I, and many others, have been saying for years that the Evangelical Lutheran Church in America pays for abortions of those who are covered by the ELCA health insurance plan (ELCA employees and their families). It is truly horrific that a church, claiming to be followers of Christ, would willingly participate in the killing of an unborn child. It is unfathomable that a pro-life person would be part of that church. In order to shed more light on the vile policy and support of abortion happening in the ELCA, I wrote Portico Benefit Services, an ELCA ministry who administers the ELCA's health insurance, asking them about their coverage of abortions. Below is their response: As you can see "the ELCA health plan does cover a range of procedures that includes those for abortion, up to 20 weeks gestation." Portico also states they cover abortions that fall after 20 weeks of pregnancy, "when the life of the mother is threatened; or...when the fetus has lethal abnormalities indicating death is imminent." It has been said that the ELCA health plan will pay for abortions no matter the reason. If you look at the email you will see that "Portico Benefit Services does not collect data related to abortion claims." That seems to confirm the belief that all abortions, including sex-selection abortion and those because of Down syndrome, would be covered. You can also find much of this same information stated in their 2013 ELCA Health Benefits Plan ELCA-Primary Coverage document. (see here, page 14)
1 Comment
Jessica Davis is an ELCA leader. She is a chaplain for the #decolonizeLutheranism group, an organization formed of mostly ELCA leaders, and a signer of the "Naked & Unashamed Statement" which was also written by ELCA leaders. Jessica Davis was also part of a discussion panel that included the presiding bishop of the Evangelical Lutheran Church in America. (see here)
If there is any doubt that the devil is alive and well in the ELCA, read the following from a blog written by Jessica Davis: “All it did was remind me that the spirit of G-d is a slut. She gives exactly no shits about respectability, about who she’s supposed to be with, about the right time and place and manner in which to make an appearance. She comes and crashes the party, when and how she wills, in whatever body she chooses, and most of the time, she helps you come too. And it is from all her heavenly thotery that revolution is born. She opens her legs and invites us in, there to dwell in the house of the Lord. And today, it is enough.” (see here) That is vile, blasphemous and demonic. Jessica Davis is an example of the type of leadership that is enveloping the ELCA and embraced by them. It is truly disturbing. Below we see the Evangelical Lutheran Church in America disseminating a video of Jessica Davis on the ELCA-administrated "ELCA Reformation 500" Facebook page. (The following article was written a couple years ago by Rev. Tom Brock of pastorsstudy.org. You can follow Pastor Brock on Facebook - here and Twitter - here. At the end of his article, you will find a few additional comments by me.)
Adam Philips is pastor at Christ Church in Portland. He says he is an evangelical and proud of it. He wrote in the Huffington Post that he believes the Holy Spirit led the nation to affirm gay marriage and the Church should do the same. He writes "I...leaned into prayer, I heard the Holy Spirit's call loud and clear: I am doing a new thing in your midst. Come. Taste and see." That is much too close to the unforgivable sin, the blasphemy of the Holy Spirit. The Holy Spirit inspired the Bible which says that homosexual behavior is a sin (for all the verses see my article "What does the Bible say about homosexuality?" at pastorsstudy.org). The Holy Spirit does not contradict Himself. But this pastor thinks the Holy Spirit told him something new. I remember years ago when I was still in the Evangelical Lutheran Church in America. In 1997 the ELCA voted to interchange pastors with the United Church of Christ. Before the vote a pastor publicly asked President Thomas of the UCC "Why does the UCC ordain practicing homosexuals?" He responded that the Holy Spirit led them to do this. I went up to President Thomas afterward and said that I wondered if that wasn't the blasphemy of the Holy Spirit. Yes, a "spirit" led them to do that, but it wasn't the Holy Spirit. The Good News is that Pastor Philips' denomination, the Evangelical Covenant Church, has severed ties with Pastor Philips and his church. The Bad News is that his view can be preached and taught in the Evangelical Lutheran Church in America, the Presbyterian Church USA, the Episcopal Church in America and the United Church of Christ. And all these denominations are shrinking. Pastor Tom Brock -- Here is an example of it being taught in the ELCA. From the Evangelical Lutheran Church in America's official magazine it says: “In 2009, we in the ELCA, under the guidance of the Holy Spirit, found ourselves at a kairos moment to recognize more of God’s people under a bigger tent and a larger table when we adopted “Human Sexuality: Gift and Trust,” the ELCA’s 10th social statement, with editorial amendments, at part of our churchwide assembly… The LGBTQIA community had always been part of God’s chosen people, and the Holy Spirit finally gave us the temerity to stand with them through our public proclamation.” (see here) (The following article was written by Rev. Tom Brock of pastorsstudy.org. You can follow Pastor Brock on Facebook - here and Twitter - here. At the end of his article, you will find a few additional comments by me.)
Elizabeth Eaton, the head Bishop of the Evangelical Lutheran Church in America, said in an interview that there may be a Hell, but she thinks it is empty. Contrast that to the teaching of Jesus, who said in a number of places that there is a Hell and there will be people going there (Luke 16:19-31, for example). Bishop Eaton is tragically wrong. Is it any wonder that Bishop Eaton spends time talking about transgender rights, racism, immigration, etc. but to my knowledge has never talked about the need to believe in Jesus to be saved from Hell. Some time ago she was quoted to say that it is not the business of the Church to save souls, that is God's job. Yes, Bishop Eaton, but Jesus has given that job to the Church in His last words on earth (Matthew 28:19) to "Go ye therefore and make disciples". As long as liberal Protestant leaders like Eaton disbelieve Jesus' words on Hell, liberal mainline denominations will be all about political causes, and will neglect the main thing Christians are called to do: preach the necessity of faith in Christ for salvation (Acts 16:30-31). Sincerely in Christ, Pastor Tom Brock https://chicago.suntimes.com/news/elizabeth-eaton-presiding-bishop-evangelical-lutheran-church-in-america-chicago-if-hell-exists-i-think-its-empty-face-to-faith-podcast/ -- Here is the response from ELCA Presiding Bishop Elizabeth Eaton when she was asked, "Is there a hell?" - Eaton: “There may be, but I think it is empty.” Interviewer: "Really?" Eaton: “Yes.” Interviewer: "Why is that?" Eaton: “Well, Jesus was clear in John chapter 3 that when He is raised up he will draw all people to himself. And if we take a look at salvation history, ever since we got booted out of the garden, it has been God’s relentless pursuit to bring His people to God. Now, people wonder “can you say no?” I imagine you can say “no” to God. I don’t think God is going to give up on us. And if God has eternity, than God can certainly keep working on those folks. So that might be a little bit of a heresy along the lines of Origen, but no, I don’t think God gives up.” If you doubt that the ELCA teaches universalism, here is the ELCA's presiding bishop making it clear. If hell is empty, all people are saved. That is universalism. It is a dangerous heresy, a false teaching, which puts individuals' eternal destiny at risk: faith in Christ is not needed. Live it up, worship other gods, reject Jesus Christ as your Lord and Savior and you will still go to heaven according to the ELCA's top bishop. Of course, the Bible directly says this is not so. Heaven and hell are real and people and angels will populate both. It is time to flee this false-teaching denomination. They are playing with people's eternal lives. They are not telling them the truth of how to be saved. This could not be more serious. Tell your friends and family so they are not led astray either. Share this and pray they will read it and see the truth.
USA Today recently featured two articles highlighting an ELCA pastor who invited Muslims to use his church to hold their prayer services. Apparently, being very proud of this the Evangelical Lutheran Church in America posted about it on social media a number of times. (see below)
ELCA pastor Fred Schenker and Trinity Evangelical Lutheran Church in the Pittsburg, Pennsylvania area opened their church building up for Muslim worship starting in 2007, up until Pastor Schenker's recent retirement. Pastor Schenker said, "There was a group of Muslims, a congregation, and they were trying to find a space to pray. They had been to different churches, trying to find a space just for Friday, and they got nos. And they came to Trinity, and I said well sure. Christ tells us to love all people, and these guys want to pray? Wonderful." (see here and here is the second article) Is it the lack of Biblical knowledge, lack of common sense, the placing of ones own values over that of Scripture or succumbing to Satan's influence that causes a pastor of a Christian church to allow people who worship a deity other than the One True God, the Father, Son and Holy Spirit, to use their building, their worship space, to worship this false god? The same question can be asked of ELCA leadership who lift it up as praiseworthy. Pastor Schenker goes on to say, "In our church family, loving our Muslim neighbors and inviting them to use our church facilities for Friday prayers and activities, sends a strong message that Christians and Muslims not only can tolerate one another, but they can love and respect one another." Loving your neighbor is helping him or her know the Truth. It is not "loving your neighbor" to provide your church building, a place dedicated to the things of the One True God, so people can worship false gods. Should a church allow prostitutes to use their building to have sex with their customers? Should drug dealers be invited to sell and store their drugs in a church in the name of "love your neighbor?" What this church is doing is wicked, harmful and blasphemous. There is but one way to heaven, through Jesus Christ, who is revealed to us in the Bible. Other religions are highways to hell. It is eternally destructive for people to worship other gods. Additionally, it is strike in the face to God to have His building used to worship "any other god." Below are three different posts by official pages of the Evangelical Lutheran Church in America about this issue:
As of Friday afternoon the above post by the ELCA has garnered 766 “likes” and 133 people/churches have "shared" it. You should read the comments and shares, and you will find all kinds of praise of this action from readers. Some of them include: - "Thank-you for doing the right thing." - "It's all about loving our neighbors as ourselves." - "Yes!!! This why I love being a Lutheran." - "My church in South Texas did the same before their mosque was built." (see here) How can people applaud this? Where are the true ministers of God who will inform people that this is wrong? Obviously not in the ELCA. They are failing, and most of them are wolves in sheep's clothing. (My apologies for the vulgar quotes, references, that I have to report this and that the ELCA allows this kind of thing from their leaders.)
The following article is so startling that I need to share it with you, to write about it here and not just post the article itself on the homepage. The article is about a woman who is “getting ordained with the Evangelical Lutheran Church of America.” The article is in ELLE magazine and is titled, “How The ‘Pussy Pastor’ Is Bringing Sex and Christianity Together.” You can read the whole article here. Some “noteworthy” parts of the article include: - "'Jesus had a penis. And wet dreams.’ This was the philosophy that inspired Heidi Johnson to found the Pussy Club, a sex-positive group at Duke Divinity School where Christian female students would discuss, among other things, masturbation as a spiritual practice, in 2014. They also gathered to buy sex toys to explore this newfound sexuality. And so, Johnson earned herself the nickname the ‘Pussy Pastor.’" - Heidi Johnson described “the Pussy Club gatherings…as ‘loud, drunken, emotional mess[es] with tons of laughs, stories shared, and tears shed for the ways the religious community abuses and suppresses women's sexuality by labeling it as evil and sinful and temptation.’" - This September she will begin as an intern pastor in Oregon. - She discusses her “masturbation routine” a couple of places in the article. - She talks about “hooking up with classmates and enjoying her sexuality…” - The article speaks of a fellow student of Heidi’s saying, “After leaving his church because he thought it was incompatible with his queerness, Heidi taught him "’a faith that uses the word of God to help with identity exploration, as opposed to identity suppression.’" - Heidi Johnson “continues to host Pussy Club meetups and online discussions…” If you are thinking “this is just one anomaly” in the church, you have not been paying attention to the Evangelical Lutheran Church in America. See the following blog about similar thinking persons, leaders and pastors in the ELCA here. Also consider how the ELCA continues to push the boundaries, God set, in regard to sex by marrying those in same-sex relationships, ordaining pastors in same-sex relationships, pushing LGBT ideology, supporting LGBT causes/lifestyle in their publications and social media, paying for sex-change operations and hormone therapy in the ELCA health insurance, as well as ordaining transgender individuals. The ELCA is obsessed with sex, pushing sinful sexual practices and trying to influence the minds of its members to view it all as “good.” A recently passed resolution by the New England Synod Assembly says the following:
"Be it resolved that the New England Synod memorialize the ELCA Churchwide Assembly to initiate a process to amend the phrase 'bring all people to faith in Christ' in C4.02b and its constitutional parallels in order to achieve greater consonance with both our understanding of Christian witness and sensitivity to our interfaith contexts." (see here) They want "to amend the phase 'bring all people to faith in Christ...'" What kind of true Christian denomination and Christ-following church leadership would want that? None. A resolution like this is the result of the Evangelical Lutheran Church in America's radical rejection of the truth of Scripture. When leaders in the ELCA teach universalism, that there is no hell, and their missionaries do not seek to convert the lost, why not remove the phrase “bring all people to faith in Christ” and all similar words from ELCA official documents? Watch to see if this comes up in upcoming ELCA churchwide assemblies and other synod assemblies and if the resolution passes. Additionally, at this year's Oregon Synod Assembly, there was the “Adoption of a bylaw allowing congregations to send additional Voting Members to Assemblies who can speak to us about concerns of the LGBTQIA community.” (see here) Is this like stacking the deck? They are allowing churches to bringing additional voting members specifically because of their supportive view on LGBTQIA issues. I wonder what pro-homosexual, pro-transgender initiatives will result from future Oregon Synod assemblies? As if they were not liberal enough. The same people who passed this resolution would throw a fit if someone presented a resolution saying the synod should also allow congregations to send additional voting members to assemblies who hold traditional views of marriage and can speak to heterosexual concerns.
If you doubt the truthfulness of Mr. Van Zile's statement watch the following news discussion: The ELCA has a responsibility to know who they hire and pay to work for the denomination. As a claimed "Christian" denomination it is not acceptable to have people employed (paid by ELCA members financial gifts to the denomination) who are involved in other religious practices that go against Christian belief.
Inez Torres Davis is a lady who “retired as the core racial justice/anti-racism trainer of Women of the ELCA (WELCA) after 20 years. She is also rostered Word & Service lay professional of the ELCA…and she sits on the ELCA’s Theological Discernment table.” She is also a blog writer for WELCA. In a recent article by Inez Torres Davis, that was posted by a Lutheran School of Theology at Chicago webpage, we find out that she is a "Reiki master." (see here) I didn't know what a Reiki master was so I looked it up and found: "Although Reiki claims to be an 'ancient healing practice that Buddha (and Jesus) used,' all records of it were lost. It was allegedly rediscovered by Mikao Usui, a Zen Buddhist monk, in the mid-1800s 'during a psychic experience.' Additionally, it is claimed that details about lost aspects of the practice have 'been revealed through channeling.' Channeling is the New Age term for mediumship and involves contact with, and usually possession by, 'spirit guides.'...a second-degree Reiki practitioner 'learns about spirit guides and how to contact and use them in healing sessions.'... third degree Reiki masters give 'complete control of healing sessions to their spirit guides.' Healing sessions appear to be based on the use of 'life-energy' (i.e. ki, chi, or prana), which is sent from the practitioner into the patient’s body. The greatest concern would seem to be the identity of the 'spirit guides.' Since they are typically contacted in ways expressly forbidden in Scripture, and since they advocate unbiblical ideas and practices, it is honestly quite difficult to view them as anything other than the biblical demons." “Reiki is antithetical to biblical Christianity. Channeling is a way of communicating with spirits to obtain information not otherwise accessible. It is denounced in the Bible as sorcery, mediumship, and spiritism (Lev. 19:26, 31; 20:6; Deut. 18:9-14…).” (see here) This is wicked, evil, dangerous stuff and the ELCA has employed someone who considers herself a "Reiki master." They have placed her in leadership positions and given her the opportunity to influence hundreds of thousands of members through her writing and the positions she has held. The Evangelical Lutheran Church in America is responsible to qualify leaders for service in the denomination. Given this example and the multitude of questionable ELCA leaders I've highlighted over the years (and the ELCA's terrible record on Biblical Truth,) the ELCA should not be trusted for finding Godly, Bible-believing pastors to lead congregations and ministries. See more Exposing the ELCA articles about Inez Torres Davis here. ELCA Presiding Bishop to Participate in the Pro-Abortion Women’s March on Washington Activity1/19/2017
The controversial Women’s March on Washington will take place this weekend, January 21, 2017, one day after the Inauguration of Donald Trump as President of the United States. As with so many far-left activities, you can find the Evangelical Lutheran Church in America’s heavy involvement. The ELCA’s Metropolitan Washington, D.C. Synod publicized a schedule for the week which included a number of Women’s March events along with an announcement saying, “Don’t be surprised if you see the Rev. Elizabeth A. Eaton, ELCA presiding bishop, downtown. She is expected to take part in an inauguration prayer service and Women’s March-related activity.” (see here)
So what is this Women’s March on Washington about? Let’s look at a few of the groups stated principles: “REPRODUCTIVE RIGHTS We believe in Reproductive Freedom. We do not accept any federal, state or local rollbacks, cuts or restrictions on our ability to access quality reproductive healthcare services, birth control, HIV/AIDS care and prevention, or medically accurate sexuality education. This means open access to safe, legal, affordable abortion and birth control for all people, regardless of income, location or education. LGBTQIA RIGHTS We firmly declare that LGBTQIA Rights are Human Rights and that it is our obligation to uplift, expand and protect the rights of our gay, lesbian, bi, queer, trans or gender non-conforming brothers, sisters and siblings. We must have the power to control our bodies and be free from gender norms, expectations and stereotypes. IMMIGRANT RIGHTS Rooted in the promise of America’s call for huddled masses yearning to breathe free, we believe in immigrant and refugee rights regardless of status or country of origin. We believe migration is a human right and that no human being is illegal.” (see here) Planned Parenthood and NARAL Pro-Choice America are the only two "Premier partners" of the Women’s March on Washington. Linda Sarsour, the national co-chair of the Women's March on Washington explains that a theme of the Women’s March is “Hands off Planned Parenthood and our reproductive rights.” (see here) So check this out. The ELCA presiding bishop, an ELCA synod, at least two ELCA churches and many ELCA members are participating in Women’s March activities where one of its main themes is abortion rights. How wicked!! The highest ELCA leader is participating! And this is from a denomination that is never present at the March for Life, an annual pro-life march in Washington, D.C. Joelle Colville-Hanson, the Director of Evangelical Mission at the ELCA’s Northeastern Iowa Synod is going to the Women’s March. She tweets,
And here Pastor Colville-Hanson retweets a tweet by the President of Planned Parenthood. Earlier this week it was reported that a pro-life feminist group was kicked out of the Women’s March. A statement from the Women’s March said, “The Women’s March platform is pro-choice and that has been our stance from day one.” “We want to assure all of our partners, as well as participants, that we are pro-choice as clearly stated in our Unity Principles. We look forward to marching on behalf of individuals who share the view that women deserve the right to make their own reproductive decisions.” (read here) Cecile Richards, the Planned Parenthood Federation of America president said her organization became involved with the Women's March because the march will “send a strong message to the incoming administration that millions of people across this country are prepared to fight attacks on reproductive healthcare, abortion services and access to Planned Parenthood.” (see here) As I mentioned above, Planned Parenthood and NARAL Pro-Choice America are premier partners of the event. Other partners include: #VOTEPROCHOICE, FREE THE NIPPLE, GLAAD, GLBTQ Legal Advocates & Defenders (GLAD), American Atheists, Americans United for Separation of Church and State, Southern Poverty Law Center, Students for Choice, Catholics for Choice, The Center For Reproductive Rights, URGE: Unite for Reproductive & Gender Equity, CODEPINK, Council on American Islamic Relations (CAIR), National Center for Lesbian Rights and National Organization for Women (NOW). (see here) Popular Christian blogger Matt Walsh writes, “The march will be explicitly pro-abortion, anti-family, anti-Christian, etc. To march along side them is to implicitly endorse the ideas that the march was organized to promote. And those ideas are almost entirely vile and reprehensible.” (see here) And there you have the Evangelical Lutheran Church in America. Standing up for the killing of unborn children. How any pro-life pastor can stay in the ELCA is beyond me. ELCA Leader Says It Is the 'Deepest, Darkest Dreams of So Many' ELCA Members To Kill Black People12/10/2016 If you are an ELCA member who voted for Donald Trump, are not marching with Black Lives Matter, are white, Bible-believing, conservative . . . YOU are the problem, at least in the view of liberal, wacko, Christian-in-name-only ELCA leaders. Here is a post made last week on the ELCA Facebook group by Francisco Herrera, a Ph. D student at the ELCA's LSTC who is also the "Diversity Blog Manager" at the school (see more information about him here): (Dylann Roof is an ELCA member who killed nine black people at a church in Charleston, South Carolina.) You may want to reread what Mr. Herrera said. He is stating that many ELCA members want to kill black people, that it is their "deepest, darkest dreams" to do what Dylann Roof did. This is a leader in the ELCA. Did I mention that Mr. Herrera is the Operations and Fundraising Coordinator for #decolonizeLutheranism? This is a group which has gained a huge following within the ELCA leadership. Anger and hatred for Bible-believing ELCA members is growing strong. The ELCA leadership has done its best to force its liberal, Bible-defying measures upon them. They have even convinced some members that the ELCA is right in declaring homosexual sex "good," that Israel is an evil entity, abortion is "loving," transexuals are correcting God's mistakes, converting non-Christians should not be pursued and the Bible is full of myth and mistakes. But that isn't enough, now many ELCA leaders are telling ELCA members how racist they are, that their Lutheran cultural traditions are discriminatory and that they are the problem. If you do not assimilate to all of their view points, you are the enemy. And the election of Donald Trump has greatly elevated their anger toward ELCA members who do not hold to their political, social and religious views. (see more) Here is more of the discussion from Mr. Herrera's post on the ELCA FB page: Why be a part of a denomination that treats you, and allows leadership to treat you with such contempt? ![]()
Many leaders in the Evangelical Lutheran Church in America are showing their true colors. For years I've been documenting the anger and dislike they have for conservative, Bible-believing people, including ELCA members. Taking it to a whole new degree, the election of Donald Trump has them unhinged. They are exploding in vile, demonic-like hate. Be aware that there is vulgarity below. Here is some of what I am seeing.
- Lenny Duncan, who is a Vicar at an ELCA Church and Candidate for Ordination to the office of Word and Sacrament in the ELCA, recently wrote a blog that included this picture on the right. In Mr. Duncan's blog he writes, "More than half of America has spoken, and it was what I have come to expect. They have sided with hatred." "If you are a leader in the church, or in a movement of liberation, our fight has just begun. If you are complicit in this travesty, may God have mercy on your soul." (see here) ELCA pastor Rev. Kwame L Pitts wrote this: ELCA Rev. John P Willmann posted: ELCA Pastor Joelle Colville-Hanson, who is the Director for Evangelical Mission at the Northeastern Iowa Synod, has been very angry and vocal about the election. See her comment below and you can see more from her at her twitter account here. ELCA pastor Alex Darling-Raabe had this to say to someone on FB who said they voted for Mr. Trump: In a different thread on an ELCA Clergy page Alex Darling-Raabe writes: Francisco Herrera, a Ph. D student at the ELCA's LSTC and their "Diversity Blog Manager" posts this hate-filled diatribe: Then there is this from ELCA pastor Robert Franek, who if you see what he is tweeting is is a liberal fanatic (over 160 tweets and retweets in a 24 hour period this week):
Next is a comment by Sherianne Molzahn Caldwell. See her bio on the Northwest Washington Synod website here, (page 3): Ian McConnell, a candidate for ordination in the ELCA says:
The most popular pastor in the ELCA says:
Listen to what they are saying...many of the comments rail on people who voted for Donald Trump. I doubt they would be doing the same if Hillary Clinton or socialist Bernie Sanders won the election. Even if you do not like Donald Trump, the behavior of these ELCA leaders is ugly, evil and disgusting. They are poor representatives of Jesus Christ.
The Evangelical Lutheran Church in America has long been an enemy of the Jewish State. (see here) Earlier this week, at the ELCA’s Churchwide Assembly, the ELCA voted in favor of a resolution that calls on the United States government to end all aid to Israel until a list of ELCA demands are met. (Note that they did NOT call for the stoppage of U.S. aid to “Palestine” which takes foreign aid money {see here}, intended for humanitarian causes, and uses them for weapons, military terror tunnels, etc., in their quest to kill Jewish men, women and children.)
The ELCA Twitter page announced:
Here is the list of demands the ELCA has for Israel, whereby they say aid from the United States to Israel may be reinstated:
“…To urge this church’s members, congregations, synods agencies and presiding bishop to call on their U.S. Representatives, Senators and the Administration to take action requiring that, to continue receiving U.S. financial and military aid, Israel must comply with internationally recognized human rights standards as specified in existing U.S. law, stop settlement building and the expansion of existing settlements in East Jerusalem and the West Bank, end its occupation of Palestinian territory, and enable an independent Palestinian state;" The ELCA also wants: "To encourage this church’s members, congregations, synods, and agencies to call on the U.S. President to recognize the State of Palestine and not prevent the application of the State of Palestine for full membership in the United Nations.” (see here, page 100) Then yesterday the Evangelical Lutheran Church in America voted in favor (over 90%) of another resolution aimed at hurting Israel called “Justice for the Holy Land through Responsible Investment.” This resolution will be used by the ELCA to divest from Israel and select companies that do business with Israel. Their "recommendation" is astounding: “Recommendation for Assembly Action” “To reaffirm the actions of the 2005, 2007, 2011 and 2013 Churchwide Assemblies regarding responsible investment in Israel-Palestine; To direct the ELCA’s Corporate Social Responsibility review team to develop a human rights social criteria investment screen based on the social teachings of this church and, in the case of Israel and Palestine, specifically based on the concerns raised in the ELCA Middle East Strategy; To encourage ELCA members, congregations, synods, agencies and institutions to increase positive investment in Palestine and other under-resourced areas where human rights abuses materially impact the well-being of all people; and To encourage ELCA members, congregations, synods, agencies and institutions to engage in shareholder advocacy in support of human rights, exercising the right of a shareholder to submit resolutions at a corporation’s annual meeting.” (see here, page 105) When the ELCA says “Investment screen” what they mean is “divestment” from Israel. The BDS haters (the Boycott, Divestment, Sanctions movement against Israel) are applauding this move. The ELCA already has a boycott policy, as detailed by ELCA’s leader Elizabeth Eaton, who said, “We also engage in selective purchasing. So we not only try to trade with the Palestinian Authority, but we do not purchase products made in the illegal Israeli settlements.” (see here) The ELCA is a stooge of Hamas and Jew-hating parties. The ELCA makes declarations aimed at hurting Israel for the “imaginary” speck but is complicit in their silence of the huge log of evil and atrocities perpetrated by the “Palestinians.” That is anti-Semitic. In a time where anti-Semitism is even occurring at the Olympic games (see here) we have a supposed-Christian denomination seeking to harm Jews on trumped up charges. Israel is surround by countries with horrific human rights violations and by “Palestinians” who kill and celebrate the killing of Israeli children. And the ELCA demonizes Israel and wants land won by Israel, in defensive wars, to be given to those who will do everything possible to destroy the Jewish state? The ELCA has taken a stand with Satan. It is time for Bible-believing Christians to get out of this demonically-inspired denomination. Clint Schnekloth is an ELCA pastor, author, writer and speaker who is well-known within the Evangelical Lutheran Church in America. He controls at least two ELCA Facebook pages which reach thousands of people, and he wields a great deal of power and influence by dictating who is allowed to post and what kind of comments will be allowed on his ELCA pages. Not only does he have the respect of fellow ELCA leaders and members because of that power, but Pastor Schnekloth's influence reaches much farther. He “...write(s) content for a worship resource published by Augsburg Fortress. It's called Sundays & Seasons...” (see here) Now that you know a little about ELCA pastor Schnekloth, take a look at the vile, non-Biblical and sacrilegious comment he made about Jesus, the Son of God:
Pastor Schnekoth believes Jesus was intersex? What?!?! This is the definition of intersex: "An individual having reproductive organs or external sexual characteristics of both male and female." It is disgusting that a man with this kind of power and influence within the ELCA is telling people that Jesus was intersex, a hermaphrodite. What kind of spirit is at work in someone who thinks like this? The ELCA has turned the Bible into an arbitrary reference guide that has no authority. It tells them about Jesus, but it isn't good for much more than that. Because of their view of God's Word, they can ignore plain teaching, such as "She will give birth to a son, and you are to give him the name Jesus, because he will save his people from their sins" (Matthew 1:21) and make things up to fit their twisted worldview. It is demonic. God will not be mocked. Please share the truth of what is going on with your ELCA friends and family. Here are some more Exposed blogs about the teachings, sayings and ways of ELCA Rev. Clint Schnekloth: It is well known and documented that the Evangelical Lutheran Church in America is pro-abortion. (see here and scroll down here for that information), but when you see an ELCA pastor outright promoting abortion, it is still startling for most God-fearing believers. Rev. Peder Hinderlie, an ELCA pastor in Milnor, North Dakota, proudly posted his donation to fund abortions on his Facebook page: And there is more to this story. As you might have been able to deduct, the woman who is raising money for this cause is Pastor Hinderlie's wife. Not only is she raising money to help pay for abortions, she also works at the abortion-providing Red River Women's Clinic as a Patient Educator/Advocate. Here is the fundraising page the ELCA pastor's wife made: Abortion is evil. And here we have an ELCA pastor and his wife working to see more unborn children be aborted. Below is a related post from Pastor Hinderlie's wife shouting her support for Planned Parenthood and gay pride. |
Prove all things; hold fast that which is good.
1 Thessalonians 5:21 Dan Skogen
Former ELCA seminary student and former ELCA member who is fed up with the ELCA's consistent mockery of God's Word. If you have been helped and blessed by Exposing the ELCA's ministry, please help us continue to proclaim the truth of God's Word to ELCA members who need to hear it.
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February 2025
Have nothing to do with the fruitless deeds of darkness, but rather expose them. - Ephesians 5:11