Those who are "of the world" have taken over the Evangelical Lutheran Church in America. This happened decades ago, but "the world" is showing itself in the ELCA in increasing fashion each year since. Those "of the world" are changing and twisting God's Word, un-sinning and celebrating sin, pushing their evil, hate and reprobate mind (see Romans 1:28).
We see the "world" in the reaction of many ELCA leaders to Judge Brett Kavanaugh's nomination and confirmation to the United States Supreme Court. (See a previous blog on this topic here.) Below are disturbing comments and reactions from ELCA leaders about the Kavanaugh confirmation and nomination. -- ELCA pastor Clint Schnekloth shared ELCA seminary student Elle Dowd's social media post that encourages readers to be "radicalized," "rage-filled," "plug(ed) into leftist organization movements," and to "become ungovernable." Elle Doud also tweeted:
-- ELCA Pastor and ELCA Youth Gathering keynote speaker Tuhina Verma Rasche decided to pen "A Rewriting of Psalm 10." In it she says (language warning) "Wake the fuck up, God!" and speaks of "mediocre white men." Pastor Rasche's rewritten Psalm includes photographs of Dr. Christine Blasey Ford and Anita Hill. (See here and a segment of the rewrite below). And then there is this from Pastor Rasche,
-- ELCA Pastor Joelle Colville-Hanson is the Director for Evangelical Mission at the Northeastern Iowa Synod. (read more about her here) Seems she has hopped on the racist liberal mantra that white men are bad. See the tweet below.
-- ELCA pastor Lura Groen, (read all that I have written about her here), responded to the Kavanaugh confirmation by saying it is okay to scream, rage and throw rocks. She ends her tweet by calling God "she."
-- ELCA pastor Joy Gonnerman is another church leader attacking white males saying they need to be voted out of office.
-- ELCA pastor Michael Tassler attacks conservatives in his tweet saying conservatives "fully and completely affirm, support and encourage sexual assault as the given right of males."
-- ELCA pastor Emmy Kegler calls Judge Kavanaugh an "abuser" and says Republicans do not care whether the abuse really happened.
-- Then there is superstar ELCA pastor Nadia Bolz-Weber tweeting how she is terrified, furious and "rage-y."
What will cause the naive, the scared, the delusional or those in denial to finally leave the ELCA and stand up for God and His Word, which the ELCA has been demonically trying to destroy? What is the final straw that will break the camel's back?
I believe, for many, it will be the ELCA's words and decisions at the 2018 ELCA Youth Gathering that will cause Bible-believing ELCA members, churches and pastors to finally leave. (Please read about the speakers and what happened at the youth gathering here, here, here, here, here, here and here) Content ranged from foul-hearted keynote speakers placed in front of the teenagers, to extremely liberal messages delivered, to transgenderism lifted up, to far-left social causes presented, and pro-LGBT mantras being communicated. The Director and President of Lutheran CORE, Pr. Dennis D. Nelson, wrote this following the ELCA Youth Gathering, "The ELCA is guilty of a massive breach of trust. The ELCA cannot be trusted. We realize that those are very strong statements, but they are confirmed by the presentation given by one of the keynote speakers at the recent ELCA Youth Gathering." (see page one of his article here)
Generations Radio presented a program called "The ELCA Lutheran Church Dies" that was centered on the actions of the ELCA at the 2018 Youth Gathering. (listen here)
And Ken Ham, founder of Answers in Genesis, the Creation Museum and the Ark Encounter, shared an article from Exposing the ELCA about the ELCA Youth Gathering with his hundreds of thousands of followers on Facebook:
I have heard of people leaving their ELCA churches because of what happened at the ELCA Youth Gathering. So will this be a wake-up call for a great exodus of churches and members from the ELCA? Will the evil and false teachings displayed and given to the most vulnerable ELCA membership, the youth, be enough for places such as Lutheran Church of Hope and its satellite ELCA locations in the Des Moines, Iowa area, Nazareth Lutheran Church in Cedar Falls, Iowa, and similar churches throughout the United States to finally stand up for God's Word, for Truth, and break ties to this faith-destroying denomination? I pray so. But shame on them if they remain. Here are some additional examples of what was said and the happenings at the 2018 ELCA Youth Gathering, to go along with the many articles Exposing the ELCA has already written. These come from the ELCA, ELCA pastors and those attending (again, please read the linked articles above to see the craziness of it all):
The ELCA magazine, Living Lutheran reports, “Last week at the ELCA Youth Gathering, many leaders spoke boldly about family separation and detention. In the AMMPARO/Lutheran Disaster Response space at the Gathering’s interactive center, youth were invited to sign advocacy cards, which will be sent to their representatives.” (See here)
Below are some more notable Youth Gathering social media posts. Notice, the gay affirming rainbow colors were prevalent at the ELCA youth event.
And here is an example of the type of pastors the ELCA is ordaining. Rev. Chesnut is talking about ELCA Pastor Tuhina Verma Rasche, his co-author of a vile "devotional," who was a keynote speaker at the 2018 ELCA Youth Gathering.
And here the ELCA Youth Gathering is lifting up Ramadan, a celebration of the "first revelation of the Quran to Muhammad." This, of course, is not an event that Christians should be celebration or lifting-up.
ELCA Pastor Preaches the “Beauty of Queerness” and Universalism to 31,000 Lutheran Teenagers7/3/2018 ![]() (The following article was written by Rev. Tom Brock of You can follow Pastor Brock on Facebook - here and Twitter - here.) Reverend Nadia Bolz-Weber is a pastor in the Evangelical Lutheran Church in America, the liberal branch of Lutheranism in the United States. She is a universalist and believes that everyone will be saved and no one goes to Hell. She spoke last week to 31,000 Lutheran teenagers at the ELCA Youth Assembly. In the below video at minute 17:50 she teaches that Harvey Weinstein, and everyone, will be in heaven. The low point in her sermon was when she had 31,000 teenagers follow her lead and loudly proclaim “I renounce the lie that queerness is anything other than beauty” (minute 22:05). She also tells the teenagers that it doesn’t matter if they believe in a literal Devil. But according to Jesus, there is a Hell and a Devil and only those who trust in Christ will be saved (John 14:6). According to the Old and New Testaments, homosexual behavior is not beautiful but sinful. Jesus said stern things about those who lead children astray (Mark 9:42) and I believe God is angry with this denomination as it indoctrinates teenagers with evil teaching. There is a reason the ELCA continues to decline in members. There is a reason the ELCA has to merge its shrinking seminaries (Gettysburg and Philadelphia seminaries) or sell off large portions thereof (Luther Seminary). The reason the ELCA is shrinking is given in Revelation 2:5: "Repent, and do the works you did at first. If not, I will come to you and remove your lampstand from its place, unless you repent." The ELCA's lamp stand is going out because it refuses to return to the teaching of Scripture. If you are still an ELCA member, I pray you will find a more faithful Christian denomination. Sincerely in Christ, Pastor Tom Brock We have exposed the 2018 ELCA Youth Gathering’s extremely disturbing speakers (see here and here). Today I’d like to tell you about some of the activities, or as they have termed it, “Interactive Learning,” the ELCA has assembled to “educate” those attending the gathering, which takes place June 27 – July 1. ![]() The ELCA describes "Interactive Learning" as "A 'Holy Playground' of sorts, that invites Gathering participants to encounter God through a variety of learning styles and sensory experiences. All 30,000 participants have a dedicated day in the three day program rotation to experience the extensive offerings inside the over 700,000 square feet Interactive Learning space.” (see here) The “Interactive Learning” takes place in dozens of stations/booths/activity areas and you should be concerned over who the ELCA has decided will speak to and instruct your children, as well as the content that will be communicated. One option the ELCA offers attendees is hosted by the ELCA church of the extremely troubling, ELCA youth gathering keynote speaker, Rev. Nadia Bolz-Weber. The description provided is ridiculous: “What I wish I’d known: Lessons on spirituality and sexuality Take a break in a relaxing space and ask anonymous questions about sexuality. Participate in learning activities on consent, healthy relationships, birth-control methods, anatomy, boundaries, sexuality and spirituality. We are not teaching a particular values system about sexuality. Rather, this is answering questions with medically accurate information and helping youth determine how they form their values regarding sexuality.” This group answering students questions is described in the ELCA materials: “HFASS Denver - House for All Sinners and Saints (HFASS) is a group of folks figuring out how to be a liturgical, Christo- centric, social justice-oriented, queer inclusive, incarnational, contemplative, irreverent, ancient-future church with a progressive but deeply rooted theological imagination. We are here to explore healthy and life-giving connections between spirituality and sexuality and answer teens' questions about sexuality.” (page 20) Another “Interactive Learning” activity is hosted by an LGBT advocacy group, Reconciling Works. The 2018 ELCA Youth Gathering Guide Book tells us about it: “God adores you! Come and be part of sharing the news that God adores you just the way you are! Join in the affirmation and celebration of the diversity of people. Learn how to extend welcome and inclusion to LGBTQIA+ people in your congregation! ReconcilingWorks - An independent Lutheran nonprofit that works for the full welcome, inclusion and celebration of lesbian, gay, bisexual, transgender and queer (LGBTQIA+) people in the Lutheran church. It is our vision that the church is a place where LGBTQ people and their families can worship and thrive, bringing all their God-given gifts to mission and ministry for the world.” (page 27) The radical group #decolonizeLutheranism is interacting with the youth at their "Interactive Learning" activity: “Bracelets of fortune: Identity and intersectionality in Scripture and beyond.” Here the youth will learn the following: “Scripture talks about how personal characteristics precious to us (e.g. gender, age, race, dis/ability) are often despised by others. What’s more, some of these characteristics overlap, making us even more beautiful and vulnerable. Explore the lives of Bible characters and find how these crisscrossing identities impact us and those around us. Here is the description of the group leading this session: “#decolonizeLutheranism - We are a group of Lutherans across the spectrum of race and ethnicities, ages, gender expressions, sexualities and abilities who have been moved by the Holy Spirit to make our communities more welcoming of the diversity in them – be those communities individual congregations or neighborhoods, cities and nations.” (page 27) Other “Interactive Learning” experiences for the students include “Refugee integration obstacle course” and “People on the move: A migrant and refugee experience.” And finally, why not indoctrinate the youth against the Jewish-state? At the falsely titled booth/experience “Peace with justice in the Holy Land” the 30,000 young people will learn: “What does life under military occupation look like? What is peace with justice? Hear from Palestinian youth from the Evangelical Lutheran Church in Jordan and the Holy Land, learn about the conflict in Israel and Palestine, and learn how you can help make a change happen.” It is put on by the ELCA, as a part of their “Peace Not Walls” campaign. (page 26) Wild. Sad. Concerning. These young people are impressionable. Pray for God to move in the hearts of all who attend that they may discern truth from lies and stand up against falsehoods so that they may boldly follow the Lord Jesus in the face of false teaching and deception. Here is a link to the 2018 ELCA Youth Gathering Guide Book where you can read all the details referenced above.
The Evangelical Lutheran Church in America has chosen a transgender boy and his transgender advocacy activist mom to be speakers at the 2018 ELCA Youth Gathering. (see below and this link)
The boy (who wants to be a girl) is just 12 years old and has been carted around the United States to speak for transgender rights.
Kevin DeYoung writes, "The Bible teaches that God made us male or female, and no matter our own feelings or confusion, we should act in accordance with the biological reality of God’s good design. Transgenderism falls short of the glory of God and is not the way to walk in obedience to Christ." (see here)
God does not desire children or adults to reject their God-given genders, mutilate their bodies and pretend to live as the opposite sex. They need to be helped out of their confusion and embrace the truth of their biological sex. But that will not be taught at the 2018 ELCA Youth Gathering. Sadly and infuriatingly, the trans-advocate mother and son are not the only troubling speakers the ELCA has hired to speak to the 30,000 impressionable teens. ELCA's Rev. Tuhina Verma Rasche is one of the Gathering keynote speakers. She is an outspoken radical and controversial pastor, who gained fame in the ELCA for co-authoring the (please excuse the vulgarity) "Fuck This Shit" devotional, is an advocate for premarital sex, and when you read her tweets, you will find it displays lots of anger, swearing, demonitization of white males, racist comments about white people, liberal politics, gay pride, trans pride and anger at the United States of America. (see here) ELCA Rev. Nadia Bolz-Weber is another keynote speaker at the ELCA Youth Gathering. She is a foul-mouthed, proponent of premarital sex, supporter of Planned Parenthood, who has many theological beliefs that run contrary to Scripture. She is a universalist who has presided over a transgender re-naming ceremony and has had a drag queen emcee her church's children's program. (read more about Rev. Bolz-Weber here and here) If you are sending your youth to the ELCA National Youth Gathering, please consider cancelling their trip. Below is the transgender advocate mother's tweets about speaking at the Youth Gathering.
(Updated March 2018 - Original blog was written March, 2011) One would think that ELCA pastors, bishops and teachers would believe Scripture. However all one has to do is read, “The Clergy Letter - from American Christian clergy: An Open Letter Concerning Religion and Science,” to find that most do not. Over 2400 ELCA leaders signed this letter which states, ![]() “the overwhelming majority (of Christians) do not read the Bible literally, as they would a science textbook. Many of the beloved stories found in the Bible – the Creation, Adam and Eve, Noah and the ark – convey timeless truths about God, human beings, and the proper relationship between Creator and creation expressed in the only form capable of transmitting these truths from generation to generation. Religious truth is of a different order from scientific truth.” Make no mistake, what these Christian leaders are saying is that they do not believe what the Bible actually says. They are calling the story about creation, Adam and Eve, and Noah’s ark, lies. These ELCA leaders think they know better than Jesus, the Old and New Testament writers, and 2000 years of Christians, who knew these stories to be true. (read more here) The letter goes on to say, “We believe that the theory of evolution is a foundational scientific truth, one that has stood up to rigorous scrutiny and upon which much of human knowledge and achievement rests. To reject this truth or to treat it as ‘one theory among others’ is to deliberately embrace scientific ignorance and transmit such ignorance to our children.”
Really? So those that believe God’s account of creation, are “ignorant?” Maybe these religious elites should read from the following website of the many scientists who are skeptical of Darwinism. (read here and download the list of scientists who signed "A Scientific Dissent from Darwinism.") The Clergy letter also says, “We believe that among God’s good gifts are human minds capable of critical thought and that the failure to fully employ this gift is a rejection of the will of our Creator. To argue that God’s loving plan of salvation for humanity precludes the full employment of the God-given faculty of reason is to attempt to limit God, an act of hubris.” Let me get this straight, now these “Christian” leaders, who say that the Biblical account of creation is not true, are now telling us that if we believe God’s account of creation we are REJECTING God’s Will? Finally the letter says, “We urge school board members to preserve the integrity of the science curriculum by affirming the teaching of the theory of evolution as a core component of human knowledge.” (read here) Here are “Christian” leaders urging school boards to have the teaching of evolution be a “core component of HUMAN knowledge.” These are the people teaching us and our children about Jesus and the Bible? Someone may ask, “What’s the big deal?” “Who cares if ELCA leaders and pastors don’t believe what the Bible says about creation?” Here are a few quotes that highlight why we should care: "More cases of loss of religious faith can be traced to the theory of evolution--- than anything else." - Martin Lings, quoted in Christian Century July, 1982 “Evolution is the greatest engine of atheism ever invented.” - Noted evolutionist, Professor Will Provine, in “Evolution: Free will and punishment and meaning in life.” "Any creationist lawyer who got me on the stand could instantly win over the jury simply by asking me: 'Has your knowledge of evolution influenced you in the direction of becoming an atheist?' I would have to answer yes and, at one stroke, I would have lost the jury." - Noted evolutionist, Dr. Richard Dawkins - The God Delusion (2008) p. 93 While I was studying at an ELCA seminary, the Dean of Students told me that not one ELCA seminary professor in the United States believes Adam and Eve were real people. I have no doubt that statement is true. Sadly, seminary professors’ beliefs are being picked up by their students, who are the current and future ELCA pastors. Linked at the end of this blog is the list of current and retired ELCA pastors, ELCA seminary professors, ELCA college professors, ELCA seminary presidents and ELCA Bishops who agree with this letter and signed it. Some of the notable signers are: Bishop Tom Aitken (Northeastern Minnesota Synod), The Rev. Hans R. Arnesen (Associate to the Bishop of the New England Synod), Bishop Allan Bjornberg (ELCA Rocky Mountain Synod), Bishop Paul J. Blom - Houston, Texas, Pastor Nadia Bolz-Weber, The Rev. Stacy Boorn (herchurch), The Rev. Michael Cooper-White, D.D., (President - Lutheran Theological Seminary at Gettysburg, PA), The Rev. Jean DeVoll-Donaldson (Assistant to the Bishop/Director for Evangelical Mission Arkansas-Oklahoma Synod), Bishop Ralph W. Dunkin (West Virginia -Western Maryland Synod), The Rev. James Kenneth Echols, Ph.D. (President - Lutheran School of Theology at Chicago), The Rev. Paul W. Egertson, Ph.D. (Bishop Emeritus - Southwest California Synod), The Rev. Jim Hazelwood (Bishop of the New England Synod), The Rev. Anita C. Hill, The Rev. B. Penrose Hoover (Bishop - Lower Susquehanna Synod), The Rev. Robert L. Isaksen, (Retired ELCA Pastor and Bishop of the New England Synod), The Rev. Jeff R. Johnson, Kevin S. Kanouse, (Bishop Northern Texas-Northern Louisiana Synod), Paul R. Landahl (Bishop Metropolitan Chicago Synod), Bishop April Ulring Larson (La Crosse Area Synod), The Rev. Duane H. Larson, PhD., (President - Wartburg Theological Seminary), The Rev. Felipe Lozada-Montanez (Bishop of the Caribbean Synod of the ELCA), Bishop Brian D.Maas (Nebraska Synod - ELCA), Bishop John S. Macholz (Upstate New York Synod - ELCA), The Rev. Dr. Gerald L. Mansholt (Bishop Central States Synod), The Rev. Robert W. Mattheis (Bishop Emeritus, Sierra Pacific Synod), The Rev. George Paul Mocko (Bishop Emeritus, Delaware-Maryland Synod), Bishop David G. Mullen (Sierra Pacific Synod), Bishop Dean W. Nelson (Southwest California Synod), Bishop Margaret G. Payne (New England Synod), The Rev. Dr. Ted Peters (Interim President - Pacific Lutheran Theological Seminary), The Rev. Dr. Jerry L. Schmalenberger (Retired President - Pacific Lutheran Theological Seminary), Rev. Robin J. Steinke, Ph.D. (President Luther Seminary), Bishop David R. Strobel (Northeastern Pennsylvania Synod), The Rev. Dr. Christopher M. Thomforde (President - St. Olaf College), Bishop Ron Warren (ELCA Southeastern Synod), The Rev. Dr. Howard E. Wennes (Retired Bishop ELCA), The Rev. Paul M. Werger, (Bishop Emeritus - Southeastern Iowa Synod), The Rev. Eric G. Wolf(Assistant to the Bishop of the South Carolina Synod, ELCA), The Rev. Dr. Herman Yoos (Bishop - South Carolina Synod) and Bishop David B. Zellmer (South Dakota Synod). More than 14500 American pastors signed this letter and over 2400 of them are Evangelical Lutheran Church in America leaders. Here is a list of all the ELCA leaders who signed the Clergy letter. To read more about creation, intelligent design or evolution see: --- It takes a lot of work to keep this ministry going. Please prayerfully consider supporting the ministry of Exposing the ELCA. Click here to find out how. More and more ELCA pastors are coming out of the closet and admitting they are universalists. Universalism is the belief “that all human beings will eventually be saved.” (See here) Below is a recent Facebook post by prominent Evangelical Lutheran Church in America (ELCA) pastor, Clint Schnekloth. Schnekloth is a pastor, author and blogger; he created and facilitates the ELCA Clergy Facebook Group that has over 5800 members. This is a false teaching that is dangerous, risking the eternal lives of people who put their trust in it. The Bible, which is God’s Word, teaches that some people will be saved and go to heaven when they die and some people will go to hell with they die. "...Universalism and universal salvation are unbiblical beliefs. Universalism directly contradicts what Scripture teaches…To say that those who reject God’s provision of salvation through His Son will be saved is to belittle the holiness and justice of God and negate the need of Jesus’ sacrifice on our behalf.” (See here) Rev. Schnekloth is one of the growing number of ELCA pastors that espouse this belief. The most renowned pastor in the ELCA, Nadia Bolz-Weber, is a universalist. (See here) Rev Bolz-Weber will be a keynote speaker at the 2018 ELCA Youth Gathering. Around 30,000 youth typically attend the event. There are still ELCA pastors who will not admit to the label “universalist,” most likely because they understand that it is viewed as heresy, but they do openly teach the principles of universalism. For example, the leader of the ELCA, Presiding Bishop Elizabeth Eaton, in an interview last year was asked, “Is there a hell?” She replied, “There may be, but I think it is empty.” (See here) That is universalism, plain and simple. If hell is empty, all people will go to heaven. Presiding Bishop Eaton is a universalist. There are many more examples of the ELCA propagating universalism. They do it in their seminaries, in their publications, on social media and in their churches. If the growth of universalism is a concern to you, please go to the following links, here (and scroll down the page) and here, to find just how prevalent this teaching is in the ELCA. (The following article was written by Rev. Tom Brock of At the bottom of this article I have included some additional information. You can follow Pastor Brock on Facebook - here and Twitter - here.) Nadia Bolz-Weber, upcoming preacher at the Youth Gathering of the Evangelical Lutheran Church in America, has tweeted a picture of herself and Gloria Steinem at a feminist conference saying "I may have just, in front of an audience, looked at Gloria Steinem and said that if I manage to get women to mail me their purity rings to be melted into a sculpture of a vagina, I would give it to her as a thank-you gift." Instead of disciplining this heretical pastor, the ELCA invites her to speak at events. I am part of a clergy Facebook page for ELCA and former ELCA pastors and it is tragic to see some of them defend all this. In Christ, Tom Here is a link to the video of the talk given by ELCA pastor Nadia Bolz-Weber, at the 2018 MAKERS Conference, where she talks about making a sculpture of a vagina. (starting at the 3 minute mark) A transcript of the video is also included on the linked page. Last week hundreds of Christian leaders signed a statement that stood in accord with Biblical sexual guidelines, the “Nashville Statement.” (see here) The “Christian” left threw a fit. They do not agree with Biblical standards on sexuality and gender.
Enter the darling of the ELCA, beloved by bishops and highly sought after speaker, Rev. Nadia Bolz-Weber. She quickly reacted with a counter statement, called the “Denver Statement,” that outlines how far the ELCA has slipped from God and His truth. In the statement Pastor Bolz-Weber writes: - “WE DENY that God intends marriage as a gift only to be enjoyed by those who happen to be heterosexual, cis-gendered and fertile.” - “WE DENY that the only type of sexual expression that can be considered holy is between a cis-gendered, heterosexual, married couple who waited to have sex until they were married.” The popular ELCA pastor seems to be saying homosexual sex and heterosexual premarital sex can be holy. She goes on: - “WE AFFIRM that the glorious variety of gender and sexual expression is a reflection of God’s original creation design and are aspects of human flourishing.” So according to Nadia Bolz-Weber, God made people homosexual and a host of different (made-up) genders. - “WE DENY that sexual attraction for the same sex is outside the natural goodness of God’s original creation…” - “WE DENY that it is sinful to approve of queer identities and that such approval constitutes an essential departure from Christian faithfulness and witness.” (see here) After reading Nadia’s “Denver Statement” a signer of the “Nashville Statement” wrote, “It is always good to see what someone who has little ability to understand Scripture in its historical and literary context has to say about God's will. (I say this seriously, not sarcastically.) It gives us a window into her own theology divorced from the witness of Jesus and the apostles.” Another person commented, “I knew exactly what I was getting into when I saw it was Nadia Bolz-Weber. The unabashed way in which her statements discard even the semblance of Biblical alignment, and merely package regressive humanism, is still pretty bracing. I find the Luciferian (and I use that word advisedly) manner in which she recasts and perverts the Biblical perspective to be quite brazen. It's one thing to hold an incorrect and confused view, but to stand up and make a declaration like that... plainly rewriting truth before your eyes... stunning. And lest anyone think I overstate the case, her Luciferian alignment is proudly displayed in para 1 of her rewritten preamble where she expresses agreement with the spirit of this age - clearly flaunting it before the scripturally literate by putting herself on the other side of 2 Cor 4:4.” Not one ELCA leader signed the Bible-abiding Nashville Statement.
Luther College is a small liberal arts college in Decorah, Iowa. Taking its name from reformer Martin Luther and being a school of the Evangelical Lutheran Church in America (ELCA), one would think Luther College would be a place to send your children for a good Christian education. But nothing could be farther from the truth. Luther College, much like the ELCA, hides behind its “Christian” persona, bringing students and financial gifts from committed Lutherans, while in reality pushes secularism, false religions and faux Christianity.
My research on Luther College turned up a plethora of information. So much so that I finally cut it short because I had too much. Here is what I found: Sexuality and Secularism The Bible teaches that homosexuality is a sin and people should turn from/repent of the sin. At Luther College homosexuality is promoted. --- Luther College is a Reconciling in Christ (RIC) congregation. (see here) Which, in essence, means they view LGBT behaviors as normal and not sinful. --- Naturally, Luther College has a LGBT student organization which is called PRIDE. Recently it was highlighted prominently by Luther College Chips, the student newspaper. --- Luther College is having a "Royal Drag Ball." It is sponsored by the Student Senate. It is also being promoted by Luther College Ministries. What kind of Christian college ministries support this kind of thing?
--- Luther College offers a course called “James Baldwin and Black LGBT History.” The course is taught by assistant professor Lauren L. Anderson. (see here) --- The college has a page on their website with information geared toward people with same-sex attraction. (see here) --- On Luther College’s website they have a page called “Internship Opportunities.” Planned Parenthood is among the places listed. Luther College also provides a link to Planned Parenthood for anyone interested in having an internship there. (see here) --- Luther College provides gender-neutral housing. So a male student who says he is a transgender female can live with a female student. (see here) --- The student newspaper writes about Luther College’s Visual and Performing Arts’ rendition of Shakespeare’s “Twelfth Night” saying, “Because of these two casts, some women played men, and some men played women. This opened up a discussion for gender fluidity.” (read here) --- The student newspaper wrote that they commend “…the Target Corporation for promoting what we believe to be true family values in the face of adversarial claims.” This is in reference to Target allowing those who say they are transgender to use the opposite sex bathrooms. (see here) --- Luther College put on a performance of Vagina Monologues (see here). The monologues display a variety of female experiences on topics such as sex, childbirth, masturbation, love, menstruation, rape, etc. Liberal Speakers and Causes --- “Eight students and two pastors from Luther College attended Decolonizing Lutheranism at the Lutheran School of Theology in Chicago…” (see here) --- Notorious ELCA pastor and author Nadia Bolz-Weber spoke at a recent Luther College conference called Liberating Grace. (see here)
One breakout session during the conference is called, “For the Sheer Joy of It: Luther's Theology of the Body.” Here is how the breakout is described, “Martin Luther's writings about embodiment and human sexuality as intrinsic parts of God's creation connect to current movements in the Lutheran church related to sexuality and gender. We will explore Luther's theology of the body and its modern day implications from academic and activist perspectives.” Amalia Vagts is one of the presenters of this breakout. She is the executive director of Extraordinary Lutheran Ministries, “a social ministry that believes the public ministry of publicly-identified lesbian, gay, bisexual, transgender, and queer people demonstrates God's extraordinary love for all people.” (see here) Another breakout session is called “Tolerance and Religious Pluralism in the Age of Reformation: The Religious 'Other' Then and Now.” --- Luther College has also hosted LGBT advocate Donna Red Wing. The school’s website writes, “Donna Red Wing joins us from One Iowa where she serves as Executive Director to support full equality for LGBT individuals living in Iowa.” (read here) False Religions Did you know this supposed “Christian” college celebrates other religions? --- I wrote about one of Luther’s celebrations titled “ELCA Celebrating Muslim Festival of Abraham's Willingness to Sacrifice His Promised Son, Ishmael.” (see here) Here is what Luther College’s website says about this false religion gathering, “Eid al Adha is a Muslim festival that marks the end of the Hajj, the annual pilgrimage to Mecca. ‘The festival celebrates Abraham's faithfulness and obedience to God. Abraham is an example of faith for Jews, Christians and Muslims throughout the world,’ said David Vasquez, Luther campus pastor.” This event will take place at Luther College and is “sponsored by College Ministries, the Diversity Center, the Muslim Student Association and the Interfaith Student Association…” (see here) --- Luther College also celebrated a Hindu festival. A news article reads, “Luther College; a college of the Lutheran Church affiliated to Evangelical Lutheran Church in America, a Christian denomination; will celebrate Hindu festival of lights Diwali on October 26. The Diwali program will be followed by refreshments and ‘a time for conversation’. Applauding Luther College for Diwali celebration, Hindu statesman Rajan Zed, in a statement in Nevada (USA) today, described it as a ‘remarkable interfaith gesture’ and ‘a step in the right direction’ . . . According to Zed, Diwali, most popular Hindu festival, aims at dispelling the darkness and lighting up the lives and symbolizes the victory of good over evil." (see here) --- Did you know that “Silent Meditation in the Zen Buddhist Tradition” is happening at Luther College? We learn from their website that “Silent Meditation takes place each Tuesday of the academic year at 5:15 p.m. in the Melanchthon Interfaith Room (CFL-205). Sittings are led by Professors Gereon Kopf, Scott Hurley, or Professor emeritus, Lee Zook.” (see here) --- Kwanzaa is celebrated too. (see here) --- Look what these Luther College students are purposing - 'Concerned students' want free shuttle to mosque. Religion Professors What kind of teachers does this ELCA college have instructing students? Ask yourself if you want your children to get their instruction on religion from these professors.
--- Associate Professor of Religion, Sean D. Burke’s research interests are listed on Luther College’s website: “Sex in sacred texts; queer theory; sacred texts & religious diversity.” (see here)
--- The Editor-in-Chief of Journal of Buddhist Philosophy is Gereon Kopf, a professor of religion at Luther College. (see here) --- Rev. Dr. Guy Nave, a professor of religion at Luther College is also a writer at Sojourners, a liberal publication of Jim Wallis (see here) --- Another professor of religion at Luther College is Robert Shedinger. He is well known by Exposing the ELCA for his book, Was Jesus a Muslim? Questioning Categories in the Study of Religion. (see here and here) On page 10 of his book he writes, “‘Was Jesus a Muslim?’ I will answer with a very qualified yes.” --- Finally, Luther College doesn’t sound like a very welcoming institution for those who are conservative politically. Check out this article, “I am a woman and I voted for Trump.” (read here) ![]()
Many leaders in the Evangelical Lutheran Church in America are showing their true colors. For years I've been documenting the anger and dislike they have for conservative, Bible-believing people, including ELCA members. Taking it to a whole new degree, the election of Donald Trump has them unhinged. They are exploding in vile, demonic-like hate. Be aware that there is vulgarity below. Here is some of what I am seeing.
- Lenny Duncan, who is a Vicar at an ELCA Church and Candidate for Ordination to the office of Word and Sacrament in the ELCA, recently wrote a blog that included this picture on the right. In Mr. Duncan's blog he writes, "More than half of America has spoken, and it was what I have come to expect. They have sided with hatred." "If you are a leader in the church, or in a movement of liberation, our fight has just begun. If you are complicit in this travesty, may God have mercy on your soul." (see here) ELCA pastor Rev. Kwame L Pitts wrote this: ELCA Rev. John P Willmann posted: ELCA Pastor Joelle Colville-Hanson, who is the Director for Evangelical Mission at the Northeastern Iowa Synod, has been very angry and vocal about the election. See her comment below and you can see more from her at her twitter account here. ELCA pastor Alex Darling-Raabe had this to say to someone on FB who said they voted for Mr. Trump: In a different thread on an ELCA Clergy page Alex Darling-Raabe writes: Francisco Herrera, a Ph. D student at the ELCA's LSTC and their "Diversity Blog Manager" posts this hate-filled diatribe: Then there is this from ELCA pastor Robert Franek, who if you see what he is tweeting is is a liberal fanatic (over 160 tweets and retweets in a 24 hour period this week):
Next is a comment by Sherianne Molzahn Caldwell. See her bio on the Northwest Washington Synod website here, (page 3): Ian McConnell, a candidate for ordination in the ELCA says:
The most popular pastor in the ELCA says:
Listen to what they are saying...many of the comments rail on people who voted for Donald Trump. I doubt they would be doing the same if Hillary Clinton or socialist Bernie Sanders won the election. Even if you do not like Donald Trump, the behavior of these ELCA leaders is ugly, evil and disgusting. They are poor representatives of Jesus Christ. Jesus talked about hell, more than anyone in Scripture, but many ELCA leaders are so enamored with their own "enlightened" views that they have decided and teach that hell is not real and everyone goes to heaven. They believe they are more attuned to truth then the Son of God, I guess. This is ELCA pastor Nadia Bolz-Weber’s teaching. She has already revealed that she is a universalist (see here) and in a recent sermon Nadia tells us that hell is "imaginary." Here is her direct quote,
“One of the more interesting things folks will say to me is: ‘I’m not religious or anything, I just hope that being a good person is enough.’ To which I always want to say… ‘enough for what?’ … avoiding the punishment of burning in the eternal fires of some kind of imaginary hell?” (see here) As I’ve already mentioned, “hell deniers” must be deceived or in a state of denial because Jesus continually warned people about hell and being eternally separated from God. In Matthew 25, Jesus talks about people being separated like sheep and goats and He says the goats "will go away to eternal punishment, but the righteous to eternal life.” Elsewhere He says, "Do not be afraid of those who kill the body but cannot kill the soul. Rather, be afraid of the One who can destroy both soul and body in hell” (Matthew 10:28). Hell is real. Telling people that it is not, is a lie from Satan, and it can lead people to think that faith in Christ is not necessary, that one can believe what ever they want and still go to heaven. People will end up in hell because of this lie. Stop listening to people who teach contrary to God’s Word and warn others about them. They are false teachers. Exposing the ELCA has written extensively about the dangerous and non-Biblical belief and acceptance of the teaching of universalism ("a theological doctrine that all human beings will eventually be saved") within in the Evangelical Lutheran Church in America. Just last week well known ELCA pastor/author and highly sought after speaker, Nadia Bolz-Weber revealed that she believes all people will be saved. Rev. Bolz-Weber was interviewed by the online journal Religion & Politics: “R&P: Would you consider yourself a universalist? Does everyone get saved in the end? Universalism is a dangerous teaching. (Read here) But once again we see a leader in the Evangelical Lutheran Church in America professing it. (not to mention ELCA websites and publications that do the same) Check out what ELCA pastor Bolz-Weber then says when asked “Do you think the future of the Church involves synthesis with other faiths?” “Syncretism has always been part of Christianity. There’s a reason why the Virgin of Guadalupe is huge in Mexico, and it has to do with the goddess religion that existed before that. I don’t think it’s something to fear. I think it’s the way that Christianity has survived. It lends itself in a sense towards it. And that’s why it can exist in so many different places in so many different forms.” Adhering to other religions (which are false) or mixing other religions with Christianity is not a problem to people like Bolz-Weber because their understanding is that everyone will go to heaven anyway, according to their universalistic belief.
All this being said, (and all that we have reported on Nadia Bolz-Weber in the past – see here and scrolled down) Rev. Bolz-Weber still calls herself “orthodox.” From this article, Rev. Bolz-Weber says “I’m this really orthodox Lutheran theologian.” defines “orthodox” as “Following or conforming to the traditional or generally accepted rules or beliefs of a religion, philosophy, or practice.” I, for one, wouldn’t call Nadia Bolz-Weber orthodox.
Exposing the ELCA has posted a couple articles on this topic but this blog has a few more details that you probably haven't heard.
Asher O'Callaghan was ordained as a pastor of the Evangelical Lutheran Church in America a few weeks ago at Rev. Nadia Bolz-Weber's church. The pictures contained in this Facebook post by the ELCA's Rocky Mountain Synod has at least 2 other transgender persons pictured, one being ELCA pastor Megan Rohrer and the other, seminary student Nicole Garcia. Also included in the pictures are controversial ELCA pastor Nadia Bolz-Weber and ELCA bishop of the Rocky Mountain Synod.
The following is an article by Lutheran Pastor Tom Brock - ELCA ORDAINS A TRANSGENDER PASTOR Here is the report: Asher O'Callaghan is the first known transgender person to be ordained through the regular ordination process of the Evangelical Lutheran Church of America. O'Callaghan will serve the Rocky Mountain Synod in Denver, Colorado, and he (my comment: in reality, she) has been called by Zion Lutheran Church in Idaho Springs, Colorado. O'Callaghan said “...we truly are living in a new day. The Church is changing: There's no need to choose between living life as your fullest self and belonging to a community of faith...there are congregations who will affirm, respect, and celebrate our faith and our gender identities.” Sad. Being a woman but thinking you are a man is not "living life as your fullest self". It is sad confusion, and now the ELCA will put that confusion in the pulpit. O'Callaghan will be ordained at House For All Sinners and Saints in Denver. The pastor at this church is Nadia Bolz-Weber, popular speaker at ELCA events (including a past ELCA Youth Gathering). She uses the "f" word in her Christian books and speeches and denies Christ's substitutionary atonement. Pastor Bolz-Weber also held a "re-nameing" worship service for a transgender person, putting God's blessing on this person switching sexual identities. I'll say it again "This isn't my grandma's Lutheran Church." Please show this article to your ELCA friends and urge them to join a more Biblical denomination. Sincerely in Christ, Pastor Tom Brock (You can follow Pastor Brock on Facebook - here and twitter - here.) Michael Rinehart, the ELCA’s Texas Louisiana Gulf Coast Synod Bishop, recently posted a blog of his time spent with controversial ELCA pastor Nadia Bolz-Weber at her church (House For All Sinners and Saints) in Colorado. Bishop Rinehart included in his blog a picture of the church booklet “Welcome” page that said,
“Everyone without exception is welcome to be fed at God's table of Grace (Communion.)” (see here) God’s Word tells us “Whoever, therefore, eats the bread or drinks the cup of the Lord in an unworthy manner will be guilty concerning the body and blood of the Lord. Let a person examine himself, then, and so eat of the bread and drink of the cup. For anyone who eats and drinks without discerning the body eats and drinks judgment on himself.” – 1 Corinthians 11:27-29 How dangerous of this ELCA church to invite everyone, which includes those that reject Christ, to take communion based on this warning from God. And how treacherous for Bishop Rinehart to post this instruction for all to see without denouncing it. |
Prove all things; hold fast that which is good.
1 Thessalonians 5:21 Dan Skogen
Former ELCA seminary student and former ELCA member who is fed up with the ELCA's consistent mockery of God's Word. If you have been helped and blessed by Exposing the ELCA's ministry, please help us continue to proclaim the truth of God's Word to ELCA members who need to hear it.
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February 2025
Have nothing to do with the fruitless deeds of darkness, but rather expose them. - Ephesians 5:11