacy requirement for gay clergy. It was a rule that Rude at the time described as discriminatory, and one the organization rightfully did away with two years later. . .
Conversations on Faith - "Marriage" and the new ELCA Gay Marriage Rite
. . .Rev. Dennis Di Mauro - Our latest "Conversations on Faith" webpod with my take on the ELCA's latest gender neutral marriage rite. . .