ELCA Vault - Room 22
The ELCA Vault is a collection of articles, blogs, and documents related to issues with the Evangelical Lutheran Church in America.
How To Shrink Your Church In One Easy Step. . .By the end of 2012, ELCA had lost 12.3 percent of its members in three years—nearly 600,000 people. If the present rate of defections holds steady, ELCA will cease to exist in less than two decades. . .
Joining the unchurched. . .Like the medieval papacy that Luther and the reformers set off against, the ELCA in its assembly declared itself master of the Word rather than servant. Instead of proclaiming God’s Word, it formally proclaims itself as arbiter of the word. An organization which no longer hears its Lord’s voice cannot be considered a church, according to the Augsburg Confession’s definition. . .
Byron Dorgan: Theocrat? (2008)The Religious Left is claiming to have killed – at least momentarily - the proposed Reliable Replacement Warhead (RRW), a program that would update the aging U.S. nuclear arsenal. . .
Tracking Christian Sexual Morality in a Same-Sex Marriage FutureChurchgoing Christians who support same-sex marriage are more likely to think pornography, cohabitation, hook-ups, adultery, polyamory, and abortion are acceptable. And it’s reasonable to expect continued change in more permissive directions. . .
Homosexuality And The Clergy. . .when it comes to clergy questioning the viability of homosexual church leadership, I’m obliged to ask them a question: Have you ever actually sat down and read your Bible?.. If Leviticus 18:22 isn’t clear enough regarding how God sees homosexuality, then these clergy ought to give some serious consideration to 1 Timothy 3 and Titus 1, wherein Paul outlines the qualifications necessary for church elders, deacons and overseers (bishops). . .
ELCA Elects New Presiding Bishop (2013)
. . .The governance of the ELCA is seriously flawed. It puts the full power for settlement of disputes on the Synod Assembly—an unwieldy group of people who have no real ability or time to wade through issues with individual congregations and no real credentials for making legal decisions. Delegates are not vetted for their knowledge issues or church law. A third of the delegates rely on their relationship with the bishop for their next call. Their fear is well-based. . .
Season of Creation
The "Season of Creation" is a liturgical anomaly (not an innovation), described as "optional" (as in orthodox Christians will never use it) but still being forcefully advocated by the more eco-pagan wing of Christendom. . .
Captive to Sin
. . .The leadership of the ELCA promotes doctrine that claims that sin is no longer sinful, deceiving their membership. The truth is not in them. Confession of sin is replaced with the affirmation of sin by this wayward denomination. . .
Former Lutheran bishop sentenced to 10 years for killing woman while driving drunk
. . .Thompson showed drawings of how Burnside sped away from the crash scene, rammed another vehicle with a 12-year-old passenger, drove in the wrong lane for a stretch, and ended up at the convenience store, where other drivers tried to block him with their vehicles. . .
The Lutherans Sterben Aus (Die Out)
. . .The above chart spells unmitigated disaster. And it’s a few years old. It’s gotten much worse since it was first printed. . .
The ELCA and the Israeli/Palestinian Conflict
. . . the ELCA has shown itself to be strongly pro-Palestinian and pro-Hamas in the recent conflict. Considering Luther’s history with the Jews, and Germany’s actions during World War II, this is very unsightly. The underlying anti-Semitism of the leadership of the ELCA cannot be ignored. For those of you reading this who are still in the ELCA, it is time to leave. . .
Presbyterian Church USA Criticizes Israel, Ignores Christian Persecution
. . .You know I would suggest to these Presbyterian organizations to fly to the Middle East, come and see Israel for the embattled democracy that it is, and then take a bus tour, go to Libya, go to Syria, go to Iraq, and see the difference. And I would give them two pieces of advice, one is, make sure it’s an armor plated bus, and second, don’t say that you’re Christians. . .
ELCA Synodical Remittances for the period ending April 30, 2014
. . .Fiscal Year 2014 1st Quarter Reports. . .
ELCA Churchwide Organization 2014 Operating Results Summary For the Months Ending April 30, 2014
. . .Revenue totaled $15.7 million for the three-month period compared with $16.6 million the previous year, a decrease of $0.9 million or 1.0 percent. . .
Lutherans Left out in the Cold
. . .In other words, because the NALC is not in communion with the Evangelical Lutheran Church in America (ELCA) and the Evangelical Lutheran Church in Canada (ELCIC)—churches they broke away from over significant theological differences regarding the nature of Scriptural authority—the LWF is rejecting the NALC’s application. . .
And the state of my current residence isn't in terribly great shape, either
. . .It seems that Democratic (naturally) State Representative Beth Wessel-Kroeschell- an ELCA "Lutheran-" thinks that abortions are a good idea because babies have colic. . .
Prideful ELCA Bishop
ELCA Bishop of the Southwest California Synod, R. Guy Erwin rides in California Gay Pride Parade. 2014
Finding peace among different faiths
. . .Middle-school campers visiting a mosque wanted to know why women cover their heads and sit separately from men. They asked the imam about the cupola, fountain, and orientation toward Mecca. . .
What Luther didn't have to answer and we do
. . .I'd like to suggest in light of this that Lutherans today need to speak more clearly about the authority of scripture. Now I am sure I will catch some flack for this statement. Some will be quick to remind me that some Lutheran are very clear on this topic, and I would agree. However, my church body (ELCA) isn't. . .
A Tale of Two Churches in SEPA Synod, ELCA
. . .SEPA was passing massive deficit budgets fairly routinely, relying on closing churches, seizing assets and selling property to make up shortfalls. Redeemer was known to have money and a valuable property. . .
. . .their leaders push their members further away from the path God has set before them. God’s chosen, Israel is reviled by the leadership of the ELCA as they peddle outright lies to their membership to breed hatred while lifting up the plight of the very organization that wants to not only wipe Israel from the face of the earth, but also would destroy Christianity. . .
Pastors’ Letter for Planned Parenthood: “God Bless You” as You Have an Abortion
(two ELCA pastors signed this letter) . . .We believe, as religious leaders in our faith communities, that abortion is a morally permissible choice for a woman facing a problem pregnancy. . .
First openly gay Lutheran Bishop to walk in San Diego’s LGBT Pride Parade
. . .Bishop Erwin and his husband Rob Flynn will join the other two California Bishops and their spouses, Bishop Murray Finck and Bishop Mark Holmerud, marking the first time all three California bishops will be represented in a Pride Parade. All ELCA Lutheran congregations in the region have been invited to join the contingent in this historic occasion. . .
Apostasy Rising: 4 Denominations In Less Than a Week Defy God's Word
. . .Although the Great Falling Away is going to happen because it's prophesied in Scripture, I am contending for a revival—a Great Awakening—that will sweep through the nation and cause people to turn back to God. I will not give up. The arm of the Lord is not too short to save, nor his ear too dull to hear (Is. 59:1). . .
Leadership Of The Church? (2009)
. . .Now, I could expound on the old arguments against homosexuality found in Leviticus 18, 1 Corinthians 6 and 1 Timothy 1, but those points have been so belabored people tend to tune them out. Rather, I bring attention to the passages in 1 Timothy 3 and the above-mentioned Titus 1. . .
Why Take Your Synod Assembly Seriously?
. . .The structure of the ELCA is seriously flawed.
The people who could fix it are part of the problem, don’t care, or have been replaced by the quota system. . .
The people who could fix it are part of the problem, don’t care, or have been replaced by the quota system. . .
What Me Worry? The “new” old theology and philosophy!
. . .Yet many of our mainline protestant denominations: the Evangelical Lutheran Church in America (ELCA), the Episcopal Church in the United States of America (ECUSA), and Presbyterian Church of the United States of America (PCUSA) have adopted this as their doctrine in falling to the LGBT campaign for equal rights, allowing LGBT pastors and same sex marriage contrary to Scripture. It is no accident they are all in “full Communion,” in this dangerous departure from God’s Word. . .
Same-sex Marriage and the ELCA
. . .Traditionalist pastors already often feel like fish out of water at conference ministerium meetings or synod assemblies. There comes a time when one just says, "Oh, the heck with it-to get along, I need to go along.". .
Frank Schaefer Headlines DC Gay Pride Event
. . .That was followed by a “sacred centering” by the Wiccans, a call to prayer from Muslims for Progressive Values, a Sikh prayer from the Kundalini Yoga Rainbow Sangat, and a sounding of the Shofar by the DC Radical Faeries (their words, not mine). There was a reading of a poem entitled “God is Gay” and a presentation from the trans community. . .
ELCA Blames Santa Barbara Massacre on Traditional Churches
. . .blames the recent Santa Barbara massacre on traditional churches (that do not ordain women) and the misogyny of St. Paul in the New Testament. The assertion is ridiculous on its face, but one wonders why the ELCA would post this and keep it up if it was not in fact the opinion of the ELCA. . .
5 Signs of Ear-Tickling Preachers
. . .Ear-ticking preachers go light on sin. Throughout the Scriptures, both Old Testament and New Testament, including the Gospels, Acts, the Letters, and Revelation, there are warnings about the dangers of sin and calls to turn away from sin. . .
If SEPA Leaders Cared . . . .
The Southeastern Pennsylvania Synod of the Evangelical Lutheran Church in America has been embroiled in trouble, largely of its own making, since 2008. It wasn’t sudden, there was a nearly decade-long prologue of neglect. . .
Episcopal Church and ELCA Presiding Bishops Issue joint statement on EPA and carbon emissions
. . .“The Evangelical Lutheran Church in America and The Episcopal Church are eager to collaborate with the EPA and states across the nation to ensure that the carbon rule is implemented fairly, particularly for low-income consumers,” the Presiding Bishops stated. “We will continue to pray that all involved in this good work will be graced with vision, hope, and the search for truth as they seek to implement the carbon rule swiftly and effectively.”. .
Let's not get theological . . .
. . . Recently, the instructor brought in a guest speaker, a lesbian Lutheran pastor who had been a member of the sexuality task force that has split the ELCA and caused a steady decline in membership since the synod was formed in 1988. . .
Church and State
. . .Then today I followed a link to "Living Lutheran, "for which I used to be a columnist, and read a an ELCA blogger who laid the blame for the recent shootings in Santa Cruz on churches that do not ordain women (read that as LCMS). That is when I remembered we are not fighting "flesh and blood" but demonic evil. . .
Noah Movie: Noah—And the Last Days -Witness Stone Blog
I highly recommend watching this video (not the big Hollywood movie about Noah). . .
Heresy; Heresy Everywhere
. . .we have the Evangelical Lutheran Church of America, which has asked its Milwaukee (WI) office to ‘take a stand against so-called "religious freedom" laws proposed around the country, including in Wisconsin, that critics fear would allow discrimination against certain groups under the guise of religion.’. .
Something new: Same-sex wedding ceremonies at churches
. . .At Ebenezer Lutheran Church in Andersonville, the Rev. Michael Fick said seven or eight same-sex marriage ceremonies are on the books in the next few months. . .
ELCA Lutherans to vote on opposition to religious freedom laws
A Brookfield Lutheran church is calling on its Milwaukee-based synod to take a stand against so-called "religious freedom" laws proposed around the country, including in Wisconsin, that critics fear would allow discrimination against certain groups under the guise of religion. . .
Spiritual Logic
. . .This is also promoting the idea of universalism that seems to be overtaking the ELCA and the hands off approach to evangelism that abandons their responsibility to reach the lost for Christ. Seems to me that Marty is intent upon challenging Christians to stand down and accept the diversity of other religions, rather than to proclaim the Gospel and reach the lost for Christ. If this distorted version of Christianity continues to be exposed to the world, more and more of God’s children will be lost. . .
Congregational Polity in the ELCA?
. . .One of my concerns when I was an ELCA Pastor was that the offerings I gave to my congregation, went to the synod, which went to the ELCA, which then went for scholarships for gay pastors and other programs to promote homosexuality, which I opposed. The ELCA wants to create the illusion that one can be an ELCA member and oppose the homosexual agenda, when, in fact, to participate in the ELCA is to support that agenda. . .
University kills insurance plan for students over Obamacare provisions (2012)
. . .A Lutheran University in Minnesota has announced they will cancel a voluntary insurance plan for students rather than comply with a recent Health and Human Services (HHS) mandate.
In a letter to the campus community, vice president of Gustavus Adolphus College cited an unspecified HHS mandate as the reason for cutting students from the service. . .
In a letter to the campus community, vice president of Gustavus Adolphus College cited an unspecified HHS mandate as the reason for cutting students from the service. . .
Leadership in the Evangelical Lutheran Church in America (ELCA)
. . .We followed our local leaders. That seemed to be threatening to bishop’s office. They wanted to put their own leaders in charge—leaders they could control. . .
NW Minn. ELCA synod urges Thrivent to end restrictions on donation policy
A measure urging Thrivent Financial to rescind restrictions on donations to groups based on their stances on issues such as abortion, sexual orientation or gun control, was passed – barely – by the Northwestern Minnesota Synod of the Evangelical Lutheran Church in America. . .
Luther and Lutheran -- a response
. . .Abortions were performed in the days in which Martin Luther ministered and he denounced them as murder, writing, “…those who have no regard for pregnant women and who do not spare the tender fruit are murderers and infanticides.” . .
Root Causes of US Mainline Church Anti-Israelism
. . .“Anti-Zionism became increasingly evident in these churches in the aftermath of the Six Day War. As the notion of ‘reverse election’ gathered force in American society, anti-Zionism also became more prevalent in mainline churches. For many clergy, Israel became a proxy for everything that the U.S. had done wrong during the course of its history, and had turned it into a target for condemnation. . .
Pathetic: LWF Shuns NALC
. . .LWF leadership is happy to have The Church of Sweden, The ELCA, and various German churches of the EKiD, which all have affirmed same sex marriage or same sex attraction/relationships in direct contradiction to the Holy Scriptures. But when a courageous group of recusants and confessors formerly of the ELCA, tired of the ridicule and abuse heaped upon them for decades for desiring to be faithful to scripture, act according to their biblically informed consciences, they are ostracized. . .
Obviously, we need to try one more time to explain why our congregation left the #ELCA
. . .We followed every step as outlined in the Constitution. We discussed the need to make a decision for over three years after five years of the “Journey Together Faithfully”. Therefore, please never use the expression “cut and run” with those who have reached this painful decision. . .
The Gospel of Inclusion
. . . one phrase has popped up in several conversations; the “gospel of inclusion.” With discussions within the Evangelical Lutheran Church in America revolving around human sexuality and the ministry policy changes of CWA 2009, inclusion has been one of many buzz words. . .
Presbyterian Church gets in bed with radical Islam
. . .Who is walking away from whom? It is the people in the pews of mainstream churches, such as the Presbyterian Church (USA) and the Evangelical Lutheran Church in American (ELCA) whose members are walking away. Maybe you should do some soul searching and some investigating as to the background of your hierarchal leaders. . .
The ***A, Illinois, and pseudo-marriage
. . .Note the equivocation and weasel-wording of even those expectations it supposedly has of gay and lesbian "pastors."
Some things never change- including the inability of the ELCA to make a clear statement about anything without equivocating it into meaninglessness. . .
Some things never change- including the inability of the ELCA to make a clear statement about anything without equivocating it into meaninglessness. . .
Dialogue – Science And Theology
. . .Attempting to reconcile the differences between theology and science has been going on for years; one could probably go back at least to the time of the Enlightenment, if not further back. In pretty much each and every case, the reconciliation has failed, and failed quite spectacularly – the only time it even comes close to succeeding is when the Bible is forced into subservience to science. . .
Christian Students Face Discrimination and Bias at Gustavus Adolphus College (2010)
. . .in a planning meeting for faculty and staff, it was said
“In order to DIVERSIFY Gustavus, we need to DECHRISTIANIZE it.”
This empty slogan of diversity has provided validation for actions no right-minded person would otherwise engage in.
Here are six specific instances of religious bias against students at Gustavus Adolphus College. . .
“In order to DIVERSIFY Gustavus, we need to DECHRISTIANIZE it.”
This empty slogan of diversity has provided validation for actions no right-minded person would otherwise engage in.
Here are six specific instances of religious bias against students at Gustavus Adolphus College. . .
Punching Your Ticket
. . .Marty is an ELCA pastor from Iowa and a regular contributor to the Lutheran, but based on the content of his essay, his words actually hinder the Kingdom of God. It is sad enough that so many in the secular world do their best to persecute and demean Christianity, but Marty does as much or more harm to the faith as any member of the Freedom from Religion Society. . .
Friday Findings
. . .An upcoming Gay and Lesbian Event for the SE PA Synod ELCA has a rainbow flag with a corruption of Ps. 139 14 ("I am wonderfully made.") for its logo. One wonders how the "transgendered" feel about that. After all, if you define yourself as "a man trapped in a woman's body," aren't you saying that God made a mistake that's less than wonderful? . .
Our Father, Who Art The Cosmic Child Punisher…
. . .What do we do with these kinds of statements? What do we do when an entire denomination or popular teachers lead countless hundreds of thousands of people down a path that no longer looks or sounds like Christianity? What does it look like to say that the substitutionary atonement of Christ is nothing more than the evidence of a cosmic child abuser? . .
Thr rise of the "progressive" totalitarian
. . .The process is essentially the one Krauth and Neuhaus describe: first, claim the right to toleration; then-briefly- tolerate; and finally, eliminate all viewpoints other than one's own. . .
Earth Day Bloviating
It is this kind of Earth Day bloviating, under the guise of the gospel, that makes me suspicious of "Christian" environmentalists (from an Ohio newspaper). . .
Self-inflicted Wounds
. . .It no longer astonishes me that the ELCA continues to put inclusivity and the world ahead of God; what does surprise me is that they seem entirely blind to the fact that this opening of their doors and saying to the world, ‘Come, make us in your image, and in your likeness’ is causing their entire denomination to crumble like a badly-mortared brick building. . .
Historically Critical
. . .Many of these critics state that although it is a historical fact that Jesus Christ did exist at the time described in the Bible and it can be proven that He was a valid figure in the history of Israel, they remain skeptical of the miracles attributed to Him and His status as the Son of God. . .
Evangelical Lutheran leaders argue for Ohio energy efficiency and renewable energy
. . .The Rev. Lisa Dahill, associate professor of worship and Christian spirituality, at Trinity Lutheran Seminary, summed up her religiously based opposition more bluntly.
"We in our fossil-fuel based economy are the un-creators of God's original creation, which is a shocking and horrifying reality we face.
"We are quite clearly enacting on a global scale what Judas did in the New Testament, namely sacrificing the life of the world for 30 pieces of silver, for a very short term economic gain.". .
"We in our fossil-fuel based economy are the un-creators of God's original creation, which is a shocking and horrifying reality we face.
"We are quite clearly enacting on a global scale what Judas did in the New Testament, namely sacrificing the life of the world for 30 pieces of silver, for a very short term economic gain.". .
Rewriting the Bible: The Gospel According to Liberals
. . .Wil Gafney, (is a) professor at the Lutheran Theological Seminary at Philadelphia...Gafney’s display of convoluted theology was unsurprising, considering the fact that she cited drag queens as her “favorite” theologians: “Drag queens like RuPaul, Sharon Needles and Latrice Royale are some of my favorite critical gender theorists and theologians.”. .
Is God in Control?
. . .That's actually two questions, but I thought them worthy of commentary on my own blog. (Does this mean I wasn't necessarily satisfied by the response of the ELCA clergy who handled Megan's question? Yes.). . .
Josiah Discovers an Old Book
Gay mom shares her long road to adoption
. . . she wants to help other same-sex couples that are just starting on the road to adoption. She’ll be speaking tonight at 7 p.m. at PFLAG Tampa’s monthly meeting at Florida-Bahamas Synod, ELCA in Tampa, sharing her story and answering questions. . .
Ways to be Lutheran
. . .The ELCA went from 5.2 million members in 1988 to 3.9 million in 2013; the LCMS declined less severely, from 2.7 million members in 1988 to 2.3 million in 2013. The decline in giving to the national programs and offices of these two denominations is also fairly dramatic, though more pronounced in the ELCA. . .
Synodical Remittances - ELCA Financial documents
. . .for the period ending January 31, 2014. . .
A conversation about money
. . .money from donations to congregations that is passed along to synods and the churchwide office to support their work — continues a downward trend that dates to at least 2009. The small chart below is used only to help visualize the stark decline over the years of funds reaching the churchwide organization, from more than $65 million in 2009 to just under $49 million in 2013. Synods have been similarly impacted. . .
Lowest Common Denominator
. . .Our more enlightened friends that lead the apostate ELCA decide to modernize God’s word and contrive all sorts of “new things” that they believe that God must have really meant in that “book of faith stories”. . .
Communion Without Baptism
. . .Scripture tells us that one receives the sacrament to his judgment, not his spiritual edification, when it is received without discernment. It is a loving thing then to prevent an unbeliever from profaning the Lord's body and blood and sinning. . .
Immigration and Racism
. . .Several years ago I was banned from Bishop Rinehart’s website, so I cannot leave a comment on his post. If I could comment I would say that a bishop must take a wide view of the world. A catholic view. To say that white people are “racist” because sometimes and in some places they treat people with darker skin poorly demonstrates a superficial mindset, confuses issues… and is not helpful.
A last sacrament: After schism, Faith Lutheran majority holds final service in longtime church
Tears mingled with prayers and song Sunday in the pews of Great Falls Faith Lutheran Church as congregation members — some of whom have worshiped in the building for more than six decades — held their last weekly service before forfeiting the church in a schism over gay clergy. . .
World Vision: Why We're Hiring Gay Christians in Same-Sex Marriages
. . .World Vision's American branch will no longer require its more than 1,100 employees to restrict their sexual activity to marriage between one man and one woman. . .
How to Reach the Hip, Urban, and Socially Liberal
. . .If Bishop Rimbo were willing to postpone his same-sex rite and experiment instead with theological orthodoxy, he might be surprised by the result. He might even preside over a Lutheran revival in New York.
Accusations of Racism in a Brooklyn Lutheran Community
. . .“For four years I was never asked to open a conference meeting with a devotional prayer,” he said. “I’ve never been asked to serve on a committee for the conference or the synod. They’ve never asked me how to do work with Latinos. . .
Son of God Movie
. . .I cannot help but also mention that an ELCA website criticized the movie's title, Son of God, because it might offend other religions. I guess some folks are afraid they will accidentally evangelize somebody.
Opposite views of Scripture
. . .Borg's opinions and teachings are promoted by the ELCA and, I believe, give us an excellent look into this progressive church's hierarchy and its beliefs.
Borg believes this about the Bible: "I let go of the notion that the Bible is a divine product. I learned that it is a human cultural product. ... As such, it contained their understandings and affirmations, not statements coming directly or somewhat directly from God.". . .
Borg believes this about the Bible: "I let go of the notion that the Bible is a divine product. I learned that it is a human cultural product. ... As such, it contained their understandings and affirmations, not statements coming directly or somewhat directly from God.". . .
Who Really Gets Saved?
A recent article from another church’s official magazine implies that everyone in the world will go to Heaven, regardless of their beliefs. It is a sad state of affairs when a magazine representing a Christian church body allows this false teaching of universalism to be spread to its membership as a valid opinion or as a correct teaching. . .
If a Tree Falls.....
. . .Far worse are the thousands upon thousands of Christians that are being murdered throughout the Muslim world and yet the media remains silent. Repeated rocket attacks against Israel, targeting civilians are largely ignored. Even Secretary of State John Kerry claimed that there were no deaths in Israel due to terrorist attacks in 2013, ignoring the 6 Israelis that were murdered by Palestinians and that attacks in the West Bank more than doubled in 2013 -- 1,271 as opposed to 578 in 2012. . .
Court upholds church ruling for ELCA
. . .the Montana Supreme Court unanimously agreed with the District Court’s decision that it had jurisdiction over the dispute and validated the finding that New Hope was entitled to church property. However, it ruled that the church foundation, constituted as an independent entity, retrained discretion to use its property for the benefit of the majority group despite its departure from the ELCA. . .
Churches Leaving Other Wayward Liberal Mainline Denominations too
Megachurch Will Pay Millions to Part Ways With Nation’s Biggest Presbyterian Denomination Amid Major Rift Over ‘Who Jesus Is’. . .
Pennsylvania ELCA Church Votes to Leave Denomination (2nd Vote) - Witness Stone Blog
. . .Holy Trinity Lutheran Church in Berlin, PA held their 2nd vote to change their church affiliation today. The vote was 120-5 to leave the Evangelical Lutheran Church in America. Holy Trinity's first vote to leave the ELCA was in November 2013. It passed 132-12.
#Facepalm Friday: Nadia Bolz-Weber’s Portlandia Lent
. . .Day 31: Use Freecycle
Day 34: Worship at a friend’s mosque, synagogue or church and look for the beauty. . .
Day 34: Worship at a friend’s mosque, synagogue or church and look for the beauty. . .
Sanatizing the Bible Part II
. . .There seems to be an intentional omission of texts which refer to God's anger and actions against those who cross Him--even omitting what Jesus says. Is it any wonder people ignore the idea that Luther put forth in his small catechism 500 years ago while explaining the 10 Commandments, "We are to fear and love God..."
Since God's strong judgement is omitted, many have gotten this wonderful idea God is simply love with no judgement. The folks at the RCL are doing people in the pews no favors by omitting these texts and "sanitizing" the Bible.
Since God's strong judgement is omitted, many have gotten this wonderful idea God is simply love with no judgement. The folks at the RCL are doing people in the pews no favors by omitting these texts and "sanitizing" the Bible.
(ELCA) Lutherans install trans pastor
. . .Congregants joyfully took part in the service, which included praise songs set to the music of the Beatles. Dubbed Beatles Mass, the lyrics were written by Rohrer, sung to the beat of well-known tunes like "Across the Universe" and "Let it Be." The congregation sang "The Meal" to the tune of "Hey Jude," in preparation for receiving communion. As the congregation sang and clapped, Rohrer held up the bread and wine for all to see. . .
Not Surprising at All
. . .after all, you’ve got the Evangelical Lutheran Church of America and the Episcopal Church as two examples of institutionalized anti-Christian dogma. . .
Peaks and Valleys
. . .Why would anyone choose to belong to an organization with people who cannot even remotely live up to the commandments they profess to believe and revere? Because it is not about us. Because we are every bit as sinful as those who do not know Christ. . .
Sermon by Pastor Nila Cogan - May, 2013 (audio)
at Holy Trinity Berlin,PA
Church network to push for social justice
. . .Other issues Patterson mentioned include avoiding discriminatory testing in schools that is “geared for English speakers,”. . .
And We Wonder Why... (2011)
. . .We wonder why our churches are in decline.
Take a read at the summaries of the synod assemblies of the ELCA. Count the number of times you see the word evangelism, and you will have your answer.
Take a read at the summaries of the synod assemblies of the ELCA. Count the number of times you see the word evangelism, and you will have your answer.